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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Where can we see this beast in action? You guys are riding it, right/??????
  2. I didn't delete my vote to change it, but I officially got the tuna out on the road for a few miles yesterday. Knock-on-wood, it doesn't feel like the carburetor needs to be touched this spring. Ran great, aside from some valve noise (cam-chain noise?) that was present when I threw the cover on last year. Hell, even the tires held 30+ psi all winter...
  3. I think he was only implying that he didn't want the buyer to bombard him with questions about how to make it street legal again - but yeah, I would think the wiring would be harder to figure out than the titling process.
  4. See what's on the back there? A wheelchair is the only reason to have a trike, and this one is clearly better than the one you posted, based on that alone.
  5. I removed the cover, rolled it back in the garage and snapped some pics for the potential trade I've got in the works, but no actual riding. The photo shoot reminded me how much I like the tubby girl though. Maybe I'll just keep her and pass. We'll see. I'm getting motorcycle ADD, approaching Hoblick and TPoppa levels
  6. I hate the bars, and the third wheel. Otherwise it's not bad.
  7. I don't want you to be able to re-word this later ;-) Do the bike rails come off the deck? It's like an all-metal version of the harbor freight trailers, with (I assume) higher quality parts.
  8. I'm not sure the police are going to be red-hot about showing up for something that isn't a crime. You don't need a police report to file a tort action.
  9. you can still sign-away your right to sue them, but it would be a PR nightmare for them to handle something like this poorly. The shop should be apologizing and begging you to make sure it's fixed to your satisfaction, then apologize again for having your bike in their possession longer than you anticipated.
  10. redkow97


    Everyone has that uncle. Mine has calmed down a bit in the last decade or so, but when I remember the wild days. Not the drug-trafficking days, but the DUI days at least. My wife's uncle has gone missing 3 separate times. My father-in-law has spent ungodly amounts of money on private investigators and attorneys in Florida and Texas trying to find him, and/or prove he's dead so he can make changes to his mother's estate assets. We joked about getting the two of them together in the same room at our wedding reception, but one randomly didn't show, despite that fact that our family had purchased flights for both of them to attend... We should have seen that coming. Oh, and the one who DID attend our wedding forgot his teeth at home.
  11. I meant I thought it was unlikely that someone else got into the cockpit without the voice recorder catching that.
  12. I think that's unlikely. something would have been captured on the voice recorder.
  13. I agree. PM me. I think we can work something out.
  14. you've got to put that into context for those not following the updates. Some official has acknowledged that one of the pilots was intentionally locked out of the cabin during the controlled descent. During that time, he can be heard pounding on the cockpit door. The other pilot was "not incapacitated" during that time. So basically they're saying one of the pilots (although last I heard, they could not determine which one) intentionally crashed the aircraft after a nice gentle reduction in altitude that lasted several minutes, as if it were completely planned. My best guess is that he wanted to keep the passengers calm so they wouldn't help break into the cockpit(?)
  15. I'm not going to split hairs with you. I chose my phrasing carefully when I said words do not cause "immediate lethality." I acknowledge that the word "fire" caused a reaction that led to numerous fatalities, but no one died in the milliseconds after the word was spoken. A poorly aimed bullet has much greater potential, and far fewer intervening circumstances necessary for it to be lethal immediately. Rhetoric and panic can most certainly cause deaths, I just don't think they're "immediate."
  16. I don't think comparing free speech with carrying a firearm is fair. An idiot spewing stupidity has zero potential for immediate lethality. The same cannot be said for an unqualified person carrying a firearm. They have the right to carry, but they also have the responsibility to do it safely. I'm not of the opinion that marrying the two is an unreasonable infringement upon anyone's rights. furthermore, we're talking about CONCEALED carry rights. Open-carry is legal for anyone who owns a firearm. At least then I am on notice of which potential idiots are armed.
  17. This happens to me every couple months at the highway exit/entrance near my house. I stop with enough room for cross-traffic to proceed if I don't make the light, and then some asshat takes it as an invitation to change lanes into the space I've left, and ends up blocking traffic anyway. The sad part is, I honestly believe that some of these morons don't understand what they're doing.
  18. I forget that the mobile version of the site doesn't show the "bikes" portion of the user profile next to the post. I have a 2000 Katana 750 with the fairings removed/trimmed, and a circular headlight. The stock fairings are on a shelf in my garage. The only ones that are trimmed is a portion of the tail, and one of the inner-panels is missing from what would be a radiator shroud if it wasn't oil-cooled.
  19. hmmm... I might be interested in that trade, but my bike is quite heavy for a beginner. Not tall, but it's a tank.
  20. RoadRacing World has addresses to send flowers and condolences. I'm considering sending something to Dane's parents. They seem like the type of people who would appreciate hearing that their son will be remembered and missed.
  21. I think that's quite apparent, but as someone else pointed out, if he continues riding with the attitude displayed, he'll take himself out of the gene pool quickly.
  22. "at fault" is a more complicated question than who committed a traffic offense. Both committed traffic offenses. Civil liability is probably 60/40 IMHO, with the rider being more at fault than the driver. The car driver is being a moron by pulling into the intersection and sitting there, but blocking the intersection isn't putting anyone in immediate danger. The rider's response to accelerate hard is arguably reckless on its own, whether he fits through the gap or not. The car driver should have looked, but I don't think it's unreasonable for the car driver to assume that cross-traffic wants him to clear the intersection rather than sitting there any longer than absolutely necessary. So yeah, the driver created the situation, but the rider did nothing to mitigate it, and quite a bit to aggravate it.
  23. I took the bait and read the most recent comments. Seems to be a typical debate about general 'gun control' issues rather than much factual debate about any of the changes in the law. The only thing I don't like is the reduction in training hours to receive a permit to carry. Hear me out on this... 1) I think it's a good PR move to require more training whenever possible. 2) some people legitimately need more training before they can safely carry a firearm. I'm including myself in that group. It's not that I feel as though I would be reckless or unsafe, but I have relatively little handgun experience, and I want to be CONFIDENT in my abilities before carrying a loaded firearm in public. To use a motorcycle metaphor, I would rather learn on a 250 and get comfortable on that before just streeting a 1000 from day 1. It's not that I don't know how to use the 1000, but I'm far from "comfortable" with it. I personally have the self-control to resist carrying a loaded weapon until I work through the process of safely handling it without barrel-sweeping bystanders or being a dumbass with securing it in my vehicle when it's not allowed in an establishment, etc. - I do not trust everyone to be as vigilant as I am. That said, I also feel there should be a (strict) way to opt-out of the entire 8-hour (or 12-hour) training requirement. Some sort of skills test that would allow experienced shooters to demonstrate a mastery of safety and accuracy. This would need to be legitimately tough, or it would become a joke. And the people administering the test would have to maintain their integrity and not just pass their buddies who don't want to take the classes. /rant. Overall, a pretty positive legislative change.
  24. really really sad about this. Westby was one of my favorite racers. By all accounts he was a super nice guy, and my odd-on favorite to win the Superstock 1000 series this year. Pro racing in America will really miss him.
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