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Everything posted by Chrisoh

  1. Ok good i don't have to do it for you.. :woot.
  2. It was green from all the rain Saturday, and T4 is worse, and the run into the carosel is a bit worse. But other then that it isn't that much worse. Gaige, Bennett, and Blake Kelly (I think that was who) were able to run 8s. But in the 1k class with only 9 starting it isn't too hard. If I can't get past this plateau this year and get faster on the whole I am going back to trackdays.
  3. I used to only cause I preferred the feeling of a new front and new rear in the twisties. This time I will as well since I am just using my take offs from the track.
  4. I'll shoot some pics tonight of the ODO and tires to post up. It is one of those things where some how I always seem to get more life out of tires.
  5. I'll take pics of my tires when i change them. I have over 5k on the clock on this set.
  6. Yeah I also have a buddy who has owned a busa and Gix 1k and he got 4k miles plus out of both. There is a difference but not 5k miles to 1.5k miles. Unless they are changing them a lot earlier then I do I don't see that it could be that big of a difference. If I had a 1300-1400 I would run 36-38 psi at all time and 40 or so for slab work. If someone is running under 36 psi on those bike they are destroying the tire for no reason.
  7. 1500 miles what are you doing??? You running 20 psi or something. I have never gotten less then 4500 miles out of my stock tires on any of my 1000s. Anyone who has ridden with me can tell you I don't baby the bikes on acceleration. I am at 5000 miles on my 06 1k with 2-3 short burnouts (2 in work parking lot to warm tire for race practice launch), a Slab trip to South of Macon, GA and back, then week after a ride down to Nashville, TN and back. I have only done one trip to twisties with it so far. I still got a few hundred miles, but will be doing a tire change maybe this week or weekend.
  8. Welcome. Glad you enjoy riding and good on ya for going MSF (even though I never did) Down Yota,,, Jeesh.
  9. I'd be up for that. I will drive down. I am not having my Gix 1k in the parking lot when I do it though. But I will take my WERA license with me though.
  10. I may see if I can email Bob Bacon at Cincinnati-Eastgate HD and ask for proof of 140 mph let alone 160.
  11. Yeah 160 is impossible unless he has a Double NOS shot or something. Hell the 2003 GSXR 600s didn't even make 160 if I remember correctly with just a shade over 100 rwhp.
  12. With a hit like that the forks are probably bent as well and the triple at least some. As Todd said straightening will run you (maybe even on a replacement frame) 1k. Also will have to have new forks.
  13. If he does sell it I need to hire him to sell mine. That is $4k profit on what Paid for mine new at State 8 OTD
  14. 70 HP I would be shocked if they made 110 mph, with their low end torque motors.
  15. I actually beat Flis this weekend at Nelson. When I came gained a bunch of ground in the kink and into 12 I made a test run in the kink the time before, but knew I was to far to make the pass. Next lap I set it up at the exit to the carosel and made the pass. He spanked my times at Nashville by 1+ seconds. I bet he beats me bad again at Grattan.
  16. Another good thing about the under liners is that allows the suit to move around you a bit. My one lowside crash in KY the only mark I had on me was on my elbow from my arm moving inside the jacket and the jacket ripped the top few layers of skin off (just like a strawberry sliding into a base playing baseball). The Jacket barely had a mark on it on the outside.
  17. For revenge after the fact yes, since most of these dumb shits doesn't know anyone besides them exist in the world. Their heads are so far up their ass they won't even remember why their vehicle was vandalized. And if they see you doing it you will get in trouble....
  18. nashville results Weekend best time 1:05.8 Best lap of weekend was high 1:02 A Superstock 5th A Superbike 9th (wrong tire choice DOT's instead of rains) Formula 1 4th Nelson Ledges Weekend best time not goal but few tenths improvement 1:12.15 was hoping for atleast a 1:11 or a 1:10 2 more races there to make it. Best lap of the weekend a high 1:08 by 2 people. A superstock 5th A superbike 3rd Formula 1 4th
  19. So you been back on 22 yet Todd?
  20. Tailgaters will not like me. I will wait till I have room. Swerve left brake and be even with their door. Scream at them "see like you can stop faster then me, Now back the F*%K off." Then power away.
  21. I am at the point where I just fucking hit them... I get a new bike and some $$ out of it... Unless you go over their car they won't change. I hope I have made 2 people learn to fucking look.. It isn't going to change and if they can't see the bright fucking headlight they won't see your jacket. Anything bright will not help. One reason why I never sugges a light colored bike cause bike color makes no difference. About the only thing I would have said is "Next time I won't brake and hit your car so you have to go to court, pay fines, tickets, and your insurance will go up for having to buy me a new bike and the Thousands of medical bills I will have and the extra Compensatory damages."
  22. Ok this is not directed to any lady on this board. It is just my favorite lolcats pic so far. I even saved it to my PC along with a couple others. And
  23. I lapped a 1098 in the 20 lap solo this weekend at Nashville WOOT
  24. I like Lizards line descriptions better, but was about the same as what I was saying..
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