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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. I think these two will be just fine. There are actually some people that make good choices in their partners.
  2. ^^well lets get him liquored up tonight! OK folks I'm leaving work!
  3. How's sexy Yota doing today? :)

  4. I WAS TEASING Howard! :D

  5. I don't know....what IS his preference karissa?
  6. It depends on if he's gonna be in his tighty whitey undies?
  7. OK well I'll be waiting on the edge of my seat for your story!

  8. What couldn't find any women that didn't want your body or no desire to get some new clothes? Inquiring minds want to know.

  9. ^^^Whatever! Karissa actually has some class! She doesn't need to have a bunch of drooling men look at bootie shots to make her feel all perty inside.
  10. ^^ya and that was meant to read...WHO not how. I never re-read my crap! I think Garrett may be sippin on something a bit early today.
  11. Ummm did you find someone that's not a FWB to help you clothes shop? :)

  12. LOL. This made me chuckle quite a bit. I'm not telling you what Brian did to have me make a statement like that. And the last statement......
  13. How the heck is Jennifer? Is that Karissa's middle name?
  14. I agree with Justin on this. Pretty cool idea.
  15. You and Charles really do want to see me dead. This is the second time I'm hearing this today. Yes they'd better!
  16. That's all I have to say. Zorro I hope you're really really really really sad tomorrow!
  17. Sorry Yota! It's been a hot minutes since Kawi and I had some fun online! Don't complain I won't leave you out. IF Jeff really comes it's gonna be a funny day! I'm kinda excited about this now. I've never done this so the new adventure should be quite fun! Woot!
  18. OK...I'll turn around and get to sleep! I have to be to work by 630 tomorrow morning so I can get off early. I have some sizzlin HOT plans tomorrow night! Your loss.
  19. Coshocton is only 10 minutes away now!
  20. Brian no offense but I may be 3 times your size.....well at least in the bootie anyway.
  21. Gosh I totally did forget about that. I'll have to pull it out of the closet and blow the dust off....literally.
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