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Everything posted by SJC1000rr

  1. I'm in that same boat Jbot. I know Saturday is getting close, but Sunday is still pretty open. Wanting to make sure the bike is back together and I'm ready before I reserve a spot.
  2. Did you replace the Crush washers between the banjo bolts? Your suppose to use new ones everytime Crush/line/crush etc. I had no issues in doing this on several bikes on front and rear lines. I think I always filled master and then went to farthest line and started there. Hook up a clear tube, pump/open/close repeat till air gone, then move over to next line and master cylinder itself. But thats for a 2 line setup, not sure if your doing a cross-over system or if its really any different.
  3. They April 24/25 dates are still good to go/open for enrollment correct? I haven't used my gift cert yet and will probably (75%)+ end up going. Also wanting to bring my friend as his first trackday after watching me last year.
  4. License points count against you for 2 years. Most....Insurance agency's hold stuff against you for 3 years. Offenses/Accident records are logged so it does show a back dated record for LEO. But they don't count against your current status.
  5. I'm either going to the Mid Ohio 24/5 with a friend (His first trackday) or I am headed to Nashville with WERA. Depends on if my friend gets his suit's leg alterations done by then or not. Either way, I will be waiting for something! Headed to Summit Point on the 10/11 for race school and first sprints.
  6. Finished with the extras, numbers and decals for now. Going to get a custom number set made from Chris Kruzel soon, but here's the finished product. Thanks again Paul!
  7. I am riding home from work at 5 if that counts! But then I need to change out the race bike to water wetter from Hp Coolant.
  8. +2 to that. Of everyone I have seen today. 2 guys had textile jackets on, the rest were all T-shirts.
  9. There was a picture on the dispatch I think, it was a blue cruiser/harley.
  10. It was on the news as both traveling South on Hamilton and the car turned. Sounds like a classic case of a car turning in front of a bike. I was going North on Winchester Pike and they had it all blocked off. When I came up to Refugee I had a car going South decide to turn left across the road in front of me and almost got me. Grabbed the brakes and locked the rear missing him by about 3 feet.... thinking today might not be a good day to be riding....
  11. SkyDive Columbus Rates Tandem Skydives $219.00 Group of 2 $209 Group of 3 to 6 $199 Tandem DVD (plus tax) $119.00 http://skydivecmh.com/rates.php Skydive Green County Tandem Skydive Full Price -$205.00 Cash Price-$195.00 Lots more options also: http://www.skydiveohio.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=16
  12. Its a great time! I did my first two years ago also out of Greencounty skydive. Though, after the fact I could have choked my friend for scheduling in the start of April when it was mid 40s and 28-30 at jump height!
  13. Last night I attempted to install Vinyl base and number plates. And it looks terrible.... But the stickers and logos went on fine! Anyone know of a good vinyl place that can put on small base colors and #'s?
  14. Hey, at least we aren't Florida's Bi$#&% again!
  15. I can't say much for MW2, as I really never played it, nor care too. I'm a pc guy, not a console guy. /shrug As for BC2, I was testing it in Beta and have seen it come along from that. Its definitely one of the better shooting games and more realistic then several of the last few years of the type. (Arma/Arma2/CoD) etc... It does have some bugs that they are working on (OP medics/building bugs etc) But a lot of games have this. (MW2 is a hack fest) Overall, if your a pc guy..I think you'll like the character options from the 4 types and being able to switch types quickly based on what your doing(MP). The graphics are good and shot placement and damage done is about what I would expect. With hit boxes being correctly sized, and respective abilties can be changed and defined based on your gear and play type. From sniping to all in rush down the enemy's throat etc. Or support with medic boxes and engineers for reparing. Just comes down to what you pref is. I'd give it a 7/10 for now, but with some bug fixes and changes to certain items I'll bump it up to a 8-9/10.
  16. +2^ 22 to Rushville then 664 South to Logan, then cross over 33 to 664 North to 188/374 back to 33 and into Lancaster. Or Vice Versa is what I usually do.
  17. 33 to 374 West, to 180 to 664 back up. But give the roads some time to clear up. I did them all last week and they are still pretty bad.
  18. Loud isn't always best. It would be hard to beat a Akro, Arrow, Arata or Leo for performance. And your bike will always sound quiter from the front. To the pour guy behind you...its another story. I was behind a guy on a TL1000r? with twin pipes and I couldn't ride behind him because it was way to loud without hearing plugs in.
  19. Any chance you'll be there after 5 brian? I work till then and can come after work. Wanting to get a friends 929 tested to see how bad its running with no PC3.
  20. I didn't have a lot of time to ask, but I know it involved chemical baths. Hopefully he can find this threat and let us know how. Going to pre-tape up some of the brand logos today and see where I want them and hopefully get the vinyl backs and #'s in mid-week. Then figure out if I want to actually had some honda decals on it.
  21. Just sounds like theres still a lot of air in the line or rear master. Did you empty the line before adding more fluid or just add in as your were bleeding. Use a standard clear hose to see how much air is left in the line and keep the fluid moving? I have bleed my lines twice now since the change just to make sure everything is out.
  22. Wanted to take a moment this morning to give paul another big thanks for getting my race bike painted up. The guy that I bought it from had used a rattle can that didn't want to come off and used spray on bed liner for more grip on the tank cover. This presented a major snafu in getting the bodywork ready for painting. Paul and I talked back and forth and eventually he beat it down and got everything sprayed up! The cost was better then I had hoped and I love the new look. Will get more detailed pictures when I get home, and then finished with decals. Went from: Teaser cell pic: Once again, if you need or want to get something done or painted on your bike, give paul a call or leave a message for him!
  23. I made a short count in post #117. But doesn't have which classes everyone is in.
  24. A bit early into the season, but I managed to take a trip Wednesday for a while in hocking hills. I traveled down 674 South from Canal to 22/33. The road was fine and really didn't have much dust or sand to be of concern. Took 33 south to Rockbridge and topped off on gas then jumped right into 374. At the start, 374 was clean at the beginning, but as you start work your way up the hill into the tight twists it gets really really....sandy. Most of the center of the road is still covered with sand, and some portions are completely covered. It pretty much stayed like this until I got to 188. Took 188 West to 374 South towards Old Mans Cave. 188 was good and the 374 South portion wasn't as bad as the previous, but still had a moderate amount of sand and dust. Several of the farmers had their equipment down the road also, so bigger chunks of dirty were scattered. Dropped into 664 towards logan and it wasn't too bad either. Another good rain and it would be clear riding into logan on the Western side. Once into Logan, I went 664 North towards Rushville. This section still had a fair amount of sand in the center part of the road in the harder turns, but with some good like picking, you can make the best of it. Overall, a good relaxing ride. Hopefully by April, well have had enough rain to wash all the junk away and we can hit it up better.
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