If you can get your bike on Summit in the non-fenced area's you brought it through some thick woods and briars. And fences only work so well anyways, deer can jump 5-6ft high without much issue. So do the math on how much $$ that would take in this economy to even try to put it all up. As for the racers and speed, that was the Expert Heavyweight Solo 16. The last race of the day on Saturday and was a blast to watch in turn 10 (fastest turn). I will keep going back because its a fun track and this doesn't happen that often. Yes, it has happened before years ago....but considering how many events are hosted there a year, its a relatively low percentage. No different then skydiving or bungee jumping, its all a risk that is unknown until you do it. And the marshall/corner worker wasn't in that much danger. Palmer was in a slow controlled speed and saw him coming from across the track. He probably would have loved to stop and check also, but no stopping on the track!