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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Clarified it? Seems to me like you pussed-out. Just my opinion though.
  2. I might try and give them a call, and see what happens. If they ask for the serial number though, they're gonna know it didnt come with one. Mondays are tough for me as I never know what time I'm going to get out of the shop. Wednesday might work if my son doesn't have a wrestling meet. I'm gonna have to check the schedule.
  3. I didn't get the XD with the extra plastic junk. Just the pistol, two mags, a brush and cable lock. WTF do you use those fuckin things for? I'm sure if I called Springfield, they'd know that mine wasn't packaged with that shit. I would like to see the Supertuck and the Kholster. Maybe the three of us should head down to Riverside one of these days?
  4. Left handed people are the only ones in their RIGHT mind, you know. I really think you need to change your signature line now though. It seems a bit hypocritical now, doesnt it? My wife's left handed too. She doesnt have any problem with it.
  5. Not THAT kind of lefty. I'm LEFT HANDED. Jesus. I didn't get the plastic holster and shit with mine, which was fine with me. Can't help you out there. I wouldn't mind getting a look at the Kholster and Mikes supertuck at some point though.
  6. Well aware that the 9 and the 40 are the same size. I appreciate the offer, and may take you up on that - if you're left handed that is. I cant see that thing fitting in my pocket anyway.
  7. Todd#43

    Oh shit....

    You didn't get the memo a year or so ago? I'm an asshole. Welcome to 1982.
  8. Todd#43

    Oh shit....

    I really like this better when you do it with the visitor messages. Don't you have a cock to suck or something this morning?
  9. Todd#43

    Oh shit....

    Ask Fusion, he's the local genius.
  10. Todd#43

    Oh shit....

    What is it with having to explain everything a second or third time to these Coshocton guys?
  11. Well aren't you the tough one? Anyway, I'd be worried it would end up sliding down my pants. Wouldnt work for me. I guess if I had a sword, that would work.
  12. Todd#43

    Oh shit....

    I do have the uncanny ability to piss people off from time to time. Seldom is it intentional. Some people just have thin skin.
  13. Good info regarding the holsters. I'll need to put my hands on some examples in the next couple of weeks and see where it goes. I agree with IP - IWB does kinda suck. I used to carry a full size 1911 in an SOB back in the day and it was fine - except in the car. I first tried IWB when I got my Detonics .45 and I didn't like it at all. Ultimately, that one went in an ankle holster - just in case. I'll probably end up burning through a few before I find one I like.
  14. I know a few guys that have their FFL's. Some better than others, of course. Most of them are in the business to sell firearms though, and I wouldn't ask them for any kind of "favor" if you know what I mean. For the record, I didnt go "looking" for this deal. The offer was presented to me, and I followed through. The way I look at it is if his wife was on his ass, I did him a favor. Any shooting you're going to do with a pistol like this would be at such close range I doubt you'd have the need (or the time) to set up an accurate sight picture. All those gizmo's seem like a waste of money to me.
  15. On a small hand gun I really find the sights somewhat superfluous. Spending the extra coin for the added bonus of being able to "see" them in the dark kinda adds insult to injury in my opinion. I got if from a "friend of a friend" who recently got his FFL. Seems like he had spent a little too much on his "initial stocking order" and was getting some static from his wife. I basically got it for cost.
  16. I've looked at the Kholster on line (not in person yet) and I'm not too impressed. The Supertuck looks like a much nicer and better built rig. I'll have to get a look at both of them in person though to make a final determination. I'm a skinny fucker though, and trying to hide anything on my person isn't very easy. Thanks for the advice. Don't you have another tail light to tint or something?
  17. Don't worry, theres a back up system in place for when I'm not there. Its a .40, and I paid less than you could get it for at Vance's or Kames, and didn't have to drive to Columbus to get it. I'll have to look into the K Holster and see if that suits my needs. I'll pass on the night sights though. Waste of $$ in my opinion.
  18. I could see that on a small single stacked caliber like that little Karh 9mm. Not quite as bad on the XD, as its still kinda fat.
  19. I usually base my hand gun purchases on what feels good. The XD seems a little "heavy" for its size, but it fits my hand well with the big magazine, and is adequate with the small one. I wanted a small .40 (or .45) and based on size, fit and price, this was the best deal going.
  20. Actually, no. Its brand spankin new.
  21. That was one of the reasons I picked the XD over the Glock. Feels kinda like an old .45 in my hand. Well, that and I got a smokin deal on it.
  22. Picked this up today. With the 12 round magazine: or with the 9 round magazine Now all I need is a holster...
  23. Could be. Who am I to argue?
  24. Everybody's gotta have a hobby.
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