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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Most of this information is good... http://www.ronhazelton.com/tips/how_to_drain_and_flush_a_water_heater
  2. You would be surprised at how much sediment is in the tank even with the new designs which are supposed to help keep this from happening.
  3. If your tank is equipped with a drain valve at the bottom you should be flushing the tank annually typically. Also, there is sometimes a sacrificial anode rod in the tank which after it's gone minerals will start in on the tank itself. So check to see if you have an anode rod and if there's anything left of it. These can be replaced also which help the longevity. Then there's the whole dielectric unions debate when installing a new tank.
  4. That and Carrie would cut you off for good cuz babys daddy ain't gonna go anywhere!
  5. I thought you'd like that since you were asking for that info.
  6. I wonder if I can get a guest appearance on Piers' show. All I would regurgitate would be those stats and asking him over and over again why is it he wants to ban such weapons. We'd all see how he "takes offence" to true facts.
  7. Interesting... http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-7 Violent crimes are going down each year and have been since the early 90's according to FBI stats. http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-1 Nothing is specific about the types of weapons used in these reports but lets assume it's an absurdly high number like 100 people every year are killed by "assault weapons". Given last years rates, 14,612, "assault weapons" accounted for what.... 0.68436901177115% of murdered people. Why again are the gun grabbers, congress, the left, etc. so bent over my AR again?
  8. I love how Shapiro jumped straight into Morgan's shit with his first few words. Awesomesauce!
  9. I scoff at you meager abilities to find your way out of a wet paper bag!
  10. No doubt! Shit, get your butt on a plane to Italy and get those damn parts already!
  11. "COMPLETE: Ben Shapiro CUTS Piers Morgan DOWN" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJdhAm_oUUs
  12. Even the great Tony Robbins couldn't get the douche to talk about what common sense things can be done to address the problems. All the idiot can do is say assault weapons don't belong in the publics hands.
  13. I hope you guys are watching Piers get his ass handed to him by his guest tonight. I like this Shapiro guy.
  14. I'm going to have to see who's on the gun control cabinet now that I'm thinking more about it. I'm going to bet that there is not a single gun advocate on that board.
  15. If you get these I'm going throw them on the ground and kick them all over the paddock area just to break them in right.
  16. Biden already said today that "they have not been able to accurately gather information or statistics"....more or less. Not sure any numbers brought forth will hold much weight.
  17. You's still go in hot and over shoot T1 at MidO then barely save it with those boots. No need to go baller boot and ruin them.
  18. Yup, they'll ban quivers and bow attachments which allow you to carry more than 4 arrows at a time.
  19. That is how you tell O-ban-a and our current congressional body to go fly a fucking kite!
  20. She could run your burrito cart during lunch hours downtown. Just a suggestion.
  21. I think it would be more than that, but it shouldn't be $1M. Maybe $300-400k for a resurface I would guess. Hell, they have Summit as a sponsor. Tell them they need to kick in some cash!
  22. You're a pretty smooth talker there...workin' to get those man digits.
  23. You tell him I said that was a bullshit bid and to come to his senses.
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