My coworker is a world-class hockey player. She was selected for the Irish national team after attending college and law school there. Since returning to the states, she's had several coaching gigs with minor league teams, and club level youth teams. Naturally, I've taken this knowledge and used it for evil, and spent the last few hours making comments about how "goalies don't even have to skate," and "all they do is stand in the net and let the puck hit them in the pads." She's totally taking the bait, and sent me a highlight video of some goalie she thinks is amazing. In the course of our conversation about it, she said, "motorcycle racing isn't really a sport anyway." So if you could respond to her video (sent by email) with a link to ONE video that sells and hypes motorcycle riding, racing, etc. more than any other, which would you choose? I have been searching "marc marqez highlights," "WSBK wet qualifying," and the like. But I'm falling into the trap of searching for stuff that I find really impressive, without considering a laypersons complete lack of knowledge when it comes to performance riding. With that in mind, I'll ask it again - what would you show her?