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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Ok, anyone have one that they want to get rid of? I'm looking for a 4" barreled Commander-sized 1911 in .45. Not really loyal to any brand. I prefer used, and I'd like to spend less than $700.00 Post what ya got.
  2. Problem solved. Anyone else looking for older industrial PC solutions might want to check these people out. http://www.globalamericaninc.com/p3307558/3307558_-_Half-size_ISA_Slot-bus_486_Grade_SBC/product_info.html
  3. That may work, but no guarantees. Some machine software is funny running under windows unless it was written for windows.
  4. The software is dos, and USB only runs under windows. I think I may have found a solution though. Should know by tomorrow AM.
  5. You can ship rifles and pistols via UPS if you follow their rules. http://www.ups.com/content/us/en/resources/ship/packaging/guidelines/firearms.html And it doesnt have to be to or from an FFL.
  6. Its all good. Let me know if/when you want to come look at it. I do have a guy that may finally come up with the cash later this week.
  7. Two feet of snow and 50 mph winds? Where the fuck are you, Alaska? There's only 10" or so here in the Akron area, and not much wind to speak of. If you want to come look at it, let me know.
  8. Yup, still sitting in my garage.
  9. Probably. As long as it has 3 open ISA slots and fits in the box thats already on the panel. I can get the dimensions tomorrow.
  10. I dont need DOS as I already have it on the hard drive of the machine. Its not a problem for me. Other people with DOS based machines that haven't backed up the software DO have a problem. I think thats what he meant.
  11. He was only scared because he got caught, and even at that its only part of the equation. Fucking up something of his allows him to feel the sense of loss and anger that his victims felt. Press charges? Seriously, a slap on the wrist and released to the parents with a "strong" admonition from a JC judge "not to get in trouble again" is about all they'll get.
  12. I'd have told the father that I wanted something that the kid had paid for. Preferably something he uses all the time. Then I'd have done at least $200.00 damage to it. At that point, you're even.
  13. As I understand it, its getting DOS if you dont already have it thats the problem. Isn't it true that from late XP on up DOS is not included?
  14. Thats cool. If you wanna sell the ammo seperately, let me know. You can probably make some extra $$ doing it that way.
  15. As always, you Coshocton guys are NO help at all.
  16. So, what does it say on the ammo boxes?
  17. True dat. Anyone know if a pentium MB will run dos apps?
  18. I think I have a Win95 machine in the basement. Probably doesnt have a HD in it anymore, but you're welcome to it if I still have it.
  19. That's be cool. Let me know what you find. Yeah, that'll work as good as my earlier suggestion. Exactly correct. For industrial applications there are literally MILLIONS of old 386 and 486 controlled machines running out there. To change them over is only slightly less than a complete replacement of the machine.
  20. Come on now, you know its perfectly acceptable for the dem's to hold republicans to a different standard. For example, its ok for Harry Reid to say BHO is a "light skinned man with no negro dialect unless he wants one" but its not OK for Rush Limbaugh to own an NFL team because he's "too polarizing" I could cite several other examples, but you get the idea.
  21. Yeah, I'll just tell the customer, "sorry fucker, spend $100,000.00 for a new one. This one's too fucked up to fix". That'll work.
  22. Did you read the whole thread, genius? This is a DOS PC that controls a machine. There's an ISA I/O card and an ISA motion card that goes into the box. The box gets bolted to the back plane of the main electrical cabinet and is connected to the I/O bus and the servo amps. If you can explain to me how I can hook up a toshiba laptop into this and run the OEM software I'm all ears.
  23. If you want to sell the ammo separately let me know.
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