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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. See, this is how they getcha... "come join the navy - it's not all dudes in stupid hats in the middle of the ocean for months at a time, you get to hang out with women who like bikes too!" Total coincidence that they've got you recruiting, i'm sure.
  2. There are no bright-line rules for corporal punishment, but the practice itself isn't illegal. It is always helpful to: - not leave marks - not injure the child - make it clear to the child that they are being spanked (or whatever) because they did ________ act that you forbid. What courts don't like is when daddy and daughter are arguing, and he slaps her across the face in the middle of an argument and bruises her cheek. The slap isn't the problem, it's the injury, and the fact that it was done "in anger" rather than as an explained and anticipated punishment. You know what I'd like to see more than that mother smacking her kid around? His father having her back on the issue.
  3. Air Force I would have understood, but what is the Navy doing in Dayton? I never had a bike when I lived down there, so i'm no help with regard to shops or anything like that...
  4. either my memory is shit, or I owe the people at the gate some money...
  5. put the bike in top gear, then roll the front wheel up to an immovable object. rev a bit, and dump the clutch. If the bike doesn't stall immediately, replace your clutch. FWIW, clutch SPRINGS are very inexpensive and easy to swap out. You usually don't even have to drain oil from the bike if it's on the side-stand.
  6. I made the 8' comment because the car guys tend to complain about how narrow the track is.
  7. the key that came with my Ruger bolt-lock says "made in china" on it.
  8. I only asked because I don't recall ever paying a gate fee for anything at Nelson Ledges except the WERA races. When the facilities justify the cost, I have no problem dropping $10 to help fund things like power, bathrooms, showers, less mud to get stuck in, etc. It's really great to see that there are some significant changes happening. I know a full repave and making the track 8' wider will probably never happen, but giving people fewer things to bitch about can only help. A hot shower and a shitter stall that a grown adult can actually fit in goes a long way.
  9. Where is the money for all this coming from? With new showers and bathrooms, I would pay a gate fee.
  10. She's an Irish chick who can probably beat my ass. I like her enough to bother arguing with her. Our last debate was over which whiskey tastes best neat.
  11. My coworker is a world-class hockey player. She was selected for the Irish national team after attending college and law school there. Since returning to the states, she's had several coaching gigs with minor league teams, and club level youth teams. Naturally, I've taken this knowledge and used it for evil, and spent the last few hours making comments about how "goalies don't even have to skate," and "all they do is stand in the net and let the puck hit them in the pads." She's totally taking the bait, and sent me a highlight video of some goalie she thinks is amazing. In the course of our conversation about it, she said, "motorcycle racing isn't really a sport anyway." So if you could respond to her video (sent by email) with a link to ONE video that sells and hypes motorcycle riding, racing, etc. more than any other, which would you choose? I have been searching "marc marqez highlights," "WSBK wet qualifying," and the like. But I'm falling into the trap of searching for stuff that I find really impressive, without considering a laypersons complete lack of knowledge when it comes to performance riding. With that in mind, I'll ask it again - what would you show her?
  12. Summit has power in the paddock for a reasonable fee. Space heater in a tent or trailer would probably be a good idea this time of year.
  13. you wanna trade both for a 2000 katana 750?
  14. you can run a 675 engine in a supermoto chassis ;-)
  15. Has anyone gone up to lend a hand with the tire walls? I just saw the pictures posted on facebook, and I am super impressed with everything that has been cleaned up, demolished, and otherwise "upgraded" since the last time I was at the track. Trying to figure out what else has been done, and what else is planned.
  16. the bike is pretty much fine, and it has treated me really well while I've had it. I have been 'modifying' this one as if i'll never sell it - and I may not. I have just really fallen in love with light bikes and dirt chassis recently.
  17. OhioRiders.net isn't an auction site - you have to post a price on any items posted for sale ;-)
  18. Circleville a lot closer if does end up looking like rain in WV. OMRL round 2 is that Saturday.
  19. your rear tire looks bald, bro
  20. out of curiosity, has anyone seen any comparisons between exotic cars and the H2? I'm talking 0-100 or roll-on at highway speeds.
  21. you can build a small A-frame or a box frame out of 2x4's pretty easily... Just make sure you build it tall enough that the forks can slide down through the lower triple.
  22. How do you make someone value education? How do you even ensure that kids attend school?
  23. don't just scare him off right away... There are a handful of cruiser riders who post regularly. I don't know that any of them have trike kits, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be familiar with them. Assuming someone posts up, "yes - I am very familiar with that kit," what would the next question be?
  24. I'm not going to "poo poo" the principle of institutionalized poverty, but I still don't think that's an excuse or a justification for rioting and looting - and I don't get the impression that your average black citizen of Baltimore does either. Shit's getting bad, but how many people are responsible? I'd put the number at a few thousand. So yeah, you've got a high-school's worth of idiots making every other person who's pissed off a black man died in police custody look bad...
  25. it could also be argue that they're conspiring to commit murder.
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