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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. but that's his payoff amount! I like how he also admitted that he couldn't afford it, and was counting on overtime to make the payments. <eyeroll> I don't understand people who finance non-essential items.
  2. Erik wasn't a huge fan of the Blast either http://www.gizmag.com/2010-buell-blast-crushed/12389/ I'm unable to find the video
  3. I'll definitely be buying live bait. Last time I was on this lake, I had to dig my own, and I could only find centipedes and other bugs. They worked okay, but it was 3 hours of digging for bait, and less than an hour of fishing with it.
  4. I think you said it exactly right. The bike itself is surprisingly capable for its size. I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to wring one out on a track, just to see how close I could come to my times on a 600.
  5. Lake of the Woods, in Theresa, NY. It's small. I have kayaked the length of it, and could swim the width of it in most parts. Our friends have houses right on the tip of the Northeast portion of the lake. I just verified that on the satellite view with Google maps. I have no idea what is in the lake, so i'm fishing for whatever bites. My fillet skills are 20+ years rusty. I figure I'll worry about catching something, then we'll figure out how to make it edible.
  6. I'll be out on the water with my sister-in-law's boyfriend (I've known him since high school), and my friend George (he'll bring a full bar), and either George's brother-in-law, or his neighbor. we won't be in any danger of being sober In fact, we'll be on a pontoon boat, so what else is there to do besides fish and drink? maybe grill?
  7. I'm not suggesting that you or anyone else should worry about it, I just like to think of things in terms of fun-to-dollar ratio. Plenty of people (some on this site) think that track days are foolishly expensive. I justify the fun:dollar ratio, and they disagree. That's where I struggle with boating. I enjoy renting a boat every so often, but boat ownership is not for me. all that said, the one posted looks like a peach!
  8. playing on the BMV site, and "NUT E1" as well as "FART5" are available "FARTS" was deemed inappropriate though. So was "BONER." no fun...
  9. I know the basics of fishing, because both of my grandfathers were way into it when I was a kid. Both lived within walking distance of lakes, and I was out on the boat with them frequently. ...but it's been a long time since I've done anything more than drop a line off a dock. I'll be on a lake in upstate NY for vacation in a couple of weeks, and I'm definitely buying a fishing license, but I'd like to catch something we can actually (legally) keep. Any tips? any must-have equipment? I'm not going out and buying a new rod/reel combo, but my tackle box is long gone, so I'll need to purchase basic stuff, and I'd rather get stuff that works, while still acknowledging that it's all going back in the attic in September... tips? advice?
  10. fixed that for you. I like boating, but having a friend with a boat is infinitely better than owning one yourself.
  11. while funny, I wouldn't want to drive around with that on my car.
  12. I can appreciate ridiculous projects, just not ones that seem to take themselves seriously. One of the greatest things I've ever seen was a Mazda miata powered by a 2-stroke snowmobile engine. It had a portion of the good cut away for the pull-start.
  13. I believe the CJ is gold. He also has a red early model GT that is the "daily" driver. I'll have to ask next time I see him of he was there.
  14. Babies aren't bad at all. Their mothers can be a different story ;-)
  15. I don't see how the fact that one CAN spend a bunch of money making a Blast powerful is relevant. The allure of bikes is that they go fast for cheap. Blast + turbo is likely more expensive and slower than an FZ6, so it makes more sense to just buy the FZ6, no?
  16. my brakes suck balls. I think it's really my hub that is too worn, but it may also be the fat end of the drum lever. Need to look into replacing said lever in the off-season. I'm not saying I'm qualified to put on some kind of race school, but come find me before practice next round, and I'll follow you for 10 laps or so. I can tell you where I'm catching you. Then you at least have a better idea of where you're losing time. If you leave the door too wide open, I'll pass you, and then wave you by on the straight again. Practice is for practicing.
  17. Josh - I started to respond before Todd posted his latest. It's probably more because I've talked to Todd in person quite a bit now, but I didn't read it as him being pissed off. Maybe a little ranty, but more in the vein of humor than anger. Todd - you're a brave man for letting it slip on this forum that you have a teenage daughter...
  18. I bet it would still be fun in a spec racing class. Picture us hitting each other with bats and chains on the back straight at Nelson. Road Rash in real life!
  19. I believe that the EX250 edges the Buell out on the top-end, but I would be a bit surprised to hear that it struggles so much up to (legal) highway speeds. I would have expected the buell to pull ahead up to 30 mph, then slowly lose ground as 65 approaches, and continue to fall behind as both bikes push beyond 75 or 80. Still, the EX should just surpass 100, and the Buell ought to be pushing 90 (I thought).
  20. I like to joke that they're half of a decent engine, but I've got no particular beef with the Blast. I think it would be fun to race them in a spec class. probably pretty comparable to an EX250.
  21. who wants to start a spec class with MotoSeries? make an offer for the lot of 'em! I work close enough to stop and take a look on my way home
  22. I don't do or advocate anything illegal online, but assuming I did, I wouldn't want my real name associated with my screen name. My vehicle license plate makes it possible for law enforcement to link my actual identity with my online identity. That's not to say I couldn't post pictures of another person's vehicle and claim it's my own, throwing off the process and casting doubt as to my actual identity, but then it doesn't take a ton of detective work for police to show up at my house and observe that the plate on the car in my driveway matches the one I've posted online. Then again, the same could be said for the background of the photo... **edit - and after I type this and see it posted, I realize that my first name, city of residence, and WERA number are in my signature. My WERA profile has my full name anyway. I ain't scurd.
  23. I wonder if they'd let "NUT E1" get by...
  24. haha - yeah, I'm not going to pretend that losing weight would be a magic bullet. It would really just eliminate another excuse! My physical fitness has been a roller-coaster over the last few years. I used to have a job with a gym in the basement. I could run and work out during lunch daily. Then during bar prep, working out was my sanity. I wasn't lifting as much, but I ran a lot, and was training for 12 mile adventure races (I actually missed the first 2013 OMRL round for the PA Tough Mudder). Accepting my current job last September has meant 90 minutes a day (minimum) commuting. Throw a baby into the mix, and my workouts have been limited to doing squats while holding the kid on my shoulders, and stopping at the pushup/pull-up stations in the park when I walk the dogs with said baby in the stroller... That happens once a week if i'm lucky. But yeah, none of that makes me any faster - it just allows me to go faster.
  25. was going to ask the same. I have a take-off Q2 in my garage that you can have. I'm sure it's too wide, but if it will fit, it's safer than a bald tire!
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