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Everything posted by Chrisoh

  1. Lizard what gearing you run at Mid OH? -1/+1?? I could get away with -1 +2 on the 1k there easily.
  2. If you go I will still come up and help you out even if I don't ride.
  3. Also I have gotten lights to change by shutting the bike off and starting it back up. Sometimes the extra current the starter puts out will trigger it. I have one if I screw up and go that way at night when very little traffic uses it I get stuck. I have turned right and turned around to get by it.
  4. But I wouldn't know till last minute if I was ready. Surgery is Monday and 3 months would put me almost exactly to that date. I wouldn't know till end of August if i was going to try.
  5. Dang not far enough for me to be healed up. Crap.. I need to kick Bennet anyway. He is just too dang fast.
  6. Who cares about ugly. If you have black wheels just get roll of black duct tape. Stick ons will never stay IMO. Even if you clean the wheel spotless then clean with Alcohol. There is just to much force for the weights to stay.
  7. Is the series with Lizard in the pics coming out of Thunder Valley??
  8. All Stick ons should be duct taped.
  9. This one the BP is dang near perfect. Todd is right, but don't push for it until you can relax on the bars. It is hard to tell, but it looks like you have a tight grip. One thing you could try is on the longer corners open your left hand to remind yourself to relax. This helps me a lot on the 20 lap races and especially on the bumpy long corners of Nelson. It is hard to do in back section cause you are constantly changing direction, but Carosel, Key hole, T1, and some over the hill in T7 are good places. I can't wait to see the video. Did Lizard give you some line pointers this time around now that you are running at a fast pace?
  10. Well that day is I and A combined. So you will see the advanced guys. It was my only time riding with Flounder and Yota on track at the same time.
  11. It only takes a corner or so for Advanced riders to assess a slower rider and expect his lines. The biggest thing you will notice once you make the change to advance is the difference in lines. Advance guys run real close to the Race line which sometimes is not a wide sweeping arc into every corner. That in lies the place A riders struggle with I riders. If we go up inside the I rider and don't make it far enough or the I rider just doesn't want to be passed they have a tendancy to cut off the other riders front tire. But the issue is not generally 1 on 1, it is when you get a group of 3-5 I riders and a A rider who can run 5-10 seconds faster trying to split the group. I got put in the I group last Friday practice at Grattan (along with their PRO school) and it was not fun for me. I would bet maybe a lap clean then was dodging riders or coming up on a group of 4-6 into turn one braking where they were all using a different line. One Pro School rider was taking such a sweeping line that he almost took out his coach's front tire. I was able to stay inside the sealer in the carosel and last corner. I would like to get back there and run in the rain again. Nashville was AWESOME in the rain. I was actually able to get knee down on my rains and on my Bridgestone races on a damn and drying track.
  12. Is the bike feel like it is pogoing or hits the bump and compresses then extends to far and compresses some again. Similar feeling to sitting on a soft spring chair and bouncing. If it is jarring you to where it feels like it isnt compressing the remove compression.
  13. Rain wasn't bad I was able to turn 2:15s my first time every on rain tires. But on street tires I could see it being sketchy in the 3 sealer test areas. I think now that I have rain experience I could get into 2:00 or under a bit. Though the spots in turn 9 under Honda Bridge and the one in T13 out of thunder valley were sketchy. The one out of Keyhole was an easy miss. The track didn't have as much grip as Nashville superspeedway and infield though.
  14. No problem, always around to help..
  15. Nope I have a seperated shoulder from my highside 2 weeks ago at my last race. Even if you conciously just move your upper body to inside that center line and lower on the bike will make a big difference. Even Keith Code teaches his students to only move their butts half off the seat, but stresses getting your upper body lower and in.
  16. As Dweezel said if you go into a corner at 40 mph sitting straight up and down you have a higher chance of low side due to the fact that all your weight is centered over the tires making them work harder, also to go through that corner at that speed you are carrying roughly 5 degrees more of lean angle then you would have just having your body over 3 inches and you upper body leaned into the corner. So more force on the tires and more lean angle at a given speed = higher chance to lowside. Throw in a bump in said corner and chances go up even more. Hanging off when you hit the bump the force of the bump the suspension does not soak up gets transfered to you, and since you are off the bikes center line only a portion of that gets transferred back to the center line of the bike and your traction level. Sitting straight on the center line there is extra weight over the center line of the bike and will transfers more force to the suspension and tires as the bike tries to settle then it would hanging off. Also to your sliding point if the tire does slide (front example) hanging off you can actually throw you knee in the ground and pick the bike back up. Front slides are caused by 3 things: Debri such as gravel or tar strips, Poor throttle inpust (chopping throttle shut mid corner), and braking to far leaned over. Most time either just letting off the brakes or opening the throttle some will save it. If all your weight is centered over the bike all your weight is being put into the front tire at max % Rear slides either Debri or throttle releated, if you are centered on the bike your suspension will take more force once the tire regains traction and intensify the highside, and hanging off could give you tire a better chance to regain traction sooner. I am disappointed in myself I couldn't save my slide that resulted in my highside 2 weeks ago. I can generally save them, but I made a bigger mistake than usual and paid for it.
  17. Stay at the Days in or something on off if Rt 97 exit. first trackday in july at mid OH. LOTS OF WATER, and Gatorade (something with salt) If you feel tired in a session pull off. Your mental stamina will faulter probably before your physical Don't worry about keeping up with someone just to do it. Ride your own pace, once you get accustomed to trackdays then you can start trying t chase people around you skill level down and make passes, but first day is just working on getting yourself used to track environment. Hit up Lizard1 for some on track pointers too.
  18. How hard you ride your bike had nothing to do with hanging off. If you are out riding some curves at 40mph and using 80% of your tires grip sitting straight up and down. If you hang off going 40 mph you will be using (guesstimate) only 50%-60% of your bikes grip. So if you do end up hitting a bit of gravel or a slick tar strip you have a better chance of not crasing with less lean angle. I am not saying everyone needs to hang off like they are dragging elbows, but just moving over couple inches in the seat and getting your body lower and on the inside of the bikes center line makes a huge difference. But for this to work you must be relaxed on the bars too. Riding around town if I dont move my upper body at least even just making a turn on to another road I feel awkward and out of place. I know I am at a point where I have been some real rough tracks and now when I am riding at around the 100% level I tense up then end up having to back my speed off because the bike is moving around more then my competitors.
  19. Hanging off will come later as most said, and let me clarify I was not meaning to do what I said in a couple weeks. Maybe over a whole summer or more. But as others said, don't worry about hanging off, but moving your upper body into the corner is good practice. It will help you look through the corner and keep you loser/more relaxed on the bars thus making you safer in every corner. You don't want to sit straight up on the bike with locked elbows that is the worst thing a rider can do when cornerin.
  20. Starting hanging off, first just get your upper body relaxed and going into the corner. Shoulders pointing into the corner. Then once that is comfortable start moving your butt over couple inches at a time. Most you will need to hang off is max 1/2 cheek off and 1/2 cheek on the seat. But keeping your upper body lower and a relaxed grip on the bars is Key. Slow and repetition is what makes it habit and able to do it relaxed.
  21. The main key to break in is to stay away from keeping the same RPM on the bike for any length of time. The somewhat proven technique is to before you ride it let it idle up to around 200 degrees. Shut down and let cool for 15 minutes at least. Then start it up run it for 5 minutes varying load (accel and decel) on the motor. Shut down and let cool again for 15 minutes. Then ride it as you would and try to as much as possible vary the load from accel to decel constantly. The more you accelerate and decel (engine braking) the better the seals will seat.
  22. yeah the 18th. I should be able to hit a trackday in late september hopefully.
  23. Well Drew you already got the Punt. Your on 1st and 10 once off the DL. I got sacked and put on the DL.
  24. That is what I was thinking I could see Lizard saying that to me after this story too...
  25. Your smoking crack if you think that is only worth $3k. An 03 750 with clean title in very good condition is worth at least $5k Heck even a 03 600 clean title and Goood condition is worth about $4.5k Now if it was a race prepped 03 750 and raced then I could see $3k. Hell I sold my 03 race prepped 600 crashed twice for $3k last december.
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