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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Really? That's odd. I don't have an SV1000. Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion based on the information given. Try again.
  2. Did you ever think it was you, and not the bike that they're trying to avoid?
  3. Maybe someone hooked this Henderson kid up with Reggie Bush? I'm sure Reggie filled him in on the "benefits" of attending USC.
  4. I've been in the Window and Door Industry for most of the last 20 years. I've sold machinery to virtually every company in North America that makes vinyl, aluminum or wood windows. If you use a small company, get referrals - there are a lot of people out there that put windows in that they didnt build and don't know shit about them. They fuck up the install, and the manufacturer wont warranty the product when there's a problem. Some things to look for when selecting your windows are: A welded uPvc frame and sash Insulated (Double Pane) Low E glass Argon filled The "Energy Star" rating is being replaced for building products with new standards, so look for something that meets a "30/30" rating or better (the lower the number the better the rating). The National Fenestration Rating Council website www.nfrc.org has a lot of information regarding energy efficiency as it relates to window and door products. I can't help you much with contractors, but if you have several different manufacturers to pick from on the windows, shoot me a PM and I can tell you who's product is better.
  5. I always thought the black ones were the best looking ones... Nice pick up.
  6. The thing at the top is a indicator (they used to have dials on them back in the day - now everything is digital) Anyway, degreeing the cams (cam timing) to the crank is essential on one of these motors to get everything out of it.
  7. Those lowered drag race guys dont go fast enough to need both brake rotors up front. They usually just flintstone it to stop anyway.
  8. They were pretty bad in the RR bikes, but it was worse in the drag bikes (nitrous) to the point we went back to stainless. The Ti valves wouldn't hold up. I'm more curious than anything else.
  9. I wasnt curious about how clean they are - curious what the stem looks like. We saw a lot of the Ti valves getting pretty hammered on SS motors after a season. Wondered if that was still an issue.
  10. Did you have a full season on that motor, Brian? What did the valves look like (on the stem end)?
  11. Actually, I never lost it. Both of them stayed stuck to my eyes the entire time. And I just said it was shiddy. I mean, they don't expect to pay for damages to YOU if one of their bikes malfunctions and causes an accident do they?
  12. That's a shame. I wadded up a 999 at Imola a few years ago, and Ducati brought me out another one to finish the day on at their thing. I also pancaked the side of a car at the "Richard Petty Driving Experience", they didnt bring me another one, but the did pull the fenders off the tires. I didn't pay a dime for either one of those mishaps.
  13. Actually, I've bought a couple of former rental fleet cars. Didnt have problems with either one.
  14. I doubt THAT's going to happen. Agreeing with me on one topic is no basis for a friendship. Thanks for the "rep" though. And while we're at it, no gov't assistance if you can afford a cell phone and cable tv, or wear your pants below your ass. As has already been said, the test would be WAY cheaper than what we're paying these shit dicks now. Of course, that would only hold true if you had a private entity administer the drug tests out side of any government control or payment system. Short of that, I'd be willing to kick in for the test if they'd offset the cost against my payroll taxes or the lovely Ohio CAT tax.
  15. Immoral? Doubtful. Insensitive? Yeah. Too fucking bad. We have a lot of people that are overly sensitive, politically correct, guilty feeling pussies in this country. Personally, I love it when someone else stands up and calls this shit for what it is.
  16. YOU were the one with the green residue on your jackets, not me. BTW, Wednesday won't work for me this week. My son has a wrestling meet. Possibly Thursday or Friday though. I'll have to see what happens though.
  17. That's what they are hoping for. I saw something one time that less than 25% of people actually claim rebates on purchases.
  18. Been hangin around Jrmiii? That could be the cause of green residue. Maybe that drycleaner in DC that took care of Lewinski's dress could help get that out for you?
  19. To each his own. I'm sure on an older piece, magazine springs may be suspect. However, I believe it takes a LONG time before they go shiddy. I don't have any facts to back that up, just my decades of experience with semi-auto pistols. Bottom line? If it makes you feel better, rotate them. I'm lazy. I wont be rotating mine.
  20. I've heard this for YEARS (decades, actually) and have never, ever, "rotated" my magazines. I've also never, ever (not even once) had a magazine take a shit. Maybe I'm just lucky?
  21. A couple hundred rounds for break-in would seem normal to me, but 300-500 seems a bit excessive. I tried to buy that 40 from your boy, but I got this NEW for less than he wanted for his Glock USED. I'm hoping the mags get a little easier to load. I did manage to load both of them to full capacity today, but what a pain in the ass. I'm going to assume shooter error as well. Like I said, its going to take a little more time for me to bond with this pistol.
  22. I finally shot it yesterday - only about 100 rounds - but I have some observations: Fits nice in my hand as is comfortable to shoot with either magazine. Recoil wasnt any more noticeable in this pistol than any other 40's I've shot. I need to run some more rounds through it to totally acclimate myself to the idiosyncrasies of this particular pistol. Most shots were slightly low and to the right. Getting used to the long trigger pull will take some time. The trigger does break crisp though - no real "creep" past the take up. Getting 12 rounds in the high capacity mag (or 9 in the little mag) is a BITCH Overall, I'm not totally impressed, nor am I disappointed. I think I just need some additional time to "bond" with it.
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