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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I raced on Q2's without warmers and while my times at Nelson are only in the :19 range, warmers wouldnt make me any quicker. Buy more seat time and another set of tires. Get a generator next season.
  2. Beverun has never been a Midwest event for NESBA. those are mid-central dates. I've ridden with NESBA for 4 years and only did 2 Midwest events, both at Putnam.
  3. Buds has them for $109. I just got the email. Is that what prompted this thread? I want one too.
  4. How many bikes can riders' discount afford to field?!
  5. Filmore's KTM ride got cancelled. It was in road racing world last month. But they managed a 7th in their debut. I think the 1190 has a legit shot at getting on the podium, but it's going to take the right circumstances. I don't buy that May is the weak link. He's had 0 setup notes and no teammate to try other settings. Now they will literally be collecting twice as much data and feedback every lap. I think Eslick's "ride the wheels off the bike" style favors weekends where teams have less time to prepare. So if it rains through practice, and then suddenly dries out for the race, look for Eslick to do well in race 1. Once the other teams get the chance to adjust though, then we'll see which bike is really most capable, rather than which rider can make the most of a bike with guesswork setup.
  6. As someone who works in criminal prosecution, the system isn't "racist," but minorities are often not on a level playing field. Conviction rates show a clear racial bias. I don't think that should be employers' problem though.
  7. I feel like we've had this thread before... economic collapse seems like the most real threat to me. What will you do when you can't buy food, etc.? The first answer is trade. But consumables are consumed, so of course, someone is going to have to start farming and hunting. No, you can't eat bullets, but you can use them to defend what you have, and take what you don't. Clearly it's more noble to be in the former group, but when the options are starve or steal, i don't think many of us would hesitate to be in the latter group.
  8. Like others have said, double and triple check with your insurance company as to what is and isn't covered when it comes to rentals. Generally, vehicles are insured, not drivers. Your insurance is often for YOUR vehicle, and won't extend to rentals. Conversely, your insurance will cover your vehicle even when you aren't the driver.
  9. Bring lube. They are gonna ass-rape you on the price.
  10. I honestly don't know if my dogs would even bark, unless they were reacting to MY shock and surprise. I mean, we discourage them from barking at every little noise they hear at 3 AM... if they SAW someone, then yes, but they sleep in our bedroom. And like you said, aside from noise, there's no guarantee my dogs are actually going to stop anyone. My beagle isn't going to attack an intruder unless a cat or a squirrel breaks in. My rottweiler has a lot more desire to guard our house, but I still wouldn't rely on him to be vicious. I'm not convinced he knows how...
  11. yeah, this. It would be nice to have a directory of members other IM info so I can chat instead of exchanging multiple rapid-fire PM's, but I already have too many email accounts, and I only use IM to talk to my wife while we're both at work...
  12. http://youtu.be/bp5gAY6aIjA she had a shotgun AND a pistol. Told 911 she had "2 guns in her hand." I took that to mean double-wielding. see what i mean about the old-ass picture of her husband though? weird...
  13. that "woman" was an 18 yr old with an infant, and a husband who died of cancer. Just judging by the picture they showed, he looked to be in his 50's. creepy. That means he married her and knocked her up days after her 18th birthday.
  14. Hypothetically speaking, if an intruder breaks into my home in the middle of the night, how does that scenario play out with your family, and your dogs? Our dogs sleep in our bedroom, so as much as I'd like to grab a shotgun and hole up behind our bed, there's a very high probability that my dogs would be charging at the intruder the second he came in the room, or waiting by the door barking. It would be damn near impossible to use a shotgun for defense without hitting the dogs, or making that a substantial risk. With that in mind, I'm thinking a handgun is my best alternative. I fully acknowledge that my situation is unique from those with kids. In my case, once an intruder has gained entry to my home, my plan would be to take a defensive position. If they want to enter my room, they're getting holes put in them, but I'm not going to risk getting shot myself for a bunch of stuff that insurance will cover. For those with kids, I expect your first move is toward their room(s) to defend THEM instead. In that scenario though, your dog(s) is/are likely the first ones in harm's way. So what do you do?
  15. i was expecting this to be the 18 yr old w/ the baby, whose husband died of cancer before the kid was born. according to the 911 tape, she was double wielding!
  16. I'd wager that most cars have more weight over the rear wheels than virtually any pickup. Weight matters for sure, but trucks don't have the better weight distribution unless you weight the bed.
  17. redkow97


    that would be a weather report, not a weather forecast.
  18. what are these "hidden problems" that aren't easily identified during an inspection and test ride? The only thing I can think of is loss of power at high RPM, or some kind of high-speed wobble. Either would be a big issue, but if the seller has been riding the bike in the same condition they're selling it, I'm usually pretty comfortable with that. On my first track bike, I literally rode it for 2 minutes in the pits at Summit, then bought it. I had observed the owner riding it at pace previously though. My second track bike I only rode up and down the street at the seller's house. Still no issue.
  19. If they're actually brighter, then you're probably fine, but mine were shitty. I think they'd violate ORC 4513.261(B) if you have an integrated brake light and turn signal, I would also argue that the closer to move the signals to the center of the bike, the less clear it is which direction you intend to turn.
  20. i have definitely seen it on other forums, so i might be making an incorrect assumption that it was on ORDN as well, but I'd be really surprised if it wasn't.
  21. that looks good, and is almost identical to how I had my street bike set up, but those rear signals are NOT legal. I think they'd be close enough that you're probably not going to get hassled over it, but I'd be shocked if those lights were DOT approved. They're going to be lower wattage, and will be less bright, and blink faster (which is what might tip off cops)
  22. you're about 3 years late on this. I'm sure this is a repost.
  23. The guy you quoted is a regular on the WERA board, and unless I'm mistaken, also an STT coach. I'm shocked to see he has 93,000 posts on that site. I don't always agree with "Moto_Joe" but he is definitely a competent rider, and not the stereotypical GSX-R squid.
  24. The most convincing argument against mass concealed carry (in my mind anyway) is that the average joe citizen doesn't think about cross-fire in crowded areas. Then again, that would probably not be the most likely place for a crime to take place, so... whatever. No one's mind is going to change on this issue. Wasted paper and ink.
  25. I hope you're not implying that the danger of oncoming traffic is some kind of badge of honor that proves street riders have bigger balls. There are dangerous aspects to street and track. What I think the track guys are struggling to understand is why the street folks seem to think that gravel in the road and cars crossing the center line makes the street "better." I 1000% acknowledge that track riding has its dangers (increased speed being the most obvious), but I haven't seen anyone brag about it being more dangerous purely for the sake of danger. speed is fun. is an F150 crossing the center line part of the enjoyment for you?
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