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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Nope - not yet. I did get it bouncing pretty good a couple of times today though. Actually, its a Ford. The bucket controls are on the levers. Pretty easy to operate. My foot keeps looking for the brake pedal though.
  2. Yeah, ummm....no Rain I have no problem with. I needed to do something about the snow. Now I've done it. BTW, you're welcome. There's a company in Bowling Green or somewhere that makes cabs for them with a 12 volt heater. Not too expensive either - like $500.00 Its gas. They wanted too much money for most of the diesel ones I looked at.
  3. I picked up my new to me skid steer this morning. Because I've spent the money it officially will not snow in Ohio again this winter. Go ahead and get the bikes ready for a ride this weekend. Actually, I played with it a bit this afternoon. Not a bad deal - $3,000.00 for the whole lot (forks, decent bucket, and two extra motors)
  4. They are also sold under the New Holland brand. I'm pretty sure it wont snow any more this season now.
  5. I bought this to take care of the snow removal at the shop. Not a blower, but it ought to move a lot of snow
  6. An hour away? Gee, in the bay area that could be 5 miles, or 50 miles. San Fran? Oakland? Yeah, you can have it. How was that earthquake the other day?
  7. Careful, there's only one sheepfucker here that I'm aware of and it isnt me. BTW, I wouldn't toot your own horn too loudly - I've been through Tracy, CA. Not exactly the garden spot of the left coast.
  8. For someone that was "done", you sure do have a habit of babbling on...
  9. Wow...someone's EASILY entertained. Why don't you get a girlfriend or something?
  10. So, you don't get it, maybe someone else does? Move on to the next post if you dont like it. Seems pretty simple to me. Wow....for someone who "doesnt care" you sure do make a big deal about it. Try this - make up your OWN reason why I'm here. I'm sure whatever answer I'd give you wouldn't "get" anyway. So, do have an honest "debate" about something there has to be a middle ground, or I have to "understand" the other side? WTF are you talking about? This isn't grade school soccer where everyone gets a trophy no matter how poorly they played. Dude, I'm 46 years old, its taken most of those years to form my opinions. Someone would have to have a very strong argument to change my mind on something. By the way, it has happened a time or two. So sorry YOU haven't been around to see it. Least social doesnt mean anti-social, does it?
  11. Maybe the good shit comes up BECAUSE you left?
  12. You said you failed to see the humor. That isn't my fault. Understand now? If you miss my humor, don't like me, and think I'm anti-social, why the fuck would you care why I'm here? I mean, I don't give a shit why you or anyone else is here.
  13. So your failure is my fault? Please. Plenty of people think I'm wrong, but those people are usually dealing with my opinions rather than facts. My opinions are mine, if people don't agree, that's their business. Are you passing this advice on because it worked for you? I wondered what the secret to your "looseness" was.
  14. If it doesnt work well for you, there's a handy dandy ignore button. Gives you the opportunity to miss my "humor". Or, you could just go suck a dick.
  15. Dude, the closest I've ever been to Coshocton is the exit sign on 77
  16. I'm not really a touchy-feely-huggy kind of person. I'd like to hope I'm not misunderstood, and I'm sure there are several people who would be happy to debate you on the nice guy part as well.
  17. Nope. No Katana here. I don't think I've EVER even ridden one. Let me think about that. No.
  18. I'd like to see some more of this set up
  19. Me? Surely, you must be kidding.
  20. Honestly, the chances of me even being in Coshocton are so remote its not even funny....just sayin. Thanks.
  21. Invite away. Chances are I wouldn't accept anyway. I'm probably the least social person I know. My welcome mat even says LEAVE.
  22. Seriously, TWC can suck a dick. I last had their service 18 months ago. After 23 days, 10 service calls, and 3 converter boxes I canceled it. Two months later I got a bill for $952 that was supposedly for service I had at an address I never lived at in 1991. I'll go back to rabbit ears and smoke signals before I do business with TWC ever again.
  23. Actually, I heard Denzel Washington was gonna play him. I heard BHO put in a good word for him, but the deal isn't done yet. Like me, don't like me, who gives a fuck, really. Its not like you're gonna invite me over for Christmas dinner or anything. Glad you liked the pic though.
  24. I already saw the franchisee thread, that's why the whole "I gotta be discrete" thing kinda threw me off.
  25. WTF, Time Warner has level 2 or 3 customer support? If you know where the on button on the CATV box is, or how to tell someone to power cycle their router, you'll probably be the smartest guy there. One time, I was still on with their tech support person when the "how was your service call?" follow up call came in on the other line. Seriously, TWC is notorious for shitty customer service. If you go to work for them, I wouldn't tell anyone where you work.
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