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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Guess that must be it. Did you ask Seth yet?
  2. Todd#43

    S&w mp15-22

    Personally, I'd buy the conversion kit. I've seen and used one of the $125.00 Chinese made units that works just fine. Cant beat the price.
  3. Why did this thread get moved to rants and raves? Better yet, who was the pussy that did it?
  4. Nope...guess again. Or ask your buddy Seth - I think he knows.
  5. Wow....still no answer from the Coshocton crew. Maybe they're all still asleep?
  6. Buying stuff like this on-line is a pain in the dick. Dont forget you typically gotta add $50 or so to the price by the time everyone gets their cut. Full size or commander sized? Eh...doesnt matter anyway I'm not going out that way today. BTW, when are you coming up this way? I'll have to check that out.
  7. So, because someone is educated and well dressed, they dont know how to survive? Please.
  8. The 1911 is probably the most popular semi auto pistol ever made. The fact that its been in use since WW I should tell ya that there's more of them out there than anything else. The problem is most people don't get rid of them once they have them. I've had 4 of them over the years, and wish I'd kept all but one of them.
  9. You're not from Coshocton. No fair giving them the answers.
  10. Just wondering - Whats 10 X 50? I figure one of you ought to know.
  11. I thought that would happen when I bought the skid steer to clear my lot. Didn't work.
  12. And where is the OSP headquartered? COLUMBUS, that's where. It doesn't matter who its going to - its bullshit. You have communities all over the state laying off cops, and counties laying of deputies, but they can arbitrarily enact a TAX to keep the state's traffic cops working? Gimme a fucking break.
  13. Keep in mind, its NOT a tax increase. Just revenue enhancement for Columbus. What bullshit.
  14. Nobody has one (or knows somebody that has one) that they want to get rid of?
  15. Failure to feed in 1911's is often related to the mags. Its also possible that whoever "polished" the ramp fucked it up.
  16. I'm hip. That Pro Carry II is bad ass. At this point, I'd be happy with any commander sized 1911. Well, almost any.
  17. My bad, I thought it was yours.
  18. What Kimber do you have, and why dont you like it?
  19. Hopefully it helps. I spent WEEKS trying to find what I needed. If I save someone some time, it'll all be worth it.
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