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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. What exactly are you expecting to see? You won't find out where he's going, that's for sure.
  2. Certainly, he's got the "how to tell a lie" part down. If it went down the way they say it went down, I'd say Billy-Boy was the designated cocksucker this time.
  3. Personally, I don't think they could have picked a better man for the job. "That depends on what your definition of 'is' is" "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinski" They're all shitbags, more or less, and any one of them would lie if it suited the moment. They fucked up on this one, for sure, but nothing will come of it.
  4. Whatever floats your boat, toots.

  5. Interesting. Most people that I know that "don't care" (or have no "emotional investment") in something usually don't have an opinion on it. I guess you're one of those rare individuals who takes the time to form opinions on things that don't make any difference to them.
  6. I'm so happy I have your permission. I was just about to stop being my charming self. Thankfully, I can continue being the person I am. If you're so disinterested, why the questions, toots?
  7. Lemme guess, you're new here. Unfortunately, your material isn't. Feel free to try again when actually have something to say.
  8. Wow.... Reminds me of that guy that said, "it depends on what your definition of "is" is." For someone that has no investment in Ohio teams, you sure do have a lot of opinions.
  9. Several Presidents have bagged on Arlington for Memorial Day, so I don't know that this should really rock the boat - especially when you consider that he's no fan of the military. Based on the attitude he's displayed in the past, I think we're better off without him there anyway.
  10. THAT's my point. However, the extension by BHO barely got a mention from the lame stream media. Interesting
  11. So, is it worse that Bush signed it originally or that BHO extended it? Personally, I don't think you can have one without the other.
  12. Nor do I. However, last time I checked Lorain (if that's where you are) is in NE Ohio. You did get the "oh well" part right though.
  13. You forgot the second part: "just wait till next year!" If you were TRULY a NE Ohioan, you'd have known that.
  14. Out of the Anchor Babies, or the parents?
  15. Interesting that this was brought up. I remember the outrage from many on the right and virtually everyone on the left when the Patriot Act was signed. However, I missed the same vitriol, wailing and gnashing of teeth when BHO extended it. Why the duplicity? I mean if it was bad then, its bad now - right? Anyway, its probably better that Slow Joe is going to lay the wreath anyway. Maybe we'll have another "big fucking deal" moment, as opposed to BHO saying "I, me, my" throughout his entire speech.
  16. Obviously, The SCOTUS confirmed the Constitution with regard to citizenship of a person born here. However, that doesn't make the parents (individually or as a couple) citizens. Personally, I'm surprised that more democrats and liberals aren't out advocating for abortion on demand in these cases. Of course, little anchor babies grow up to be democrat/liberal voters so I can see the aversion to such policy. My thought would be that if you're here illegally and give birth you should be sent home - all the way home - to your country of citizenship. Take the child with you, or leave him/her here.
  17. Sorry to hear dude. My family is still praying for yours.
  18. Ok....NOW he's gone: http://www.cleveland.com/ohio-sports-blog/index.ssf/2010/05/cleveland_cavaliers_fire_coach_1.html LeBron's next - wait and see.
  19. I'm pretty sure of that. I was pretty sure you were joking' date=' but wanted to clarify that anyway. Actually, we met a time or two. I'm certainly unremarkable, and stay well under the radar. Frankly I prefer to stay that way. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't remember. Pauly [i']may be able to jog your memory, but I'm not entirely sure of that either.
  20. Nah....I won't be coming down to Columbus, but not because she won't let me. My son has a baseball double header tomorrow, and C-Bus is on my "no fly zone" after this: http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2010/05/19/Columbus-mayor-bans-city-travel-to-Arizona.html?sid=101 Maybe some other time, some other place.
  21. Oh no.....no youtube for anyone... Whatever will we do? If your life is somehow diminished because you cant get to YouTube, FaceBook or whatever, I think you should re-evaluate your priorities. Personally, my "who gives a fuck?" still stands.
  22. dude, I have an awesome wife.
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