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Everything posted by SJC1000rr

  1. I'm considering those also. And looking at the 28th of this month if anyone else is going.
  2. It depends on your riding style, pace and suspension. When I started a set of tires would last 3-4 full trackdays plus street. (PP/PP 2CT/DC3) The sides would wear out before the middles would, so trackday use was gone in them. Just sell them as used tires for commuting and they are easy to get rid of. But as you get into the top, they will wear out faster. I pushed my last set of race tires to 21 sessions before the front started pushing out and the rear was wearing down. But tires are what keep you upright, so its not something to skimp on. 2 or maybe 3 sets should keep most guys through a season. But eventually it will be more and more. I got 4 sets and will need another 2 to make it through the season.
  3. I started last year and it took me all of 7 trackdays to decide I wanted to start racing this year. Wait till you want to keep pushing to the next level! Might as well start doing something illegal to pay for everything now!
  4. Decided to head to Summit Point this weekend for some racing fun. Hot and Humid as hell, with a lot of rain on Saturday late. Though...after my MW solo! Downside was the HW solo expert Timmy Bemisderfer hit a deer going into the back side of the track... cutting it in two! He suffered a dislocated shoulder and finger, and some rib issues. They just released the video of it, and its honestly one of the scariest videos I've seen. Apparently there was blood all over the track and so on. Heres the video, but be warned that 1:35 is graphic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW7ktbJzpPs&feature=player_embedded As for me, I had fun and did alright I suppose, but being the Provisional Novice new guy I started last in all of my races ....but made the best of it. I even fubared my C-Sbk race start in neutral. Man was I cussing a storm when everyone was hauling ass and I was sitting there. Not sure the official was too impressed when I dropped it in first and slammed the power on into a 1-2ft high wheelie to the start line. Even had my first contact when I was up a guys tail for the last two laps and he kept shutting the door on me. Took my chance on the last lap, last two turns. Caught a bit of a run coming out of turn 9 up the hill and down to turn 10 and paired up to him coming into the turn. We both hit the gas with me having a slight edge on the inside and out to the edge of the track we went with the power on. He tried to bring it in tight and my left tail and his right upper connected, but we both kept it upright and to the finish line with me in front. MW Solo: 19th to 9th C-SS: 14th to 10th C-SB: 12th to 6th
  5. Yes it did. Happened at the kink on the back straight. I never heard exactly what happened...but rumor was contact from a guys front to another guys rear tire ending with him sliding off and hit the wall near the tower I believe. Intermediate group also if memory serves, because they got red flagged and session ended. The advanced session also got axed while they took care of medical.
  6. Thats him! He's got more guts then I do to ride 2 hrs down and back after a trackday! I did 2 when STT was doing it, and my friend did 2 rain days at Mid Ohio and 1 dry day before we went to Intermediate today. As this was his very first year/trackdays period....he said he was very comfortable with this pace which I recommended. Just be aware that there will be slower people and fast people in Intermediate group. So don't freak out if you get passed when your not expecting it etc and to take your time on the slower riders. PS...Nash was hella fast today. Jesus! I thought I was going pretty well until he passed me into 6 sliding the rear around and then shooting it in and out!
  7. Had fun and finally started to get the hang of the 600 up there today. Though....the tire pressures I had started on was completed FUBAR! Note to self to up them considerably! P1 V-28.5 cold and PRD 22 cold ended up at 43.5 and almost 37 psi hot Brought them down to 33/28 hot and the bike stuck like glue. As for times, yes the gates open at 7 and I am not sure if you can just enter there. I think its reservation only. Today's Novice groups were packed up...thats for sure!
  8. Wish I could, but I did today at Mid Ohio! :) Up there tomorrow also, though...my legs feel like jello already! :(

  9. I do depending on how much your bringing with you. PM Sent.
  10. That really bites! I'd think you should be able to sell your spot with how good that day will be weather wise. With him not able to make it Tuesday, I have a garage spot open if anyone wants to split it. Only two bikes inside now.
  11. Both? New stator case cover on finally and cleaned up the brakes/calipers while I was at it. Its gonna be a fun one!
  12. I'll have some after tuesday, but not sure what they will look like by then. Power 1 V front and Race PRD rear. Will let you know if you still need them by then.
  13. Just made my reservation for Monday and Tuesday with Garage rental. See you all there!
  14. I'll also make mine tomorrow afternoon after checking the forecast. I'll probably be there both days with a garage rental (need to confirm with friend). If anyone's interested in sharing on Tuesday, I have openings for 2. And easy info for new people to the track, the first 2 sessions is usually skiddish with the track still damp in the morning. With the exit of the Key and Thunder Valley especially not dry enough to push it. Now I just need to get the bike put back together in a few days
  15. I'm holding off till Thurs or Friday to make my reservation. Some have 40%-Monday/0-Tuesday while others have it flip floped.
  16. When I got my race bike, it was a salvage TN title. I simply stripped down the front so that the frame VIN was easily visible and scheduled a time with the BMV in Pickerington. Took the bike there and they ran the VIN number and looked the bike over and so on. He gave me the paperwork to change the title over to my name and that was that. I had no bodywork on the bike any the only thing that stated what it was, was the OEM VIN placard mantled to the frame.
  17. All that tells me anymore is that if your going to kill someone, do it in your car talking on the cell phone. Then make sure you never mention it to anyone so that it can't be proven as premeditated....
  18. I've not made my reservation yet, I'm going to wait till mid-week to make a decision as the weather is getting shady for sure.
  19. Hum.....I may have to ride both days then if the tires can take it. Gingerman was pretty rough on the new set.
  20. Quick summary list of people that might be/are going on the days. June 7 jschaf SJC1000rr-?? RR_MIKE Deion27 ovd dragnframe brn6604 gixxie750 bigd June 8 jschaf gixxie750 alienpi SJC1000rr Also...
  21. He about got the spocker! But I came to the rescue.
  22. It helped Nate out very recently! /cough
  23. You might be right on the plate, it does belong to a light blue vehicle. Just saying... But that's still unwarranted behavior and if anyone did that to an women at work that would have sexual harassment lawsuit all over it if they wanted. The guys probably just showing off being a DB as most college kids are now days.
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