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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. at highway speeds, my shitbox neon's tire-noise is enough to drown out a HD unless it's in 4th gear at WOT. In that case, it's not going to be next to me for long. loud pipes don't save lives; checking your blind-spot and not sitting in other people's blind spots saves lives. ride like you're invisible. Being heard doesn't mean you're seen, or that people even care enough to look.
  2. i've seen it done, but to be safe you need to build "outriggers" for the far left and far right tie-down points. the pitbull trailer restraint system makes it possible to fit 2 bikes on a 4x8 relatively painlessly. of course for the $500+ you'll pay for 2 Pit-bull TRS setups, you can easily get a larger trailer, so that's only the best option if you can't store a larger trailer, and you transport 2 bikes fairly often. YMMV.
  3. I can't control how the Accent makes you feel, but can you actually cite statistics that show it's less safe than a larger vehicle? Or better yet, other vehicles that are in the same price range? If you're talking new cars, I'm pretty sure the Nissan Versa is the only thing that can be had for close to the same money. But I do want to hear what a "fully loaded" Hyundai Accent has in hte way of features
  4. When you hear a police siren, what do you do? If you're like me, you're looking every goddamn direction trying to find the flashing lights, because the buildings around you make shit echo all over the place. Loud pipes might alert me to the fact that a bike is somewhere in the are, but it doesn't make me any more likely to see it or avoid it in my car. Either you're paying attention to what's in front of you, or you're not. Loud pipes annoy neighbors.
  5. ^ That's actually a good point, and it depends on how the law reads. In a lot of jurisdictions, rape is defined at least in part by forcing the victim. That means the victim has to fight back for it to be considered rape. Seems strange, but the idea is that a woman can't just lay there, and then claim later that she was raped. in other jurisdictions, all that is required is "lack of consent." There are a lot of "unwanted penetration" cases that wouldn't be considered rape, but would still be sexual battery, etc. Obviously it's a touchy area of law for rape victims, and guys who have been accused for what they feel are inadequate reasons.
  6. that looks awesome. Now there's really no reason for anyone to buy a ZX10 (for street use). to me, the Z1000s says, "this is what ZX10 buyers would ride if they weren't compensating for their small penises." It's going to be better in absolutely every way (for street riding).
  7. price? but I do agree that it's kind of silly to want a bike just because it has 200hp... How many of use are actually using 100hp? IF you can even rationalize a 1000cc inline-4 as a street bike, the R1 probably offers the most usable power, and that's a big "if" for me.
  8. I just saw this as well, but I was hoping for downs syndrome porn.
  9. trade for a '97 EX500 with 15k on the clock? I've gotta ask, right?
  10. what's your budget? there is cool shit to be had when money is no object. I'd look at concert tickets for my dad. Eagles, KISS, etc. That's hit-or-miss with schedules and tours though.
  11. i've gotta say, that's a pretty well set up bike for $2400. the suspension is the selling point as far as I'm concerned. It's a honda, so it's hard to kill the engine, and suspension is what's expensive to upgrade. Unless I missed it in the original description, Hoblick forgot to mention the Vortex rearsets. (**edit** apparently they're Attack performance rearsets. I looked at the picture, then scanned the description for "vortex," which is how I missed it the first time.) I can't think of anything I'd ADD to that bike. It's all any of us would ever really need for the track... Wish this had been for sale before I bought my RR. Could have saved myself a few hundred bucks.
  12. i wouldn't say "through" winter. It's just too unpredictable. my first year riding, I did a fair amount of winter rides, but now a lot more of my riding is commuting, so the gear needed to make a cold ride tolerable is more trouble than I have time for on weekday mornings. My brother rides his bike from Columbus to Cleveland right before thanksgiving every year. He's never had to deal with snow on the ground until he got to my parents' street, but I know he's ridden through falling snow. I've done that as well, but never for 50 miles at a time.
  13. where'd you read that? the interview with the idiot indicated that he was banned from all OU sporting events. It made no mention of OSU that I remember.
  14. '58-'62 might be the most beautiful cars ever created... I don't know why I love that body style so much, or why the quad head-lights make such a difference between the '57 and the '58, but that generation (corvette) gives me a boner.
  15. cleveland radio introduced me to that gem early last week. I couldn't stop singing it for several days. I think the auto-tuning is funny more because of Lil Wayne thought.
  16. a good seat, decent scenery, and lots of speeding help quite a bit.
  17. 180/55/17 I used this rear exclusively at trackdays, so the center "meat" is still basically perfect. It has a lot of street miles left in it. The right side is worn more than the left, but is still fine for street use. The only reason this tire was taken off my track bike was to flip it and even out the wear. Unfortunately the day that I intended to do that, it was raining, so I couldn't run my tire backward, and mounted a new one instead. I haven't gotten back to the track enough this summer to warrant re-mounting it, and I'll start next season with a new set of tires, so this one isn't going back on. $50 (I'll also have a complete set for sale in the spring when I have new tires mounted)
  18. i only checked cincy CL, but your price doesn't look as ridiculous as I thought I guess. there just aren't many Mazda3's in existence with 163k on the clock, so a comparable car is going to be difficult to find. my car's an '03 with half that mileage, so $6k sounded pretty high.
  19. i got a boner. around 5:50 or so, I actually said, "did he just drift up 51 degree banking backward and drift down sideways?" Then they replayed it from a different angle. yep, he did. ridiculous. Actually, a 650hp fiesta is pretty ridiculous even when it's sitting still...
  20. way late to the party, but: scissors 2 phones sun glasses a pen coffee cup I got lucky with the scissors. The coffee cup would be good to throw, but then it's gone... Might be able to use the phone cords to strangle or restrain some zombies too.
  21. 163K on the clock? And you don't think $5900 is a tad high? Or is that the "go ahead, lowball me CL idiots," price.
  22. I never said you were required to ask about criminal history or intent of use; only that it could save you a lot of potential headaches down the road. You're not required to wear a motorcycle helmet on a bike in the state of Ohio, but when your family sues the cager who made a left in front of you for your "wrongful death," the fact that you were wearing a helmet helps convince a jury that you valued your own life and took reasonable steps to protect it. does it really put you out (as a seller) to ask about the buyer's history and intent?
  23. for the sake of covering your ass, I would have a witness present when you ask, "are you a convicted felon?" and "do you intend to use this firearm in the commission of a crime?" Having a witness hear you ask, and the buyer say "no" could save you a LOT of headaches down the road.
  24. I have one of these if it's needed. Granted, I'm 100 miles north, but the offer's there. the EX500's spark plugs aren't easy to get to either. I actually have 4 spare plugs sitting around that have never been opened if you want those too.
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