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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. the underwater MP3 player is probably your best bet, and i wouldn't expect much from that... if you want (reliable) music while working out, I think you're going to have to explore above-water activities.
  2. Nick, I don't want to rain on your parade, but unless you want to look like you're an extra in a rap video, I would bet you need a medium...
  3. Skip to the bottom if you just want the schedule. http://www.roadracingworld.com/news/article/?article=46803 M1 is also promoting 3 events this year. I hope those go well for M1, the AMA, and the tracks. (for those not familiar with the situation, VIR's 'firing' of M1 is widely agreed to be the reason their event attendance dropped, and the ultimate reason VIR pulled out of last year's AMA schedule. VIR is conspicuously absent from the 2012 schedule. I think ownership has burned a valuable bridge...)
  4. I'll have to watch it again, but I would bet you a dollar that the driver actually turned into the skid, but over-corrected. Pretty hilarious that the guy not only called it, but called it on film. That kind of incident is usually just a fish story. I'd have been skeptical if there wasn't video.
  5. for what brand? T-Rex goes by millimeters. just get an 18mm or something even smaller. There is no great need to ahve the pin fit super snug, and then you can use the same stand on almost any bike.
  6. Dr. Paul's "batshit crazy" views on certain things may be off-putting to some people, but I honestly don't think they'd affect his politics as President. He's not really "pro" gay marriage, but he thinks states should be able to recognize gay marriage individually, if they want to. Unless i've missed something, the same principle would apply to the vast majority of his "batshit crazy" views. The states can decide. If you don't like what your state decides, then "vote with your feet," and move.
  7. I'm actually pretty fucking pissed about some of the stuff the families that my company "adopted" for Christmas are asking for. There are a lot of very reasonable requests. Socks, shoes, pots and pans, food items that they might not otherwise afford for a holiday, etc. And I fully expect that small kids won't have any perspective or tact in asking for things they need, rather than what they want. Kids are kids, and have the right to want unnecessary toys. What pisses me off is that one of our "needy" families asked for "more Wii games," which means they already have a fucking Nintendo Wii. How many pairs of socks would that have bought????? The other family, the mother asked for cooking supplies and other stuff I am happy to donate. The 43 yr old dad asked for a motherfucking X-Box 360. I want to find an X-Box package, take a shit in it, and wrap it up for that jerkoff. He can open it right after he opens the socks and shoes I'm buying him. And no, they won't be fucking airforce one's. I'm buying him decent work boots, because he's seeking assembly line jobs, which (having held a couple in the past) I know require steel-toed boots. The American poor really have it tough! They don't have enough new Wii games! assholes are ruining my charitable nature for the people who really need it...
  8. apparently Tony Pashos is actually the one who supports Ron Paul, but Hillis gets more screen time... http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2011/12/peyton_hillis_supports_ron_pau.html
  9. I haven't seen any footage of him TALKING politics, but this made me smile: http://youtu.be/MsCUjnabT84 Same video, but check out the title. ha. http://youtu.be/1cNMpGXT27Y
  10. I barely trust TV news to get sports scores right. I trust the rest of what they air about as much as their weather forecasts.
  11. Sentences that sound harsh may or may not actually be that harsh. jails are over-crowded, and the hot-button issues that get and keep judges elected are violent crime, and drug convictions. "wanton endangerment" probably is not considered a violent crime, so outside of the people who have seen the video, there will be no public outcry. After credit for time-served, this guy will get most or all of his remaining sentence suspended, and spend little time in jail. He'll be on probation (and probably eff up) for a year or two, and then he can go back to jail for up to 1/2 of his original sentence. But like I said, the felonies on his record will hurt forever. It's long-term justice.
  12. the biggest issue I ever had w/ my truck was backing out of my driveway. I'd get into the street, and then not be able to move forward again... It usually took me some digging just to get back in the driveway. If I could get moving, I never had any complaints. I did put weight in the bed, and looked into snow tires, but the tires I had were getting "excellent" winter traction ratings from people in MN, Canada, etc. I think I would have expected too much and been disappointed with snow tires. drifting around corners was standard procedure. Only over-did it once, and that was after the epic blizzard 3 years ago, and I did it pulling out of my driveway, with the gas pegged hard (out of frustration). Still never got 180 degrees.
  13. effective use of the parking brake combats some of the understeer problems exhibited by FWD cars. I have been accused of driving "like a video game" on more than one occasion.
  14. I agree to the extent that once you are moving, AWD isn't some magic bullet that keeps you on the road, but starting from a stop in deep snow was damn near impossible in my RWD ranger. Once I was moving, I never had an issue, but GETTING moving can be a lot to ask of two wheels with no weight over them.
  15. so, uh, what WOULD you be down with recording?
  16. Where he lives, they get similar snow to us. But he's all into the ski/snowboard/snow shoe/hiking scene now. He's basically a lesbian hippy with a dick these days. Which is another reason the Subaru sounds about right... The mountains are the big question-mark. They can get 20" in a few hours in bad conditions, and the roads aren't clear for days. But I don't think ANY vehicle is really going to deal with that well, and not be hugely impractical for the other 95% of the year.
  17. eh, if they're both on board for it, I don't see the harm. They're both equally sexually retarded. Neither knows what the other is doing wrong. No perspective. In this case, I don't think that's a bad thing. It's like reading a motorcycle forum from some South American country. They rave about 250cc 4-strokes like they have more power than Zeus on steroids. We know better, but what's wrong with them being excited about what they've got?
  18. Baby brother is buying a "new" car, but lives in Washington State. snow chains are mandatory in multiple sections of mountain passes. He's debating between something fun to drive (Impreza or WRX) versus something with more ground clearance (CRV - <cough, girl car, cough>). The Outback has been proposed as a decent compromise, but before he goes and buys something so "beige," how good (or bad) would a Subaru sedan do in deep snow? YouTube videos actually make things look pretty promising, and a CRV isn't all that much higher up.
  19. I still prefer scorpions, but if anyone needs a "spare" track helmet, the Bell Vortex deal at STG is freakin killer right now. I was thrilled when I got mine for $99, and now they're $79. "torn gold" (or whatever) is the color I got too. It's ugly, but it's a good helmet and kept my head in one piece during a decently violent crash. I can't speak to its long-term comfort or wind noise because mine was only worn for a few races and 20-minutes at a time during trackdays, always with ear plugs, but the construction is definitely quality, and if you race, these have a 2010 build date, so they'll pass tech for years to come. like I said, a great backup or passenger helmet for this price. I will be asking for another for christmas.
  20. ^ frankly, I see the same thing happening with education and the job market. The government has given people way too much money in school loans. Now almost everyone can finance a degree, but there aren't enough jobs to support X% of the country having a bachelors degree, and Y% having a masters. So you end up with a small percentage of people who are actually USING their degree, and then a large percentage who are over-educated, or under-employed (depending on how you look at it). Those folks could "afford" a college education, because of their loans, but now it's incredibly hard for them to find a job that pays enough to get them out of their loan debt. Sub-prime education lending. When half the country has a masters, suddenly you need a bachelor's to work retail. No different than people buying houses they couldn't afford.
  21. the bigger deal is that the WE charges are both felonies. Probably "only" F4's or F5's, but they'll still need to be disclosed on every job application he fills out for the rest of his life. But Scruit is likely correct. 2 counts of WE at 1-5 years each means that he'll likely get 2-3 years on each charge, served concurrently. Then take away time-served, and he's down to a year, has served basically half his sentence, and is out on parole almost immediately. That's assuming he has no priors, and has been behaving himself in jail. Glad to see that his stupidity has SOME consequences though. Normally this sort of thing would just get ignored.
  22. I literally yell at the radio when I hear them advertise this bullshit... "free talk and text minutes!" IT'S NOT FUCKING FREE. SOMEONE IS PAYING FOR IT. More specifically, someone's tax dollars. "but people need cell phones, for safety." BS. we survived thousands of years w/o cell phones. I'd like to see a study on how many of these "free" text messages are being used to facilitate illegal activity btw... Drug deals and the like.
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