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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. No problem. I was actually just trying to find out why rep wasn't signed. I thought from here on out it had to be.
  2. Well like I wrote in the texts....just let me know.
  3. I thought that rep had to be signed now. Someone just repped me for this thread and never signed it. sigh...... ^^^and what's up with the "man whore"????
  4. At this point....yes it would be very scary! lol
  5. Exaggerating?????? I think NOT! And THANKS for sticking up for us "overpaid" medical professionals Kristen!
  6. Ahhh I might come too Yota! I'm NOT wearing the scary costume thos from Saturday. If it's warm I may ride if I'm able.
  7. Ummm you know YOU could add an extra reservation for someone now too MJ! **wink, wink** I already told you I'd be there tho!
  8. Not for someone who works 250 hours a week Kristen!
  9. Jason I saw you turning the corner as I was crossing over to the mall. It was 5pm when I left and there were several that hadn't showed up yet. This was an extremely well organized event.
  10. ^^^ride??? No way! Too cold! Plus, I'm gonna hit polaris and do some shopping. I'm gonna be needing some new clothes very soon!
  11. I went with a friend yesterday IN MY CAR and had my heated seats and heater on high for most of the ride back. Which route did you take? I took the highway down there and then took 188 to 674 back. The latter takes MUCH longer but is lots more fun on the bike.
  12. ^^^^Oh Man Kevin and I shouldn't have left so early. There were some vewy vewy interesting convos going on after we left.
  13. Shush Kevin! Like you have room to talk. And yes Andy we were VERY lucky to not get tickets. That deputy sherrif what quite nice to us!
  14. I'm in MJ. I've been wanting to go but never have.
  15. OMG..... You're actually posting!!!!!
  16. You said that you don't ride unless it's over 60 degrees! It's suppose to be over 70 tomorrow! Untuck that baby!
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