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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I won't believe it until I see it. I'm sure the new ownership has the intention of following through on all these claims, but they'll underestimate the costs, and have to cut something. Plus they just built that shooting range behind the gas pumps. I'd have to see aerial photography, but I believe that will interfere with at least a portion of the proposed South track layout.
  2. No matter where Danny ends up riding, he'll be exciting to watch. That's good for everyone. I'm a bit surprised RMR dropped him after a championship season, but it's business. I've heard all the rumors everyone else has, but I would guess it just comes down to Danny wanting a shot at Superbike, and RMR preferring that he stick to winning Sportbike championships. And yes, Chris Clark(?) got Tommy Hayden's ride. Clark brought sponsors to the table. Again, this is a business. Results get you a lot of support, but sponsorship money is an UP-FRONT result. Blake young has a ton of potential to win a championship, but potential is only a word. Money talks.
  3. i maintain that there is no Madden curse. Want proof? Hillis is going to be a free agent at the end of the year. Sounds like his career is about to take off.
  4. I'm not (quite) so jaded as to say that everyone on welfare is abusing it, but I agree that we need to reform welfare so that it's a lot HARDER to exploit.
  5. nice bike. you're making me crave budweiser now...
  6. Hey Mike - got your message, and I don't mean to keep blowing off your calls, but I was in the library last night. Had an exam from 6-9. I should be less of a ghost now that exams are over. Just have a paper to finish up by the 21st.
  7. I believe Scruit's initial assessment is correct, but that the person directing traffic incurs most of the liability. They're asserting authority, whether it's valid or not. Like most areas of law though, there's an argument on both sides. If you're the driver who gets waved through, and then causes the accident, your defense is, "this guy waved me. he was wearing a vest, and took on the responsibility of directing traffic. My belief that he had authority was reasonable." The driver of the blameless vehicle ought to be suing both parties, frankly. Throw it all at the wall and see what sticks. depending on who causes the accident, there's a good chance they have more money than the person who is employed directing traffic... Now if they sue the COMPANY who they're directing traffic for, that's a different story. Liability through agency(?). A jury would decide.
  8. yeah, that's what people have told us, but I've heard that "badly bred" Rotties can have white on them too. I'm wondering if he isn't the result of poor breeding, and then maybe the runt on top of that? I can't think of why anyone else would ever give him up. The people who were fostering him the last month or so did a lot of training with him, but you can't teach a dog to be as sweet as he is. Especially after coming fro the Ashtabula APL, where they said he was barking like crazy, and throwing himself against the wall of the cage Strays make the best dogs. They appreciate every meal, and every night in a warm house.
  9. i have a "visible v-8" model that has been in my attic for years... Need to get on top of that. cool little coffee-table piece, or garage decor. found it on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Revell-Visible-V-8-Engine-Scale/dp/B00004YUXS my parents got it for my brother and me years ago. It was a cool-ass gift. Not sure why we never got around to building it.
  10. We got a new foster dog last Wednesday, but I've already decided there's no way he's leaving. Kramer is either the smallest Rottweiler ever, or he's mixed with something. I haven't weighed him, but I figure no more than 70 lbs., and all awesome. The rescue estimates that he's 4 years old. He was literally hours away from being put down. People from Secondhand Mutts were at a shelter to pick up 4 other dogs, and Kramer was in the yard area, where they let the dogs play before putting them down. Kip and Mary Jo were two of the volunteers doing transport, and they have two Rotties, and couldn't leave him. They have been fostering him in their house for the last couple months, and when their dogs (and mostly their cats) needed a break from Kramer, we volunteered to take him for a while. Like I said, that was last Wednesday, and we're already filling out the adoption paperwork. Within 24 hours of him being at our house, I knew he was already our dog I just didn't expect my wife to agree so quickly. She said she was going to tell me that someone else wanted to adopt him, and send him back to the shelter for a few days, then surprise me on Christmas. By Friday night, she felt bad when she saw how upset I was getting that she wouldn't let me keep him. she's bad at surprises, but I am good with that this time. (our beagle mutt, Henry, is lurking in the background) (just picked this up off the rescue's facebook page. No idea how my dog didn't get adopted sooner...)
  11. Unless they don't use cardboard, I'd find a new range. That sounds like total BS.
  12. Regular mail, and even certified mail are only acceptable forms of service if there are other cicumstances that make personal service impossible. Calling to tell someone to pick it up doesn't sound adequate to me. Prove you were talking to the party being subpoenaed. You can't. That's why personal service is the preferred method.
  13. I miss mine. Wouldn't mind picking up a crashed example for cheap and then ratting it out. the reason the tank is so banged up is because the Kawasaki stickers are UNDER the clear-coat on the tank. Not so for the rest of the decals. I removed them from my bike.
  14. i'm not sure it was "must see," but it's pretty cool.
  15. Harley riders... (i'm kidding ...or am I?)
  16. www.ex-500.com if you can sift through the newbie bullshit, there's a lot of good info there on that bike. "John" on this site (dragknee on ex-500.com) also has the same generation EX500 to compare to. His is in, uh, less pristine condition
  17. It just seems odd to me that a witness would cooperate with police to the point of giving statements by phone, coming down to the station to be interviewed, but then suddenly change his tune when asked to show up for court. I don't see the need for the police's (alleged) deception with someone who has been totally willing to help them out thus far. If they're uncooperative from the start, then yeah, it would be no surprise that they would be tricked into accepting service.
  18. ...but why would he go? If the parties want you there that badly, they will find you. Service of subpoena's to people who are trying to avoid them is a cottage industry. "hey, can you come down to the station to get this piece of paper that requires you to appear in court" is not usually how it goes...
  19. you can't serve a subpoena by phone...
  20. I'm sorry for your loss. I try to think about the fact that you gave your dog 13 years of food, shelter, love, and general "comfort." He's had a good life, and I am certain he knows it and appreciates it. Feel good knowing that you and your family made that happen.
  21. depends on how quickly i need it. if local is reasonably priced, I'll pay a small premium to support a local business. I'll pay whatever I have to when it's friday afternoon, and I'm trying to ride on Sunday though...
  22. hey, slingshots are kind of badass as far as primitive, inexpensive weapons go! I see no practical purpose to mount 2 knives on one, but take a sling-shot ball to the chest, and then come back with the dennis the menace comments!
  23. redkow97

    eating disorders

    how'd you like to get the casting call for that modelling job... casting Agent: "Hey Jenny! We want to book you a modeling gig." Jenny: "OMG. my dream is coming true! what is it? Guess jeans? cover girl?" Casting agent: "you're going to be the chubby girl in an anorexia awareness ad." Jenny: "...oh. I'll just be in my room with a water bottle and some celery, if anyone needs me."
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