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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. yes. it's notoriously bad. It's the Ridge exit, but the intersection in question is between 480 and Brookpark, so I'm 99% sure we're talking about the same place. Tpoppa can probably back us up on this as well, although he probably exits at Tiedeman... I only have a couple of Spanish-speaking neighbors that I know of. I'm sure other parts of Parma are more densely populated with Spanish-speaking families. The people by me seem nice enough though. The white trash couple in their late 40's who RENT across from me piss me off more. Their fucking cats drives my dog nuts, and Hank is going to plow through my screen one of these days and catch one. I'll leave it on their door step with a note that says, "sorry about your cat. Please keep the rest of them in your yard." My dog isn't all over their shit...
  2. I'm not so sure about that... I think there's DNA evidence, and enough counts that at least ONE of them will stick. A lot will depend on the evidence rulings during pre-trial motions. I might try to follow that one a little more closely so i can have a more educated opinion on the outcome. The only thing that's surprising me about this Casey Anthony debacle is that the prosecutor is acting all surprised; like he wasn't aware their case was so tenuous. Boy's putting on a shocked face for the media. He knew they were going to lose a while ago.
  3. exactly what I was thinking. When I read "1 out of 5 would fail," the first thing that went through my mind was, "that's it?" And the larger problem is 90% of those that COULD pass choose to drive in a manner that they know violates the rules of the road. I don't care if you're doing 5 or 10 over the limit on the highway or major roads, but keep it under 30 in neighborhoods. Use your damn turn signal when there's traffic around, and don't assume that your turn signal entitles you to cut me off. It's an expression of your desire to change lanes; not an illuminated road block that entitles you to a space. Don't cross solid pained lines. This pisses me off most at the highway exit by my house. The lanes shift to the left to create a right-turn only lane, and people in the left lane routinely go straight instead of shifting with their lane. It's a solid fucking line, and there's a giant sign on the bridge above that says "LANES SHIFT." If I held my lane every time someone would have hit me there, I could literally have been involved in at least 10 accidents in the last year, and not been at fault for any of them. That's no exaggeration. My horn gets a workout there.
  4. i was initially thinking she'll get a book deal, but now I think posing nude is more likely in her future. When you're already a social misfit, why not take it all off for some coin?
  5. incorrect pressures are never good, but a little too high is WORLDS safer than too low. 42/42 isn't going to put him on his head the way under 10 lbs. would. Where are you keeping the bike though? Mine sat all winter, and although I probably aired mine down from ~30/30, I think they were both still close to 20 lbs apiece when I reinflated them for the track...
  6. i hate facebook so much right now... I replied to too many people's posts with sound, rational, law-student thoughts rather than overly emotional outrage she's pretty hot. pretty sure she also killed her daughter, but it's not what you know; it's what you can prove. Big difference between "not guilty" and "innocent."
  7. yeah, I emailed the pro 6 staff just to offer my sympathy. They are really nice people, and although I don't know them very well, I would bet this is like losing a family member to them. it's a tight group up there, and Pro 6 takes safety very seriously. that has to make it hurt that much more...
  8. i'm sure details will leak out over the next few weeks. RIP rider. condolences to his family http://www.ottawacitizen.com/health/dead+motorcycle+crash+Calabogie+race+track/5047866/story.html
  9. ^ you can coach. I'll just make sure you don't wear out your tires riding in advanced:D But if Todd wants/needs people to keep the beginners in line, I'd be happy to help out some time. Tell him I'll pick up Jinu's slack whenever he bins it!
  10. so I can buy your spot from you at cost if it does?
  11. anyone think Saturday might sell out? I'm not usually a weather watcher, but w/o a late fee for registration, I'm sort of holding out... and is anyone who is NOT riding Advanced willing to watch my dog? My wife's going to be out of town. I can leave him w/ my sister, but my dog's fucking awesome, so bringing him to the track is always the preferable option.
  12. the freedom IS what matters. Requiring helmets is one step closer to flatly banning motorcycles "because they're dangerous." I'm not a smoker, but I voted against "smoke free Ohio" for this very reason. I have a mommy and a daddy that taught me how to make intelligent decisions. I don't need my Uncle Sam making them for me.
  13. I think requiring people to do __________ if they don't wear a helmet is legislating the wrong party. Just make a law that says, "you don't have to wear a helmet, but if you don't, emergency medical staff will assist others first." so if 2 riders crash on opposite sides of town, the one wearing a helmet gets the ambulance, and the other guys takes his chances (again).
  14. i'd have to modify the pouch and the slide area significantly, but that's a possibility. But I still don't have a place to use it. I'm seriously considering taking it to Nelson on July 16 and just seeing what it can do in the infield (after 5:00 of course)
  15. I'll have to measure the arm on this one, but I'm thinking 4-5'. Nothing that huge. It's a killer cool thing to have (which is why I didn't let my brother just throw it away, and i haven't used it for scrap wood), but I've had it for months, and not even had a chance to put it together yet. someone schedule a back-yard shoot! maybe it can throw clays
  16. ...so my brother's engineering class made a trebuchet as a project, and he didn't feel like taking up space on the truck when he moved to Seattle. At the time, I had his bike in my garage, so his bike went down to Columbus on my trailer, and the trebuchet came back. It's sat in my garage (disassembled) since then. this is the approximate size I'm dealing with: the pouch is sized to throw tennis balls (or apples, oranges, cue balls...), and I have no idea how far it will throw. So give me some ideas about where I can use this thing, and what kind of awesome shit I can throw. And if anyone wants it, make me an offer. I'm thinking the next time someone has a "come shoot in my backyard" event, this will make the trip. If it goes home with someone else, and I get my gas money covered, I might just call it even. that might change if it's particularly awesome, but I don't have the room to use it that often.
  17. I would bet she'll be sentenced to 25 and serve about a third of that. If this is her first DUI, she might get off a little lighter, but there is probably a minimum sentence for manslaughter.
  18. $500-$600 is pretty standard through fwd air. I've heard them suggested a lot when people buy bikes long-distance via the WERA board, or even eBay. My buddy Dan bought his R6 on eBay, and I think he used fwd air.
  19. am I not supposed to be doing that at trackdays and on novice WERA grids?
  20. at the very least, the neighbors she came with should be under some SERIOUS scrutiny. She went down the water slide with the kid, never came up, and no one said anything? come on...
  21. my friend is currently on a flight to Key West. Bernie Kosar is in first class.
  22. **** Okay, i read the news story linked below the original post, and that contradicts what was originally posted. If that's the case, then all of my previous statements are withdrawn - except the part about not riding at night. Whether it's the rider's fault or someone else's, I think riding at night is a risky move at best.
  23. This is on I-90; a divided highway. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the rider was at fault.
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