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Everything posted by SJC1000rr

  1. Yeah, I was suppose to have got the 211 GP-A and ended up with the Ntecs....so I feel a large pit in my wallet also.
  2. Yeah, I'll be there tomorrow but don't count on me setting fast laptimes. Still figuring out the new Dunlop tires that I put on at VIR after the lowside. Definitely different from the Michelin and my geometery got tossed out the window. Back to see Reuben sometime to get this thing figured out.
  3. I've never had this on either of my bikes. I have the RJL's on my 1000rr and have used RJL and SRJL-17s on my 600rr race bike. Might be a space tolerance thing also. I have some rubbing/dangling with the race bike, but that due to not having any brake spring/plates to keep them in place.
  4. Just do your research and get what you will feel happy and SAFE with. Personally, I have went with Vesrahs for the last few years and love them. I know of a of guys use Carbone Lorraines and love them also, so it just comes down to personal pref and how much you want to spend.
  5. Me and nate want to have a bit of and compare bikes/skeels. I'm still gonna see if I can make Beaver with you at the end of August.
  6. August 10 & 11 is Mid ohio also. Me and nate were looking to go on one of those days for an afternoon of fun.
  7. Roger that and my apologies. E-mail sent for a set!
  8. Monte, Does the Power One deal also include the competition tires? If so, can I just put V/B in the comments for those and place an online order?
  9. +3 to what they said. I started on the B front and it worked well. Then moved to a V and it took a bit to get use too, but love it now. And get a good set of warmers for the love of all that is holy. Chicken Hawk/T2 would be my personal recommendations. As for a slight hijack, I'm going to have 2 sets of take-offs if you'd like to give a V front a try. It’s definitely a sharper dropping tire then your standard, but let me know. I also have a new B front that I need to sell and replace with a V if you’re interested.
  10. Yeah, if you get the power ones. Make sure its the street compound tires and not the race tires unless you plan on getting warmers and stands. DC3's lasted me into the sub 1:40 range easily, but as they wear down the grip does start to go.
  11. Alright. I tried to call them 3x today and no one answered. Just trying to figure out what time I need to be there etc as I have never done one. *Edit* Finally found it on their site though: Registration and Bike Tech for all Max-Time Twilight events opens at 2:30pm and on track riding begins at approximately 5:00pm. Looks like I'd have to beat feat after work to make it up there quickly enough.
  12. Anyone going to Mid Ohio on the 3rd for the Max Time twilight? I was thinking about it, but wasn't sure on how it worked. Says 5pm-dusk, but is that actually ride time or when gates/tech starts etc and it all gets backed up from there?
  13. Yeah, TWC has went to crap lately. Esp during the day/evening periods.
  14. I'll be traveling through the area tomorrow also. Its for a poker run from Lanc->Cville->Hocking->Logan and back to Lancaster. But we don't start till 10am and I figure finish time around 3ish.
  15. If you can get your bike on Summit in the non-fenced area's you brought it through some thick woods and briars. And fences only work so well anyways, deer can jump 5-6ft high without much issue. So do the math on how much $$ that would take in this economy to even try to put it all up. As for the racers and speed, that was the Expert Heavyweight Solo 16. The last race of the day on Saturday and was a blast to watch in turn 10 (fastest turn). I will keep going back because its a fun track and this doesn't happen that often. Yes, it has happened before years ago....but considering how many events are hosted there a year, its a relatively low percentage. No different then skydiving or bungee jumping, its all a risk that is unknown until you do it. And the marshall/corner worker wasn't in that much danger. Palmer was in a slow controlled speed and saw him coming from across the track. He probably would have loved to stop and check also, but no stopping on the track!
  16. Its still safer then Mid Ohio in the rain! As for animals, yeah....that will be an ongoing issue. Hard to control an animal and what it wants to do.
  17. Fav: Honda-Riders position is more comfortable, reliability, easy to learn on. Lst Fav: Kawi-Looks, under performing bike compared to the others. Might want to research their infamous frame breaks. Most of the new 600s are snapping front or front+rear at the weld points. Even in low speed accidents or crashes.
  18. Summits (Main circuit) a great place to ride. Full of twists and turns that flow really well. I probably like it about as much as Mid Ohio now. It has a lot of place to get around and make passes without so much fear of hitting people. Though, I did do that in the last turn
  19. Actually! It poured rain midday on Saturday. I got my MW solo done in the sweltering 90+ humid weather. Then the clouds came in and opened up a huge downpour. You don't really see what it was, but at 50-51 seconds...those two puddles were actually one big one across the track that was 8-10 feet long and 2-3 inches deep. Its amazing how fast those two guys were going in the HW Expert solo despite how damp the track was. And with the mis-shift, that's going to happen at summit, you can't afford many mistakes there.
  20. Before I go and rent one for just Monday and try to split it up. (options open if more want to share!) Does anyone have room for 1 bike in their garage? Just doing Monday if the weathers nice.
  21. Sorry rusty, cleared the video off for last weekend at Summit Point. I got a section off for Randy, but the rest I tossed. Will bring the camera back for the 28th if the weather is good.
  22. Dog had it coming. As soon as I saw that fawn drop into its defensive posture, i knew momma was game on. Post shot...but pissed off, I have stabbed a few to death vs wasting another arrow or shell. Just have to know how they react like that.
  23. Wasn't me! I work 9a-5p mostly and haven't been at work much (weekends) with racing lately. :D

  24. Sounds good, this will probably be my last practice day before the AMA GC. And sorry about the close pass on the front straight on the 8th. Was good video though!
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