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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. Just b/c your young you still NEED your flu shots!!! :-) I get mine every year.
  2. I can't find anything out about the school levies.....anyone know?????
  3. SCREW ALL YA'LL....u got ur wish and Obama is taking Ohio. Let me be happy for 2 seconds!!! :-)
  4. Well I have to be happy that at least one thing I voted for went right!!! Although the electorial vote is 115 to 174 now. McCain just took Georgia. We're still trailing though. Tears falling. hehe.
  5. They just announced on channel 10 that issue 6 failed !!!! Woot! I'm very excited!
  6. Thank YOU!!! I only have 16 days of vacation this year and they are all being used for scuba! ANY weekend is fine for me!!!!
  7. I'm game but I don't have a trailor yet. I have a trailor hitch on the back of my suv but no hitch.
  8. Hahahha nice avatar. I see ur marking ur teritory. :-)))) j/k.

  9. I'm not feeling the romantic cabin thing BUT I may seriously be game to ride some atv's. I'm thinking about purchasing one but I'm NOT sure which kind I want to get.

  10. how do u swap games? I am clueless. I haven't even set up the wifi on my ps3 yet. I'm a gaming virgin. All I've ever done is Atari! hehe.
  11. I think your guy will win charles but I still voted for McCain.
  12. Kevin I think we both missed alot that night! I am NEVER doing that again!
  13. It's not really the price range per se. I just want quality tires that are going to last and serve their full purpose. Everyone that's ridden with me know that I am extremely slow in the corners (b/c I'm scared still after 6 years of riding) but on straits I will top out my bike. I do alot of riding back and forth to work in the summer but I really want to get to the track SEVERAL times this next season. I'm not going to be tearing it up in the corners and wearing down my tires unless for some reason i get an epiphany and correct my fear of corners. Thus, I want something with quality that will get me through at least my first track day. B/C if for some reason I find I love the track days i will switch my suzuki over to a track bike only (b/c its such a pain in the butt to make it track ready and i'm lazy like that) and purchase a liter bike for the street. I know that's wordy but I'm extremely long winded. I may go with flounder's suggestion???? He's been on the track tons and I assume he is somewhat cost conscious, right? hehe.
  14. I voted on Friday but it was the same for me. I had to go all the way to the bottom of the page to cast my vote.....
  15. No offense Aaron.....I know I'm slow! that's why I was asking everyone's opinion on what to buy. I didn't want to spend money I didn't need to.
  16. so u own different atv's? I may have to drive out to coshocton!

  17. Actually I should have a party. I just don't know when.
  18. How much does it cost to get tires mounted?
  19. Didn't we just have a date on Facebook Kevin??? Thanks. What's ur rationale for those types???
  20. I've had track leathers for 2 years now but never used them. lol. I could never find anyone to go with me.

  21. OK so I was informed on Sunday that I need a new back tire for my bike! Boo!!!! Anyhoo, as you are all aware I always ask for people's opinions and frankley I know nothing about tires so I'm starting my research here. I'm gonna purchase front and back together. I know I've said this b/f but I WILL be doing several track days this next season (school & boards r done...yah....and GSXRnurse FINALLY got some leathers!) so what do u all think would be a good set of tires. I'm aware that if I do track days frequently I will probably be purchasing tires more often but i want something durable. :D:D
  22. Hey a couple of us were thinking of going up to qsl on wednesday. It shouldn't be too cold until later in the night. It's suppose to be 75 degrees that day! U guys game???

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