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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'm not saying the radiator linked won't work, but wouldn't it be simpler to use an oil-cooler from an existing motorcycle of similar displacement? The CB850 is similar enough in size to a Katana 750 that it would seem like that's a good candidate to poach from. same cylinder configuration, etc.
  2. Things change quickly when your 10 minute old daughter shits on your arm. It melts your heart ...and your arm hair
  3. I was trying to make a joke and compliment your bike at the same time, but that is a true story. It's nice to know that one more street bike is being allowed to run free in its natural habitat.
  4. the last time I saw a bike that pristine on a race track, the owner crashed it with fewer than 700 miles on the clock.
  5. I re-read this thread to see how many leg-humpers had posted, but it occurs to me that I'm not sure I can really be considered a "sportbike person" anymore. I haven't owned my 600RR for at least two years now, my race bike is a dirt chassis, and my street bike is an obese "sport tourer" if we're trying to be polite and diplomatic about it. Who am I?
  6. Legally, that sounds fishy to me. If YOU were suspected of arson, then sure, your insurance co would be hesitant to pay, but it's not your fault your neighbor might be a criminal. Your insurance company should fix your house, and then it's on THEM to sue the neighbor and/or his insurance company. That's the point of insurance.... What I'm saying is, consult an attorney...
  7. if this is the only obstacle, I will be down in Columbus for the OMRL banquet on the 25th and driving back up to the Cleveland area later that afternoon. If I get my ass in gear, I could probably get my notary stamp in the next couple of weeks too... I have just been really lazy about removing my degree from the frame to get all that done down town...
  8. No matter how much gear I pack, it's nowhere near the weight of a passenger.
  9. the major selling point on this suit is that you can claim "I used to coach for STT back in 2009," and pretty much anyone will believe you.
  10. whatever weekend this ends up being, let's make sure the thread title is edited to include the date. I can't stand those "who wants to ride this weekend?" threads. 90% of the time I click on them, the ride date has already come and gone. Yeah, I enjoy the stories and the pictures, but just put the damn date in the thread title so I don't go in their looking for a ride for NEXT weekend... /rant
  11. don't get caught up with the numbers of what you weigh. shape is more important than mass, and health is more important than shape. I am 6' and barely 170 right now. I am the least healthy I've been in a long time... I don't eat very well. It's not hard to look at what you're eating and determine whether or not it's healthy my goals for the year are to cut down on weekday drinking, eliminate soda and fast food from my diet, and work out 2-3 days a week minimum. I'd also like to start towing the crumb-grabber around the park in the bicycle trailer i picked up a few weeks ago. Just need to find a 90's mountain bike with street tires.
  12. I have my own mental list, but it's always good to get input from other people. the lantern is one thing I never remember... I think a sleeping pad packs better than an air mattress, and you don't need any means of inflation. I wrap mine around my tent for packing purposes. Some people spend a ton on luggage. I really think you can do some homemade (i.e. ugly) construction and buy an extra stock seat to make a very cheap touring setup. for $40, i can buy a second seat for my bike. At that price, I will drill through it and bolt a plywood luggage shelf onto the passenger seat. That shelf than accepts eye-bolts for bungy cords, and I can hang hard or soft saddle-bags from it as well. For under $100, you can make a useful, if somewhat ghetto touring setup.
  13. does anyone have a sample packing list for a riding trip? A small folding nylon stool would probably be a great little luxury item...
  14. you're not paying to watch the game, you're paying to tell people you were at the game 10, 20, 30 years from now. I admit, that might seem like it's well worth $650 at some point in my life.
  15. How else can you get demolition for the cost of your deductible? "suspicious circumstances" means we all know what happened, but they can't prove what happened. In a building full of old bikes, I can see that being even more likely. There are very justifiable reasons for gasoline to be present in any number of those vehicles. I'm hardly an arson expert, but if you can explain-away accelerants, and there's a plausible (and single) source of ignition, I don't see that as an easy arson case...
  16. clicked on this thread ready to roll my eyes at the asking price. this feeling intensified when i saw how nice the bike appears in the pictures. Very reasonable. Good luck with the sale. Part of me wishes that there was a 16" wheel racing class for these. the 2008+ models have superior rubber options, but otherwise this generation 250 was a great little bike to thrash around on.
  17. July gets into the holiday weekend and Indy GP.
  18. I knew several of the guys who founded epsilon tau pi, an all Eagle Scout fraternity. I have no clue how the organization has progressed. To the best of my knowledge, they only had 2 chapters in 2002, but that is how any fraternity starts...
  19. I am thinking of making a very simple sissy bar that will mount to my stock grab-bar bolts. Having a 12-20" square frame to bungy a tent and duffle bag to makes packing very simple, and it's unobtrusive when riding.
  20. Welcome back to ringo. And yeah, the AFJ guys are pretty excellent when you engage them in a non-forum setting.
  21. I also bought used and didn't pay anywhere near retail.
  22. My leathers retail for almost $1500. My wife spent $350 on her wedding dress. She NEVER misses a chance to bring that up...
  23. i'm good at the camping part. The time is the hard part... A good tent, a good knife, a good sleeping pad, and a good tarp will get you 80% of the way to a successful camping trip. I think the hardest part about camping on a bike is having the proper gear to ride, AND to hike comfortably when you're not riding. Also, liquor packs much better than beer.
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