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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. So I haven't seen Matt post in awhile...This made me wonder where he's been. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JZcKtiOjig
  2. I rode there quite a few years ago and found the the trails to the far left were best for dirtibikes. A lot of the trails are really rutted from the quads, some so much that quads were bottoming out. I suppose it could have changed since i've been there too though. Over all I had a pretty good time riding there though.
  3. I support this idea. Basement for the win. My only concern would be having to turn at the top or bottom of the stairs. If you have a straight shot on both ends I don't see any issues. Some pulleys and a fair amount of rope at the top and bottom of the stairs and some sort of carrier with a chock to guide it up the stairs. Then of course a sloped plane on the stairs to make them a ramp. Think of a roller coaster and how it's pulled up and locks at each "step" If you design a proper system you can do this alone, just do it right the first time.
  4. I'm no help with your original question, but about the deleting everything from the phone...I bought a cheap blackjack off some girl on craigslist a few months ago and she said she was pretty sure she'd cleared everything off of it...I went through the phone and found a small file of "personal" pictures. It was win for me. She was hot. Don't have them anymore though so no pics...
  5. I think the biggest issue with a tire plug/patch is the "what if" Without data, I can tell you that a plugged tire is prone to leak before an intact tire. You can argue it if you want to because I don't have any numerical proof to back that up. Logically speaking, however, a tire with a hole in it will leak before a tire without. Plugs will stop that leak, sometimes forever sometimes temporarily. Motorcycle tires are flexed much more than car tires so there is a greater risk of that plug being pushed to a position that is going to allow the tire to leak. So in the end, a plugged tire may hold air and last the rest of it's lifetime or it may not. As a rider, it's up to you to gamble your chances. I don't know of any deaths or serious accidents with blame to a plugged tire, but you are at a greater risk since that tire is damaged. Weigh the odds and do what you want to. Typically I won't ride much on a plugged tire and when I had my shop I definitely wouldn't plug a tire for someone because of the liability risk.
  6. How long until Facebook is being sued because of a game of Farmville...If they wouldn't have created the game this girl wouldn't have shaken her baby because she wouldn't have had to tend to her crop...It must be facebook's fault.
  7. Ok when ya gonna take this one back too. Is it really your birthday or is this just another tease thread? HBD.
  8. HS classmate... Mike Auxier
  9. I don't think mine is even aware of the day...I'm safe.
  10. A radar detector is a tool. I like mine, but I still use my eyes as my primary anti cop detection unit.
  11. I have a V1 and that's what I'll always buy. My dad has the passport. As far as which is better, I think they both do a fine job with detection. The V1 is my favorite because it tells you which way the signal is coming from. And for what it's worth, even when the cops are using the "laser" rf guns, they still have to hit you at least twice as I understand it. If you aren't running at stupid speed there's plenty of time to tap the brakes and get slowed down before that second trigger pull. It's saved me multiple times. I've picked up Ka band from as far as 2 miles away with the V1. It sucks because it starts going off real faint and so I slow down and wait and wait and there's nothing. Finally I see the car. The only thing that really bugs me is a lot of building alarms are x-band, and some cops still use x band. I mostly ignore the x band tones, but thats the one that got me a ticket last year...
  12. Doesn't light traveler quicker than sound? Therefore couldn't you argue that you can see something before you hear it? And with that logic, loud pipes don't save lives. They just annoy those around you. /thread
  13. If you're in rational fear of your life and can prove it, you can shoot someone. I was talking to an officer where I live in Nashville and trying to gather some information on TN vs OH ccw laws. Specifically castle doctrine. My question to him was, If someone kicks in my door where I live can I shoot at first site? His response was, Well he's not there for coffee is he? Thats just one situation, but long story shot, if it's justified you can shoot. I'm sure someone on here knows more than I do (that's the way this place is) so you'll get other answers.
  14. Would you like it e-mail style? I got it a few days ago, but didn't feel like going through the effort of saving pictures and posting them.. I'll email it to you.
  15. +1 for her. Also surprised that she got away with it, living in IL...
  16. I've tried to like cruisers and just can't. I've ridden many different models and none of them excite me. I don't understand them. I don't like how they turn, I don't like their lack of power, I don't like how they sound, I don't like the image that precedes them, I think the amount of money owners spend on chrome/accessories is ludicrous. I don't even think the majority are comfortable. Maybe age will change me, but not right now. However, to each his own. Enjoy the new ride if you follow thru.
  17. Sounds like that cop was having a bad day and took it out on you. I've never had a problem with tint and don't know anyone that ever has...
  18. Did I use the wrong smileys? I was hoping to pass along a smidge of sarcasm DTC
  19. There's nothing that great about DTC anyway, don't get butthurt. It's probably a bigger honor not to be a member.
  20. My tools consist of a cell phone, $200 in cash, and a prayer that the cellphone works when I run into problems. I figure if the bike breaks while I'm out, there's not going to be a toolkit small enough to fit in my bike that will fix what needs to be fixed...
  21. I guess double posting is one way to get more posts...
  22. I'm never having kids. This thread comfirms that. Childcare alone is more than every bill I have per month, including rent.
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