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Everything posted by Chrisoh

  1. I decided you were lonely so I joined you drew.. I got 2 decent legs, and one arm, you got two decent arms and one leg.. Gingerman SUCKS There were enough crashes to make a crash fest trackday seem tame.
  2. For sale my spot for the Saturday 4:30 to Dusk (8:30 ish) Trackday at Mid OH. $140 (save $10) Just PM me if you want it and I can call and have them put your name in my spot. I signed up for advance, but injury in highside at race this weekend has screwed the pooch.
  3. Actually some bike shops carry water wetter. Also one bottle of water wetter is less then a bottle of the poly stuff. ALso one bottle of water wetter will last you 3-5 fluid changes.
  4. I see they did change the exhaust from the prelim photos I did a survey on. Looks good. If they up the performance and can get traction I wouldn't be surprised to see some very low 10s. Hell they ran 10.85 in 1985...
  5. Nah I am signed up for the June 14th twilight. Depending on this weekend may be my my last track experience.
  6. Hey Lizard for the Twilights do we pit on Cold Pit? If so is the power free again? I will be putting the bike in the back of the Ranger for this one since we need to get our trailer in to be fixed since we got rear ended in April.
  7. Do you have the Owners manual??? If so look in it for the idle adjustment. My CBR 900 had a black knob that I could turn to adjust the idle. My Dad's TL-S I think had an idle adjustment knob on it too. Should be on the left side down around the motor.
  8. he is going to take the rim off, but the tool pouch doesn't have the stuff to remove the tire from the rim and mount new tire..
  9. If it has a pilot front you might as well put a pilot on the front. If you are buying the tire from the dealership expect to pay around $220-250 for tire, mount, and balance. Most dealerships will charge $160-180 for the tire then $30-40 for mount even off bike.
  10. The 01 SVs were Carbed... 01 with 800 miles. If it say that much may be time to take the carbs off and clean it. But it should be reachable without taking the tank off if it is Carbed.. 4500 damn that is almost 1/2 of the bikes RPM.
  11. For racing there is also old tried and true Colored Duct Tape for number plates I was going to try it on my 03 600 and even then it wouldn't even come close.
  12. Dude you will have to paint number plates... There isn't a vinyl made that can confrom to the angles and curves of the tails today..
  13. A Bronco II, that thing can crash without help.. I had one start to go 2 wheel on me around an exit ramp....
  14. Satan did they move us back to a shared server? I have been having the 30-50 second page loads for about 2 weeks...
  15. Where is this place at Jerm?
  16. I was working in our Richfield office that week and there for the WERA weekend...
  17. Steeper tire will speed up your bikes turning ability, but you probably won't notice it. Don't worry about it, it won't cause you any problems since you won't be pushing fast enough on the street to have any issues.
  18. Well our race side Tire guy was able to straighten my rotors to a liveable level with a tire iron.. he put it on a balancer and had me hold a stick close and found the flanges that needed bent.
  19. Ah so you haven't Real bumps yet j/k wasn't referring to trackin it. I drove 303 from 8 to 21 a few times earlier this month. A decent little test area.
  20. That is kind of why I may be getting out of it. I didn't really have any fun this weekend. Laptime wise my goal was 24s so I made that. I don't know if it was the extra power of the 1k, but even going slower through there when I tried to get 1/2 throttle out of 10B is when the bike would bounce and shake bad enough where I would alsmost get thrown off the bike. I didn't think my line was that much different. I did start using the wide line around that big bump at Apex, but just never felt like it was helping any.
  21. Ok so you are getting a street tail with the solo cowl built in. Race tails are flat where the brake light goes.
  22. Fastest time of the weekend by Tim B. was 1:20 and I think 4 others had run in the 1:21 range. I think 23s were there for me if I could get onto the front straight. Stymie, Pett, and everyone was able to just leave me at the exit of 10B but I generally gained on them into 10 A. Jeff Wrobel said I seemed to be taking 10 A too quick. Everytime I tried to open the gas how I wanted to in 10 B the rear would bounce then spin up then I would be wobbling and have to hesitate or roll out as the bike was bouncing. Last race after Jeff made the pass I closed up into the Bus stop and was on his tail at the exit of 10a and I opened the gas as normal through 10 B but he was able to just pull away on his 600 through 10 b and open a good 10 bike lenghts by exit while I was bouncing all over the place. Turn 2 was a tough one for me as my line was as consitant as a meteorologists ability to predict the weather. I got a tip from Jonas about the sweeper before the last race and it helped, but with only the warm up lap to try it I wasn't able to trust myself with it. Bad parts was I wasn't riding to have fun. I am going to give gingermann a try and if riding feels like it did last weekend I am going to sell the 1k and just ride street and dirt.
  23. What are you going to do about a Brake light?
  24. I had to go to some guy in Anderson for my CBR. Some bikes have to use a certain key to make it from.
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