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Everything posted by v65rider

  1. How will the stimulus work in the construction area? Once the jobs are compete what are we going to do with all of the newly hired union workers?
  2. v65rider


    It is called PMS or parked motorcycle syndrom, we all get in in the middle of winter when we can't get out and ride.
  3. I would think with todays economy that shops would be bending over backwards to get a sale. It is nice to know that there are still some places that sale items that no one really needs that can still treat customers in such a way as to lose sales.
  4. My youngest son it heavy into the lego brand Bionicals!! He loves building them and tearing them apart to build a different one.
  5. v65rider

    Honda Fury

    I still don't understand why they don't use new tech to build something to say compete with the new VMAX, some real power and maybe something that can handle and go farther that 100 miles per tank of gas. I just don't understand.
  6. v65rider

    Honda Fury

    Why do we need another cruiser? Don't get me wrong I like the looks of the bike but why another cruiser?
  7. Does anyone know when the reshow will be?
  8. Dang I didn't get to see the event!
  9. I play on an indoor team now and for those of you that haven't played let me tell ya it is a whole different beast than outdoor soccer!! Oh and 30 and over guys do not want to play with the 18 year olds they will make you look bad fast!!
  10. At least no one could use the excuse that they didn't see it when they pull out in front of ya.
  11. I am not sure I like it yet, I think it would have to grow on me. Cycle World has a big write up on it and they call it a cross between a scooter and a crusier.
  12. The reason some people are trying to get trough traffic is some of us are trying to get to work while the rest of you are making your lazy way home.
  13. It was a great game but I still don't think that soccer will take off yet. Ohio is way to much of a football state to allow soccer to gain much popularity.
  14. Another thing to remember is due to the lower temps your tires won't have the grip that they had in the warmer months even if you have tread on your tires.
  15. As for the casino instead of changing the state constitution why not an amendment to allow it, and instead of having some out of state owner that has no tie to the state come in and try to scam us. We should go right into the heart of Columbus and turn the old City Center into a big casino/ resort. Bring more jobs to Columbus and bring more life back into the city.
  16. I am like most of you that don't get on the bike without the old helmet on, but I don't think that the govenrment should have the right to tell me what I should have to wear one! If we keep letting them take our personal freedoms away they will. What will be next? Will they decide that most slip and falls in the house happen in the bath tub so everyone will have to put guardrails around the tubs? Where will it end if you let them take one freedom it is much easier for them to take more.
  17. Yea I have been one of the first on scene luckly the buy was fully geared and didn't have any bad injuries other than denting the tank with his balls:eek:
  18. I just wonder why they buy them? Maybe get motor design for Buel?
  19. I thought this was a new one but I have been wrong before so I wasn't sure.
  20. Damn behind the times as usual:slap:
  21. Has anyone else seen this, and what are your thoughts? http://superbikeplanet.com/2008/Jul/080711b.htm
  22. Bleed the brakes like everyone has said then find how air was intraduced into the system.
  23. Wether anyone likes it or not the flag is as much a part of American history as the Civil war is. People now a days use it for many reasons, there are those that display it just to get a rise out of others ie racism. Then there are those that know their family history and have is as a symbol of that history. Then you just have the group of people that see it as a symbol of being a rebel and opposing those in positions of power, it is more of a statment of their feelings than haveing anyting to do with racism.
  24. At 35 he sure shouldn't have been in a mid life crisis yet!! Cause that would make me well over the hill and I am not ready for that!!
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