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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. You are 100% correct. Not sure how I messed that up reading his post AND typing my response...
  2. Now this idea i like... I am also thinking I'll have quick-clips on all my lights so that I can remove them for the track.
  3. F4 is "experts only," so unless you show up and really wow them, you're not going to ride there your first season with OMRL (I've been through the rule book a lot lately) I am so pissed the last round is next weekend. I'll be rafting with a bachelor party, so I can't be TOO upset, but I wanted to rent a bike and get in one round before buying an XR100 this fall/winter. Oh well. I can't see myself getting out there and thinking, "man, this mini racing thing was a mistake!" 10 rounds a year is pretty standard for a racing org; the big difference with OMRL is that I'll actually be able to afford to make ALL of them!
  4. It's always best to go up a gear and stay on track, but I'm guessing without the engine-braking Nathan was expecting, his entry speed was considerably hotter than he was comfortable with. It's hard to not panic and ride it out. I've gone through T1 at BeaveRun in 4th gear because of the same thing though. My F2 was notorious for finding false neutrals under acceleration. Never on down-shifts thankfully.
  5. Totally agree, but they're not cheap. The idea is to pick up an inexpensive bike, and then sell off some fairings to finance the "599" look. I will certainly take apart whatever I buy to see how it all goes together, but I'm not going to commit to actually making a fighter project until I'm confident I can do it WELL. Something tells me that nothing I do will ever look as good as the 599 or a naked SV... There will just be hoses and coolant overflow tanks in places I don't want them to be seen. You can relocate some of that stuff, but it's always going to have been designed to be hidden behind fairings. I may just have to deal with the fully faired (and mildly scratched ) look, but it's worth exploring I guess
  6. I can't find a honda 599 to save my life, so I'm toying with the idea of making my own. the two biggest obstacles to doing so are: - hiding all the wiring behind the gauges of a 'modern' sportbike - what to do about ram-air tubes? any suggestions? The idea would be to end up with a bike that looks similar to a first generation naked SV650, except it will likely be an I-4 honda instead... I will buy a wrecked race lower and cut it down a bit so I can still race the bike if I want to, and run numbers there.
  7. The only thing I would add is that Mid-Ohio is a great spectator's track, so the wives should at least have some good viewing until they get bored and head out. I'd only ride a motard at Mid-O if it were raining and I had to go out and coach or something... It's possible to hit the rev limiter in 6th gear on a 600 if you get a good drive out of the keyhole and have the balls to brake late enough. A motard would be at top-speed half way down the back straight! That'd be a blast if everyone were on Motards (triple drafts! hahaha!), but with liter bikes pushing 170... yikes.
  8. I'm between ridge and the big creek parkway. If you know where the Dairy Queen is on ridge, I live back in that area. It's actually closer to the parkway, but it's a straighter shot from DQ

  9. I used to be a hard-ass about this. Then i rode a scooter and realized they're fun as hell.
  10. good find. Other people told me YouTube had taken the video down, but I found two versions online right before I posted. I assume people will continue to re-post it though.
  11. I'm just wondering what else he did that we haven't heard about yet. This was reported as a carjacking and high-speed chase. But what was he running from in the first place, and what was 'worth' killing himself prior? There's got to be a body somewhere.
  12. Not graphic, but mildly disturbing. http://youtu.be/plaSAeaRm3Q
  13. redkow97


    You guys are watching the browns all wrong. You have to get hammered during the first half so you don't care or can't remember the second half. I am on the couch with a nasty hangover right now, but I am over the loss. Shocked that the browns even covered the spread. I had guessed 54-3
  14. Nice work. Don't you go and ruin it by knocking her up!
  15. I question the practicality. It's a neat gadget, but much like a segway, I don't think it has much of a practical application. I don't want to get down on the guy's idea. I have a lot of admiration for his innovation and ingenuity, but it's not performing at a level (yet) that makes it worth building and selling. A two-wheeled vehicle would perform much better for considerably less money.
  16. 1:02's would put you on the podium in most novice races i've seen or completed.
  17. redkow97


    Based on Ryan's post on the OMRL board and the responses he got, I think it would probably be easiest to just get a pic of prepped bike and copy that solution. An XR100 will be my first purchase after my track bike sells. My only question/concern is how long tires last. I'm hoping I can get a full season in on 2 rears and 1 front, but I have no clue if that's realistic or not... A set of BT45's runs about $200 ($115/$85) so it's not like more frequent replacement would be THAT much of a hit (compared to the big bikes), but it would be killer to do a full season on $320 of tire.
  18. I'm guessing you were in 2nd gear, yes? My exit drive there kind of sucks, but I also always stay in 3rd rather than dropping to 2nd gear there. I feel like being in 2nd kills my entry speed and increases my chances of highsiding on exit. I also seem to gain on people pretty significantly on the exit there when they upshift from 2nd to 3rd, and I'm just holding it wide open in 3rd there. You're on an R6, so you have more RPM to use on entry, but if that has anything at all to do with your highside, you may want to consider going up a couple teeth in the rear, and just staying in 3rd through there. Hindsight is 20/20. Sorry to hear about your off.
  19. I've been down this road, and it's difficult to consolidate student loans that are not of the same type. In my case, that meant 4 payments to 3 different entities for a while. subsidized loans cannot be consolidated with unsubsidized loans. Grad Plus loans cannot be consolidated with anything that isn't also a grad plus loan, etc. I don't know why, but that's how it is... Beyond just scheduling automatic online payments to avoid missing one, I like your idea of talking to the CU or a bank and basically consolidating yourself. The draw-back there will be that you can't defer payments ever again once they stop being student loans. You also can't get the income-adjusted payment status (which may be a good thing, because your minimum payment is sometimes less than the interest accrued, and some people are dumb enough to let their balance GROW rather than sucking it up and paying). Just be sure to explore the implications of whatever you're doing outside the traditional student loan repayment avenues.
  20. Does the helmet roll backward now when you set it on a table?
  21. Are the bt45's really the best tire option for the 16" wheels? I'm just curious because I ran those on my EX500 years ago. I suppose at 50mph they can't really get super hot.
  22. He's a detective, not a mathematician. I think LEO's are entitled to make a decent living, but I think the current incentive structure promotes less than ideal performance. (I had a lengthy union rant typed out, but that's just off-topic for this thread.)
  23. Ding ding ding! ORDN is a venue for discussion. If you don't want a post discussed out in the open, there are other venues for that. Craigslist comes to mind.
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