The only 3 crashes I have been remotely hurt on was 2nd day on my first bike (clipped brake light of a ranger parked on the street trying to make a U-Turn after seeing the neighborhood road wasn't finished) Hit my outside knee on the engine so hard I jarred the knee cap loose (never went to the hospital) 2nd and 3rd are same crash situation. Left lane of traffice backs up, me in the right lane has clear shot, so as I continue someone coming other direction makes left turn through backed up traffic without creeping out to look. T-bone time.. First one I hit a mini van and the bike never pivoted so i ramed my hip into the tank then continued over just landing on the other side of the car. 3rd was a Malibu I think and bike pivoted and I was launched about 30-40 ft from impact, and lost conciousness on this one.