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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. No, like I said before, if you're being harassed, you should file a harassment suit. But I do think it's important for people to have some perspective on the realities of law enforcement. You're asking the Lakewood and apparently Bay Village police force to uphold the law, but you don't believe they should have the authority to investigate. You can't have it both ways. Yes, suburban police forces "sweat the small stuff" and initiate BS traffic stops, but it's in the name of keeping their safe and quiet communities safe and quiet. If you don't want to be hassled for riding a motorcycle in Lakewood, go ahead and move to Cleveland proper. The police there have much more important things to worry about. I can promise you they won't be pulling you over for having your visor up unless you're waving a gun around at the same time. In the alternative, get involved in your community. Attend counsel meeting and safety meetings. I'm going to a safety meeting in Parma TONIGHT. There will be active-duty police officers and community leaders present. The more of them you know, the fewer of them are going to hassle you and assume you're a criminal.
  2. They absolutely can. The only question is whether or not the fruits of that stop will be admissible in court.
  3. I don't disagree with you in principle, but the law doesn't require police to disclose the status of their investigation to suspects. If it did, that would put a complete stop to all undercover work. "are you a cop? because if you're a cop, you have to tell me." if an officer is refusing to tell you why they pulled you over, that is just building your case that they didn't have any reasonable suspicion that you were committing an offense, and they're just fishing. Like I said before, that would be a suppression issue, and something to try in court, not on the side of the road. It sounds like people are confusing the right to be notified of what they're charged. That IS a right, but not until the investigation is complete, and the charges are being pressed. I completely understand the frustration with the process, but that IS the process.
  4. Officers can initiate a traffic stop any time they have reasonable suspicion that any law is being broken, and you are required to provide your personal information to them to facilitate that investigation http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2921.29 You're getting hung up on WHEN you're told what you're accused of. You'll find out when you're cited or charged. If there was no valid basis for the underlying stop, then you'll win a suppression hearing, and the case will likely be dismissed - but you can't try the case on the side of the road against a police officer who isn't an attorney. That's not the venue to make your argument. I understand your annoyance, but either there's a valid reason for stopping you, or there isn't. If there isn't then it's probably quicker and less aggravating to cooperate and be on your way. If it becomes a pattern, then file a harassment suit.
  5. You guys have to stop assuming that every cop in the world is actively searching for ways to screw with law-abiding riders. Wear earplugs if you feel it is necessary to protect your hearing from wind-noise. Then don't blatantly break any laws. It's not that hard to stay within 10mph of the posted limit...
  6. I can only speak for what I have experienced, but most traffic cases are not difficult to win - especially against untepresented defendants. That said, it's a cost/benefit analysis. How much of your time are you going to spend disputing a $130 ticket?
  7. I can only speak for what I have experienced, but most traffic cases are not difficult to win - especially against untepresented defendants. That said, it's a cost/benefit analysis. How much of your time are you going to spend disputing a $130 ticket?
  8. Hypothetically speaking, "necessity" could be a viable defense. You just have to show that the harm prevented is greater than the harm perpetrated.
  9. I don't want to down-play anyone's real-world experience with any particular brand (Scorpion and Gmax have both been mentioned), but the circumstances of every crash are different. I accept that Pauly no longer trusts Scorpion helmets and Alan probably isn't thrilled with a helicopter ride after an off wearing a Gmax lid, but I do think the circumstances of the crash itself are worth review before making an assumption that another helmet would have offered better protection. This is especially true when people don't remember the details of their crash. thankfully, every time I have crashed, I have managed to keep my dome off the deck, with the exception of (relatively) minor scuffs and scratches. I have never lost consciousness in a crash, so I can't say how I feel any of my helmets have faired at protecting against an impact. What I can say is that virtually every crash is different. My 30 mph lowsides have never been a head-injury concern. Flipping over the bars after using Bill's bike as a ramp was a lot more of an issue, but I took most of that on my shoulder. My 80+ mph lowside resulted in rolling/tumbling across the width of the track in turn 2 at PIRC. None of those were direct head impacts, but they all provided the risk for a head impact. Virtually any helmet would have been enough for me under those circumstances... While I really like my Bell Vortex, I preferred the fit of the Scorpions. Fit is probably more important that price. /$.02
  10. at that point, I don't know why they wouldn't just do a CVT. My friend has a Dodge Dart. It's a "neat" car. I don't think I'd own one, but for $22k, it's got a lot of cool features. He claims that he can get 44 mpg from it. Fuelly says a lot less. Minus the pug hair, his car is a nicer place to be than my corolla, but for 1/4 the money, I'm not displeased with the fact that I get very similar mileage.
  11. You can always rent a bike until yours is ready.
  12. I actually pointed out a couple of times last night where people were barrel-sweeping each other, and I love how the suppressors "chirp" on TV, but engine/tire noise bothers me more. Worst offenses are when a vehicle up-shifts 6 times on a 5-speed transmission.
  13. right, but they hadn't actually established that he started doing that yet. It just annoyed me that they couldn't get the engine sound even close to being right. I'm less annoyed (but still think it's ridiculous) that they put inverted forks on an otherwise ratty bike. We're supposed to believe that Aaron scavenged a pristine modern front-end more easily than just finding a complete bike? it's cool looking and all that, I just think it would have been more authentic to have it be older parts all around, as if the majority of it was all in the garage to begin with.
  14. it was right at the beginning. Daryl wasn't in the episode except for that scene. I'm sure the actor just wasn't on set for the week, so they had to do a 2 second shot of him leaving to explain why he wasn't on the "run" with Glen et all.
  15. The race was great. My prediction that the top 5 would be (former) AMA regulars did not pan-out, but the podium was indeed swept by professional riders. What I really enjoyed though was watching the privateers I know (and more than I "know" through facebook and forums) putting on a great show on the national stage. Jason Farrell led the race for a turn or two before crashing and going down 3 laps. 15 years ago he probably could have 'turned pro' after that kind of showing. Carl Soltisz (who shows up to OMRL races occasionally) was running inside the top 10 before a mechanical failure. Those guys are both accomplished club racers with WERA and CCS, but it makes me want to try and make the qualifying cut so when I'm old and fat, I can say "I raced the Daytona 200 once." It seems like it could be done for a reasonable cost if your only goal is to finish... "Reasonable" being a relative term, of course.
  16. Conversely, I think Robocop did a good job of having a true sound effect for whatever this monstrosity is: That center-stand is REAL close to scraping!
  17. (possible Walking Dead spoilers if you didn't watch Sunday's episode yet. Not relevant to the plot, but I know some people like to go in "fresh.") If Daryl is going to ride a fucking zombie-ass chopper with 4 header pipes, it should not sound like a goddamn v-twin...
  18. impossible to answer... If I was told "you can have 1 bike from every manufacturer out there," I would still pick and choose a sportbike from one, a cruiser from another, a tourer from a third, etc. I can understand almost all of the selections above, but we're dealing with endless combinations here.
  19. it's also just as easy to suggest that you meet at the police station. My wife is selling some stuff on CL right now. The buyer is from Lake County, and her boyfriend met me IN the courthouse, which is directly across the street from the sheriff's department. Security lifted two blades off of him. I don't think the guy had any intention of pulling a knife on me and stiffing me on the deal, but I know his face and license plate were on camera at some point, and I was on notice that he had blades in his pocket before I walked him to my car and made the transaction. No police department in the world would object to you conducting a sales transaction in their lobby if you explain what's going on. Cash transactions can be dangerous, and they'd rather be witnesses to the transaction than have to respond to a robbery report afterward.
  20. Every jail i'm aware of publishes a roster, so it shouldn't be an issue to confirm at least a portion of her story. With a little legwork confirming that it's indeed not stolen, I would consider throwing $200 at it to race or sell. $1000 is delusional though...
  21. I honestly don't mind those people as long as they acknowledge that there's a slim chance that I want what they're offering and don't act like it's gold-plated diamonds they're offering. I offered a guy a no-name stereo receiver and a pair of old Yamaha speakers in partial trade for an XR100 bottom-end, I just made sure I premised the text with "$100 is fair, but any chance you're interested in..." He was cool about it. How am I supposed to know he's not interested in what I have to trade unless I ask? (PM me if anyone is interested in my old stereo!)
  22. I'm taller than you, but I tend to wear 40/42/44 depending on the brand. I think that would fit you well. I'm below 170 right now, but I've worn 42" jackets at your weight. If you're doing a ton of bench press and lat pulls, and wearing a thick back/chest protector, you might have some issues fitting it, but otherwise, it sounds about right.
  23. right there with you. JB was running into a lot of that when he was trying to buy his CRF100. I have gotten some annoyed people too when I ask for pictures before driving a long distance to see something I'm not sure I will be taking home with me. I also enjoy the people who are insulted by any offer that isn't their asking price - when the ad says "obo" in the text. You just want to ask them, "well... how many offers do you HAVE?" Part of me thinks it's just a part of the sales process. The same shit went down when I told the car dealership I wouldn't budge over $5500 for my corolla. I walked away, and the sales guy chased me across the street to close the deal.
  24. I wonder if a private party could fund the dam and stimulate that process after making some calculated real estate purchases. It would have to be done with the State's blessing, since it's being build on public property, but if they're looking for a new dam, and the property owners are looking to increase the value of their land, it would seem to be win/win.
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