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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'm sorry that the OP has had some bad experiences with helmets, but the "logic" posited for not wearing one is totally flawed. "helmets increase the chance of snapping your neck" is like saying taking a shower increases your chances of slipping and cracking your head. You're rationalizing away protection for a statistically insignificant risk. When it comes to waving, I tried to wave at everyone except scooters. In some situations, I was on the clutch, and couldn't wave. Sorry. In retrospect, I wish I had waved to the scooter riders too; because now that I've ridden one, I can't possibly fault people for wanting to have that much damn fun going 40 mph or less. So sure - if you want to exercise your right to not wear a helmet, that's fine, but don't try to tell us that wearing a helmet is riskier than going without one.
  2. Sounds like you're turning in too early. I do that too, and it seems to be a common mistake. move back your turn-in point 5 or 10 feet at a time, and it should solve itself. More of a mental battle than anything though.
  3. i've honestly never dropped my bike. Came close a few times, but never dropped it. Nearly dropped GrapeSmuggler's bike backing it up the ramp into PJ's toy hauler once too I taught my wife to ride at a house I was renting before we moved in together. She was moving, but wouldn't pick up her feet. I was telling her to get her feet on the pegs, and she did. Ended up in my garage, and when she put her feet down on the smooth concrete, her left foot slid out from under her, and the bike went down. somehow the only damage was a broken clutch lever; and the bike was 100% rideable with the lever broken. I was freaking out that something major was wrong, because it would start, but would stall when I tried to release the clutch. The wife was crying her eyes out, freaking out that she had broken my bike. To my credit, I did make sure she was unhurt before tending to the bike. Anyway, she felt TERRIBLE, and went inside to cry some more. ...then I realized that I had the kick-stand down, and that was the only reason the bike was stalling. I think I got a couple BJ's out of that incident,a nd like I said, the only damage was that the ball-end of the clutch lever snapped off. All things considered, I might let her drop the bike again
  4. I just registered. Should get rid of my orange shirt this weekend, unless I do something dumb. I only registered for B superstock, and C superbike/Superstock. If I get my shit packed Friday night, and the weather looks good for Saturday, I'll consider running the solo 20 (middleweight) on Saturday too, but finances are a little tight, and I want to race at Nelson in a few weeks too anyone else doing the WERA thing?
  5. I completed my enclosed alternative over the weekend. with sleeping in the SUV being the simpler option, I really just needed more weather-proof storage space on the trailer. My bike has been off to the right side of the trailer since Imprez55 and I hit Nelson a month or so back anyway, so evening out the weight with a storage box and "stuff" makes sense regardless. My box ended up being 18" wide by 24" tall by 7' long, and I used 7/16 plywood because it was $7.50 a sheet, and the nicer stuff was closer to $30 a sheet. I finished it off with white exterior paint left over from painting the pillars on my side porch. that should keep it weather-proof a bit longer. The result is big and heavy, but it will easily fit my tool boxes, an EZ-up, my boots and gloves, 2 helmets, 2 small coleman coolers, and my gas can. Once I add casters to one end, it will be pretty portable too. All that I need to add are some handles for easier carrying, and some latches to hold the top on Should be in action on my way to BeaveRun to race w/ WERA next weekend.
  6. Even BT003's are probably more tire than he should need on the street. Maybe Q2's are overkill as well. They're just so inexpensive (relative to other street/track tires) that I hesitate a little less to recommend them. the Conti Motions seem like a great option with lots of positive first-hand reviews from people on this site though. OP - before you replace a front tire due to losing pressures, inspect your rim to make sure that's not the problem. If you've got a dinged rim, a new tire might not solve the problem. Rim repair is pretty inexpensive. If not for shipping, it would be down-right cheap.
  7. We should really change it to date-of-birth. The ages change as the posts get older.
  8. To be fair, track riding in general is pretty gay. My friend Matt (who just bought a house w/ his partner Josh) called me out on facebook once. I skipped his birthday party to go to the track, and he was giving me shit to the extent of: "you worried there are going to be too many gay guys at the party?" of course not Matt, gay men love me. "I guess I shouldn't be so offended that you're skipping my party. Tight leather, and a bunch of guys playing with their 'crotch rockets' sounds like a better time anyway." word. "wait, remind me how much you paid for that little leather outfit of yours?" $650. used. "and I'M the gay guy??" My wife was laughing her ass off. My mother was less amused
  9. ^ so you did. I just don't want anyone going out w/ their damper turned to "11" to force themselves to use less bar input, and more body position
  10. I searched for a website to see what they're all about. Only found a facebook page for them http://www.facebook.com/people/Shark-City-Customs/100002024206655
  11. yeah, he should really make them sign some kind of release of liability waiver. I would think this is a bailment agreement (he's lawfully possessing property that belongs to someone else), so he IS accepting responsibility for their vehicles in the same manner parking garages accept responsibility if their facility burns down. Garages always print a big disclaimer on the back of the ticket to avoid a court battle. There's a reason they find that necessary. But on the flip-side of that coin, this appears to be a custom bike shop. Their business insurance ought to cover damage to the building, and its contents. All he should have to do is write up a $0 "work order" for each bike to make them legitimate customers, and his insurance should cover the bikes if the building fails. That's assumign he has decent insurance.
  12. The only reason Tucker Max isn't just another fratboy jerkoff is because he wrote a book about how big of a fratboy jerkoff he is. Kudos to him for capitalizing on being an asshole, but; unless they also have a book deal, those who actively emulate his behavior are just assholes. Laughing at the book is one thing, but a lot of people seem to want to BE Tucker Max. Those folks tend to annoy me.
  13. i never actually saw the movie, I just know it didn't do well, and it was better for the joke to call it shitty.
  14. The GT-R may have replaced it, but Ryan had a Z06 at one point as well. Dude has good taste.
  15. Craig goes to the beach like a fat dad has sex: with a t-shirt on.
  16. I agree with the spirit of what you're saying, but this advice contradicts physics. it is virtually impossible to initiate a turn on a motorcycle without steering input. THINKING about using your upper body is definitely helpful, but you simply cannot generate enough lateral force to disturb the bikes gyroscopic balance without steering input. I believe Keith Code proved this point by welding the bars perfectly straight on a bike as an example. It cannot be turned, because there's no way to (significantly) disrupt its desire to stay upright, and move in a straight line. You can hang off all you want, but initiating lean angle is caused by the wheels moving out from under the bike; not by the rider 'pushing' the top of the bike to one side or the other. throwing your weight to one side will momentarily cause the bike to move that direction, but it will straighten right back out on its own unless there is steering input to cause more lean.
  17. How much do you think law school costs? I should graduate with around $80k in debt. This isn't Georgetown, where I'm racking up $230k for the right to take the bar exam. first year associates at most firms start between $60k and $80k. A friend of mine started at close to six-figures, and with bonuses, makes well over $100k/year. she's barely a year out of law school. I am looking at prosecution, which is far less lucrative, but the government has good benefits, and pays back 100% of that $80k in debt if I stick around for a few years. I considered the finances before I ever enrolled.
  18. are you suggesting I forego the internship, write a decent book, and then make it into a shitty movie?
  19. I've posted anecdotal stories about this guy before. his bikes are pretty impressive and worth talking about. At my first trackday, he had a brand spankin' new 848. His taste has only gotten more expensive, it would seem. http://tracktalk.nesba.com/showthread.php?t=21035 just worth gawking at the bike...
  20. I've mentioned I'm in law school, but I currently do not work in the legal field. that hurts may chances of being hired after law school. I just got off the phone with a friend who is pushing my resume to several people in my desired legal field. He asked me up-front, "are you open to un-paid internships if that's what they have available?" So whether or not they have openings is a big "if," but assuming they do, I have a serious choice regarding giving up most or all of my income for the next 2 years while I finish school, and study for the bar. Essentially I'm asking "what would you do?" If I take an un-paid internship, I will probably be able to go to school full-time starting in January, which would allow me to graduate in December of 2012, rather than June of 2013. I will also be done racing until then, and probably have to sell my bike. Finances are a bit of an unknown. My wife has a steady full-time job, and actually makes more than i do (before my commission checks anyway). Removing half our income would hurt. A lot. But I am already eligible for more student loans than I accept, and axing half our income would probably increase the amounts of my subsidized loans. Taking the internship definitely does not guarantee a job after graduation; but it does significantly increase my odds, gives me good references, and pads my resume with a lot of relevant work experience. So again, what would you do?
  21. I wonder what he was racing that broke. I don't know my CCS classes, and I am not well versed in the "unlimited" classes with either org, but a ZX14 would be unique to say the least. Class eligibility aside, he could probably have managed a "participation" finish in a few races. Hell, I got 4th in my first B Superstock race. There were only 6 of us gridded, so everyone finished in the points.
  22. @Hellmutt, I saw a guy scrape the lower fairing on his 929, or some other bigger Honda. The curbing certainly makes that easier, but when it's done one level ground, it's usually a result of ultra-soft suspension. The suspension loads pretty heavily in the turns. Moreso if your body position isn't ideal. That could lower the bike well over an inch right at the apex.
  23. if I'd had a 5-speed, i might have I'd entertain the notion of a Neon SRT-4, if the right deal came along. But that rear wing would have to go; and there's no way in hell I'd drive one in any kind of "loud" color... Black or silver. Even a fast neon is at least modestly embarrassing at best.
  24. if this were a for sale thread, i would have tried harder to keep my mouth shut, but you're dreaming if you think that car is worth mroe than $1500. I drove my wife's '03 neon after she got a new car, and we traded in my truck. it will average 30 mpg in mixed driving, and the stereo was decent. Those are the only good things I can say about that car. The 3-speed automatic died on me at 86,000 miles, and I replaced 2 cam-shate placement sensors in as many years. On top of that, it was totally gutless, which; combined with a wide-ratio 3-speed auto, means hybrid cars and mini vans are giving you dirty looks as they crowd the rear view mirror on highway entrance ramps... A manual transmission would have helped it a lot, but the neon was definitely a very budget-built car. I'd look into a Taurus with half that mileage.
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