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Everything posted by jhaag

  1. that made me lol. also, you're left with an interesting outcome for your argument. you say you would fight tooth and nail (my words) to get a debit card to feed your kid, yes? you also make mention of the fact that the buses dont have anywhere to take the displaced, yes? so, that begs the question, where are you going to spend the money for which you just fought? if you are all in the same boat, for what first right are you fighting?
  2. +1.....wait, did i just agree with you? man, i feel dirty....
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100909/ap_on_re_us/quran_burning
  4. mmmmmmm mmmmm......(sigh) i am a simple being...
  5. http://www.campaignforliberty.com/article.php?view=1104
  6. honestly, i would have to understand the entire context for GB's attack on the system. it seemed to me to be a specific situation he was upset about. although, i do agree that he can be quite the 'chicken little'. also, anything can be taken out of context to get a laugh......sorry, not really a fan of JS.
  7. so, like i said......rule no 4: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. can we not stay civilized? feel free to disect my comment trying to keep in mind that the last sentence was meant to be a joke. i dont know anything about Alan Keyes, but i'm sure you dont have any problem finding those people on the fringe. especially since they are the ones who are most vocal and tend to have missed the point almost entirely. sitting ducks, really. the thing that is missed here is the point of the whole movement. i agree that it should have happened years ago, but obamas very aggressive and in-your-face agenda, lack of understanding that bypartisanship means middle ground, not just agree with me and 'we won' attitude just really opened peoples eyes. i know why i've gone to some of these rallies and thats all that matters, really. the tea parties, sarah palin (not the woman but the concept of an 'ordinary' citizen as a leader; although i dont think she's the right person for the job) and glenn becks message of understanding the founding principals of this country are things that should be well recieved by any american; again, as ideas. instead, we continually find ways to demonize the opposition. sad, really.....
  8. http://www.campaignforliberty.com/article.php?view=1095
  9. i agree with this, because i've listened to him without bias. i cant believe i'm going to type this, but.........citation? i cant imagine anyone who has experienced one of these rallies first hand having your first pov. shows how well Saul Alinsky's tactics work, as utilized by the modern left. also, the GB quote shows he does care about politics; otherwise, he would have said, "I couldnt care less....." i dont think you can quote just his first sentence and run with it, i feel you miss the point. our govt must grow in proportion to population as a republic, but as mentioned it always looks to increase its size and power for its own survival in the name of protecting the people. well, you dont gain one thing by giving up another.
  10. the point i'm trying to make, and disappointed that you missed it, is that it is being used now by the people against our own govt as it becomes more and more intrusive. its our responsibility to question govt. there was no problem questioning the Bush adm'n, it was actually applauded. i think its about time citizens peacfully assemble to show their discontent. the other comment was to say that it doesnt serve any productive purpose to be a party person; simply agree with an agenda because it originates from your party; falling in line for govt instead of holding govt accountable for its actions, or lack thereof. that is what she said! but she's a smelly pirate hooker!
  11. divisive from what, exactly? mother government? nothing more devisive from the Constitution than freemen who when told to jump only feel compelled to ask how high, instead of by who/or whats authority?
  12. http://www.campaignforliberty.com/article.php?view=1073 con't
  13. jhaag


    i used to have a Kitler.
  14. i hope you're not still counting!
  15. http://www.ronpaul.com/2010-08-20/ron-paul-sunshine-patriots-stop-your-demagogy-about-the-nyc-mosque/
  16. jhaag

    New gun

    sweet! i have one in SS (see below).
  17. my cousin, who rode in the event, said that she slid out due to the wet road. i dont think the guy was being totally careless. but, idk, i wasnt there. very sad chain of events. rip
  18. http://www.campaignforliberty.com/article.php?view=1063
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