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Everything posted by SJC1000rr

  1. Yeah, I was mainly just looking for the trackday on Saturday really. Need to save some $$ for the wera race weekend at the end of the month. VIR set me back a bit more then I hoped, but would like to ride Saturday with everyone if it goes well with the weather.
  2. Interested in going as extra practice before the WERA event at the end of the month would be great. Skipped some of the thread, but do we have the Motoseries membership fee or just the price posted? If the weathers good, I'm in for the trackday but probably not the race as I need to save some $$.
  3. No electric so you would have to get or use a generator.
  4. Too bad its 06, I'll be selling my 07 shortly =/
  5. I'd be there, but I had to work and was at court. Worse case it goes through, with deal with it for a bit, then we over turn it in election on referendum.
  6. You'll need to contact Reuben on what his turn around would be. I know he had to head South for some Kevin Schwantz stuff this on the beginning of this week.
  7. +3 for Reuben. Just got back from his place yesterday with my bike. If you can get the forks off, just call and ship them out to him. He can redo it all and send them right back with new fluid/seals and proper spring rates if you need it. Had him do just about everything for me so far and I'll keep going back. (Full refresh on front forks/penske shock, supersport engine build, steering head bearings, geometry adjustment, and shifter/tranny inspection) All in two weeks timeframe and a great price.
  8. Had an 04 and liked it pretty well. Only got rid of it because I traded up to an 07 1000rr. I have an 07 600 that I turned into a race bike and I really like it so far also. Changed the oem brake pads out and that helped braking performance along with SS lines. Other then that, maybe get an aftermarket seat for longer trips as it does save your butt. (Sargent worked wonders for me). Overall, I think I liked the riding position of the 04 better then the 07, but agility wise the 07 is better.
  9. Another interesting take on this, and how it may be prohibited already per federal law. Citizens United vs. the FEC http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stephen-herrington/citizens-united-prohibits_b_824908.html?ref=fb&src=sp
  10. The theory of a merit based pay was brought up in out last contract negations and management decided then that it wouldn’t work. It wasn’t a blind side attack, it was a discussion on how it would be implemented and they couldn’t find a fair way to do it and dropped the issue shortly after bring it to the table. Us to them: Base it off arrested:Yes Warrants and charges filed:Sure Reports done: Uh…,Yes Buildings checked etc:Yes How about traffic stops and field interviews: Uhh…. Never mind. All of the items above can be varied/skewed by shift, dispatchers and management. There’s no way to make it work in public safety and it opens the door to discrimination by all the above on who they like and don’t like. Lawsuits will follow quickly and it also victimizes the pubic even more. How so? If a merit system were put in place where “stats” on what you did and how you spend your time determined your salary. Then tickets count for pay also, so guess what’s going to happen. You thought there was a “quota” system out there now, it will skyrocket. Everyone for even the most minor of infractions are going to get tickets, and pay even more through insurance. The government still wins and gets rich at the expense of everyone else’s loss, and the pubic will hate public services even more. I can’t say that everyone will do it, but that’s what I’d do if it were me..and I know I’m not the only one at work with this mindset. Let alone how to measure it for the other sections. How many fires you put out or lives saved? Or how many prisoners you escorted or riots you broke up. How well did your english students do on the senior tests? This isn't all the employee's fault for any of these scenarios, yet they are considering basing pay off it? With our collective bargaining, its just that...elected persons from the membership body come together with management to workout problems. Discussion on non-financial issues and financial ones and come to a proposal and agreement. What’s so bad about that? Isn't that what anyone would want in there job?..where they can work with their employer towards the future. Our current proposal for the next 3 years: 2%-0%-0%... So its not like we are asking for a lot or forcing it down the throats of management. That’s a .67 cent raise for one year, then nothing for two years with health insurance cost going up. Our Vice President/Director of public safety gave himself 3.48% raise in 2009 $124,776->$129,144 and in 2010 (Hello recession!?!?... a 7.78% raise to $140,004!
  11. I'm in this boat, but even more so. As a PD/University/State employee. Not only will they remove CB from the table, but OSU has also exempted itself from the civil service process completely (as per ORC since it was never worded in the original making to include ULEO). There will be no more contracts and management will rule by what it sees fit. Call it "divine right" and can get away with it without question almost. All they would have to say is "financial burden" can cut our pay by as much as they see fit and gift us with whatever else. (Full medical premiums, reduction in time off and forced to work as much as they way) Yes, they will do the last one as they attempted to mandate us for 80+ events in our last contact. (320-640hrs/year more outside of our regular 40 hour weeks.) We have a ULP (unfair labor practice) already filed in court against the university on several issues due to this. I'm already looking for a different job and are considering moving to another state depending on how this goes. I've worked at two different places within my career. In both places, the management did what it wanted and took all they could and rarely gave anything out regardless of how well you did or what you offered. If management could work fairly with the employee's, there wouldn't be very few issues. But when you have a management that does what they want, how they want and when you simply ask why…and they won’t tell you why or gives you “because” that causes problems. (IE) Its hard to say you don't have any money when you go and buy 4 brand new vehicles for civilians to drive daily along with new hardwood furniture. Will unions die as a result of this, not completely per say. But there won't be a use for them as there’s no reason to stand up for the working membership body if the dictator/boss says this is what I'm going to do, deal with it. Fairness goes out the window which will result in a decreased performance by those affected as no one will care anymore. This will then translated into lowered/insufficient service provided to the public. People will leave current positions and the requirements to fill the now vacant positions will have to be lowered to find bodies. And with decreased requirement, you will receive decreased professionalism, work ethic, honestly and so on.
  12. If the weathers good, I'll be there for one at least. Not sure about two days just yet...but will have a garage also that I can split with others.
  13. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=70406 Prez/Brandon. Contact him about prices/what you need.
  14. Voted for mid ohio also. Good coaches, Good surface and easy to learn and hone your skills. Closer and willing to help transport another bike on my trailer or truck if needed.
  15. Just let me know when. Mines over at 35 getting worked on, so having a bike to tinker with is always fun! Nope! This is my Saturday, so two days to celebrate!
  16. Bah, I've been found Only 29 today, but thanks ben!
  17. Sissy! Come get whipped on like I did last year! Trying to drag natedogg into going with me this year at least. More the merrier though! Back to semi topic, I'm still debating on going to Nelson this year or not. Its in the NE Region...but with all the negative about it...I could save some $$ and vacation by not going and not worrying about trashing the bike.
  18. +2 ^ When I started I found this out the hard way on a two-day event. Starting to get in shape now for the season would be a good idea. Good cardio and leg work outs are a must... Bicycling is a good in house way.
  19. SJC1000rr

    kid rock

    Not so much. Will be there starting around 4:30 for the pre-party watching over things.
  20. SJC1000rr

    kid rock

    At the Schot tonight. I'll be there, but working.
  21. I should be you make this. Would like to test both bikes again in the beginning of the year.
  22. SJC1000rr

    Summit Point

    From the album: Bike

  23. SJC1000rr

    Mid Ohio GC

    From the album: Bike

  24. SJC1000rr


    From the album: Bike

  25. SJC1000rr

    osu football

    I'm with gen3flygirl and brian on this one. Those guys knew that what they were doing was probably wrong. They have been catered too and spoiled the whole time they were hear and now its a sob story because they finally got caught. Pretty sure the rules are you can't sell or get rid of anything the university gives to you or you win until your gone.... And I don't feel too bad for any of them let alone Pryor. Saying he needed money...minus the fact that hes driving around a new Audi now... so I'll leave it at that. Suck it up and move on.
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