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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. It's been happening for 1000's of years. People are just too PC today.
  2. Could apply. His life was in immediate danger when the truck drive decided to occupy the same space as him. I say try it next time and post that video.
  3. I tend to take the offensive when I feel like I'm being tailgated. I'm on a much faster, nimble and capable machine than anything a cager is in. I will distance myself and usually try to put myself in a position further ahead of the tailgater as to all them to freely do their business behind someone else. Now if they close the gap I have created and purposely get behind me again then all bets are off as to my decision to go defensive or not and start kicking off mirrors and putting dents in shit at 70mph.
  4. Advanced is always open. Everyone wants to be KING OF INTERMEDIATE!!!
  5. Fuck all that. I paid good money to dump it down in my RV and I'm gonna do any time I need to. I ain't gonna try to pinch a Hershey explosion while trying to walk to the track facilities. It's just shit to drain out and anyone that's ever had kids should be able to handle draining a black tank.
  6. And I was in the passenger seat on the way up, so you can beg all you want.
  7. I'm callin' BS. It's not that it would be uncouth. It's because she'd be forced to come to terms with her poop being worse than yours because she can't flush it away before she has to look at it.
  8. And that coming from the guy that was just railing the shit out of my truck going out to Grattan with a small trailer on the back.
  9. Shit...it barely made it into 6th gear about 5% of the time going to Putnam. 5th gear must be the sweet spot and the turbos were spooled up the entire time. The up and down hills on 275 didn't help at all either. I can't imagine what your mileage will be with John's trailer hooked to the back of your truck.
  10. I was willing to pay for fuel you cheap ass. But it's been an interesting experience thus far with all the little shit that I've had to replace...city water inlet, gas hoses for tank to switch/regulator, water pressure valve, toilet valve, waste gates, etc. And the truck gets awesome milage too!! One of you asshats buy this already so John can start his new threat..."My wife's new bathroom!!".
  11. I'm sure John can tell you the exact weight on the sticker from the factory but by the time you put gear, water, food, etc. in it I'd bet you would be close to 8500-9000 lbs. I think you're rated at 9700 lbs with the stuff on your truck. That doesn't mean you couldn't haul it but you're be pushing it to say the least (as I'm sure John might tell you).
  12. Jinu doesn't mess around, he goes tiny little Asian balls deep when he buys equipment. Go big or go home!!!
  13. At least you'll never go hungry in that household. With all those chicken strips you have there.
  14. A 4 pack of NGK plugs are only $27 on Amazon. I'd replace them all just to make sure as a last resort before selling it.
  15. He is, but when I text him he better start answering them or he's going to have a broken ass along with that caved in chest.
  16. I would recommend that whatever you do, try to buy something CPO. That should give you some piece of mind and usually a 12mo./12k bumb to bumber warranty. I recently picked up a lightly used '13 SHO that was CPO and would have normally given my a 7yr/70k bumber to bumber warranty. But I was able to get the car cheap enough I opted for a 10yr/120k mile transferable warranty. WAY to much electronic shit in new cars today, especially this thing.
  17. I don't know about all that. I love following someone that's running better than me in parts that I'm not good at or could improve on. I always learn something and that's what makes it all fun for me following Chuck. I can't speak for Stevie...I just want him to twist the throttle all the way open instead of limp wristing that shit.
  18. Throw some knobbies on the Duc and get after it Hob!
  19. Nope. They'll say "Hi!" and hand you pink citation right after that.
  20. Could it simply be that Honda build a bad unit? They're not perfect as many manufactures aren't. Bad casting or bad liner...a fair amount of riding time...and it just gave up.
  21. I'm sure Honda could care less about pissing off a minuscule amount of shareholders to continue their marketing ploys and sell some uber cool expensive as shit bikes.
  22. It's Honda. I'm pretty sure they can blow a few million dollars on something stupid and not lose any sleep. Just sayin'.
  23. I'm out for this weekend, too much other stuff committed like a bachelor party, father's 70th bday, etc. I might....might...be able to come out for Sunday to help out.
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