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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I just want a GOOD QUALITY lighting kit... At this point I am tempted to just use the existing lenses that I have, and buy regular car tail/brake lights, then solder in my own bulb socket. The wiring is all fine. I know because I replaced that when I replaced the lights last fall.
  2. i'm wondering if LED's just aren't the best option for this application. I believe (I do not know for certain) that the diodes themselves are literally being shake out of their 'sockets' or breaking away from their soldered bases. My knowledge of LED construction is not sufficient to really be sure, and I am hesitant to open up the lights until my warranty claim goes through. But this happened with the last set as well. They worked great for a few trips, then slowly died, with more and more diodes going dark. I have used this set 2 times that I can think of, with the most recent being a trip down to Circleville and back and Sunday. I am 100% certain that the running lights and turn signals were functioning when I left Sunday morning. I didn't check brake light functionality, but it's the same set of diodes, so I presume they were. When I left Tuesday morning to take the bike back to JB's shop, only the side marker lights (not the rear-facing tail lights in the same unit) were working. Turn signals were also not functioning at all.
  3. My third set just died on me after 2 uses. The original set was grounding poorly, so I replaced it with an LED setup. That worked great for about 10 minutes. As near as I can tell, the stiff suspension bounces the lights to death. every bump is like a death sentence as they shake to pieces. Does anyone else with the HF trailer or a similar sized open-trailer have this issue? What do I need to buy to make this shit work for more than a few uses? I did buy the $4 warranty on the walmart set I last purchased, so I have a walmart gift-card coming my way to replace the current broken setup, but at this point I would be fine with spending twice as much on something that will last longer. Suggestions? doesn't have to be LED, I just thought that would be brighter.
  4. the H2R isn't going to be street legal from the factory, but whether or not it can be titled will depend on whether or not it has a VIN. It could just be an "offroad" chassis that can be inspected and titled, but my guess is that it's not even technically a "vehicle" as defined by law. The whole thing is likely sold as a performance part. Dodge did that with the Viper ACR, or whatever their turnkey racecar was called.
  5. i thought the Hero partnership was going to bring great things for them, but I've never seen one on the street. You have to sell bikes to make money. Damn shame though. Seems like they didn't see it coming either, because a lot of riders and employees were active last weekend...
  6. I know I toot the mini racing horn too loudly and too often, but I had two BIG moments on Sunday and was back at an aggressive pace 3 turns later. The stakes are just so much lower when you're never breaking 50 mph and the bike weighs less than you do. My goal is to get to a point where such incidents are just business as usual and I'm surprised when I don't save it, rather than being surprised when I do. ride the couches down to check out a race round, or plan a weekend camp & ride trip when the club is at PIRC in June. I would bet there are some good curvy roads in and around Wampum, PA.
  7. I'll be curious to find out if it's a real gun or not. Either way, monumentally stupid. Sounds like the employees can definitely identify the suspects, even if the surveillance isn't of high enough quality. They're past patrons who arrived on foot - it's not going to be hard to figure out where they live when it's within walking distance of the store.
  8. I was under the impression that the H2 was $50k and the R was considerably more. that said, the H2 dyno sheet shows that it's intentionally neutered for public use. The horsepower graph goes completely flat at 11k RPM, and stays flat until 13k RPM. People are already speculating that a simple ECU flash could yield 30+ horsepower gains.
  9. yikes. I assume you weren't exactly "pushing it" on the Vulcan, right? I know that road relatively well. It's part of my typical close-to-home ride, and then I take 77 back up to 480 and head home when I get bored of riding South on Boston Mills. Pretty scenery.
  10. What's this I hear about Kent getting to drive the Can-Am while he was picking up parts?? I didn't know that was included in the service ;-)
  11. The more I read about this, the more I think it's a good PR move for KTM with the European governments, and a convenient way for them to withdraw from the liter sportbike class without losing face. The KTM RC8 seems to be a really legit platform, but I have never seen one on the street. Were it not for the Mid-Ohio school, I probably would never have seen one in person at all. I would bet they're not making money on them. The Super Duke(?) that shares the same engine will probably not see a new generation either, unless they find something to share the drivetrain. this is the future of the safer world.
  12. Not sure if this is old news or a repost, but Riders Discount shared it on facebook within the last couple of days http://therideadvice.com/no-more-superbikes-for-ktm-ceo-says-theyre-too-dangerous-for-public-roads/ I'm not disinclined to agree with this position (that a superbike on the street is unnecessary), but if it's profitable, I believe KTM has a duty to its shareholders to compete in this market segment.
  13. You may be on to something there... Try eating Mexican Friday night. I can almost guarantee you nature will call during Saturday practice, and you will be EXTREMELY motivated to set a personal best getting back to the pits as quickly as possible It was a great day overall. I wish we had gotten started a bit sooner, but nothing was stopping me from suiting up and going for it... Once we were out there, I was pleased that I felt pretty good on the bike almost right away. Not fast, but not uncomfortable either. I forgot how my lap timer works, and assumed it would turn on automatically when I passed the beacon. It didn't. I didn't catch every lap either. I think my brake cable blocks the IR sensor sometimes. I did manage to catch a series of :58's and one :57.28, which is almost certainly my fastest lap of the day. Gavin and Devon are on another level. Jeff may catch them as the season wears on, but I was keeping up with him. He is much more capable than me, but he was making mistakes and running off track a lot. I won't catch Biggie. He's consistently in the :55's with Gavin and Devon. I'd like to break into the :55's this year, but I don't see myself doing a whole race in that range.
  14. This is precisely the point that millions of Americans either don't understand, or choose to ignore. Discrimination is completely legal with very few exceptions. THE GOVERNMENT cannot discriminate, but the government cannot force private citizens not to discriminate, except in cases of: - employment - housing - "common carriers" that are necessary to facilitate freedom of travel (this started with hotels, and has expanded to taxis and airlines, etc.) Otherwise any private business has the right to discriminate against whomever they wish. And we should all want it that way. Yes, this bakery is run by narrow-minded idiots who don't want to 'support' gay marriage, but are the people up-in-arms over their bigotry going to be equally as outraged when a construction company refuses to build some kind of temple for the Klan? Private businesses and private individuals discriminate all the time, and they have a right to do so. The stupid Indiana law was unnecessary in the first place.
  15. ah, I hear ya. probably best that we don't invite a 450 out with mostly 100's anyway ;-)
  16. I can bring spoons if you want to try to mount them at the track. Just let me know ASAP. I'd havfe to pick up the spoons from the race shop before 4:30. I'll be leaving work at 3:30. PM me.
  17. The weather is currently a low of 50 and a high of 68 for Sunday. Partly cloudy, but dry. I'm cashing in the last of my birthday points with the wife and leaving Cleveland around 7:00 to be at CRP before 10 (with a stop for breakfast and coffee) Several other OMRL regulars and at least a couple new riders have also said they're going to be there some time on Saturday. Off the top of my head: Devon & Andrea said they would be there by 10:30 Justin claims he is riding 9-4 new guy (joel?) is driving in Friday night, I think. other new guy has a 7 hour drive, and is definitely coming in Friday night Ben say he'll be there, but didn't specify a time. Gavin and Adam also didn't specify a time, and I don't know if Adam is riding. Conrad is trying to get someone to cover him at the fire house in the afternoon. It should be a fun day with enough people to catch a tow, but not so crowded that you can't find some open track. It is highly likely we will be splitting time with karts, but we pretty much make our own rules as far as which direction we're going, etc. when it's our turn. Come on out - even if it's just to say hello.
  18. hey, maybe i'm dead wrong and Kramer will protect us - but i'm not going to bank on that. I'm the head of the house. It's MY job to protect the dogs, not their job to protect me.
  19. I find it laughable when people claim their dogs are useful for security. It is an extremely rare case where a good pet offers more than the appearance of security. One of my dogs will sleep under our bed until and unless he hears food hit his bowl. The other is much more protective of the boarders of our home, but even he will back off once you're through the door. Yeah, Kramer hates the mailman, but the one time he took our screen door off the tracks and 'went after' the mailman, he ran straight by him and looked confused or surprised like, "oh... shit. I didn't think I'd actually get out..." Granted, he may have gone totally crazy on the mailman if I hadn't yelled at him to get back in the house, but Kramer has run out of the house "at" neighbors before. Every time that has happened, he ends up sitting next to their car, waiting for them to open the door and give him a ride. As for early warning, I don't want my dogs waking me up for every little bump in the night - and they don't. I can't say what they'd do if we had an someone break in during the night, but my guess is they would be of little use, since the intruder is already beyond the threshold they instinctually protect. If my wife or I are flipping out, then I think the dogs would definitely pick up on those cues, but I can't be sure they would be "helpful" or "protective." Any security system we get will be to protect them as much as us.
  20. I'm guessing any candidate can win without the under 30 vote. American youth are extremely apathetic when it comes to politics. Some may shout loudly, but look at the voting stats after Puff Daddy's "Vote or Die!" campaign. It's pretty sickening.
  21. Ah, you're losing me there. I would try to give either party a shot - and by that, I mean that I would allow either a reasonable amount of time to demonstrate their own ineptitude, and/or flawed ideas. I don't think it's much of a secret that the majority of our members have conservative leanings. That said, if it were up to me, I would cede power to the democrats for up to 20 years and promise not to interfere with their agenda (within reason) if it meant a real chance of demonstrating success or failure. The dead-lock that currently exists is counterproductive. At least a failed experiment would expose the flaws of each party's ridiculousness and (theoretically) leave the libertarians to save the day.
  22. I'm trying to find an inexpensive 4-channel system that I can "daisy chain" to additional setups if/when budget permits. I'm sure a marketed security system would be easier to set up, but I'm wondering if I can't just get a cheap desktop computer and run security software and do my own cameras for a lot less. Plus then my software is the only limitation. Ideally, I want: exterior cameras on exterior doors and other possible points of entry (I have several ground-level windows that are not glass block). That alone is 4 cameras, then I'd like 1-2 in the garage, and possibly some interior cameras as well. All would be motion-activated. As for a real "alarm" system, I don't have a home phone line, and I guess I would like local PD to respond, in case they catch someone inside...
  23. I'm not sure if he's actually running, or just wants ot rally up some support and endorse someone else... Gary Johnson 2016
  24. Whatcha got, and what would you like? The more burglary and theft cases I try for work, the more I am considering investing in a security system. Ideally (for me) this means several cameras. My humble opinion is that security systems rarely prevent crimes, but surveillance footage can help authorities investigate and prosecute them. Additionally, having video of certain items being taken may help with an insurance claim if you've lost receipts and don't have photos of said item(s) to prove you owned them in the first place. And then there's the garage. This is not only where I store my bike(s), tools, and other neat stuff, but it's also a point of entry into my house. Cost will be the most limiting consideration (isn't it always?), so i'm curious to hear what others pay for a home monitoring system, and who has cut that cord and decided to take surveillance in-house.
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