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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Did you look at the video? it IS possible - the machine is equipped to do what its doing.
  2. Serious or sarcastic, doesn't really matter in this case. Read it the way you want. That being said, it's ludicrous to think that some schmo building his "own" ZR-1 motor would really affect some overpaid union schlub's job, but that's the union mentality. I've been there, and I've seen it.
  3. Sounds to me like government motors is stealing jobs from well deserving union members. It'll never get off the ground.
  4. The machine was designed to do what its doing. The operators appear to be wearing the required safety gear. Why would OSHA have a problem with it?
  5. So, rather than be a distraction to getting the business of Alaska done, she left. Sounds rather magnanimous to me. How then is BHO fucking over the people of IL that elected him to be a senator to go to a "better job" with more "prestige" become ok? Hah! So it wasn't a "fake" cover after all. Just an "embellished" one. Good find!
  6. The action is what it is, regardless of the reasons. And apparently you've appointed yourself judge of who has "quit" and who hasn't. To you the reason is more important than the act. I think that's bullshit. And the reason she quit was what? Obviously, since she's resigned we can see what she has done. However, that doesn't necessarily lead to the reason she resigned. Insubordination and disrespect to the people that elected her? Give me a break. What about the people of Illinois who elected BHO to be a Senator?
  7. So, did I get it right, or not. Look at the action - not YOUR interpretation of the action. Oh, and please don't compare quitting a job to killing someone. There's no way you can make the association between those two scenarios.
  8. No, not at all. At least with a whore, I get to be the fuck-er, as opposed to being the fuck-ee. Based on that, I'd say being a whore is a more noble profession than being the president. At least when I compare it to how this guy is playing the game. By the way, what did BHO do with the $$ for his "well deserved" Nobel Prize??
  9. Let me see if I have this right... If you kill someone in self defense, you didn't really kill them. If you quit a job and take another job that Jrmiii approves of, you didn't really quit a job. If you quit a job to do anything else, then (and only then) can it be said that you quit. Do I have it correct now?
  10. If you quit, you quit. Just like if you murder, you murder. Someone that kills in self defense is somehow less of a murderer? Please...
  11. Has BHO done anything besides "self promote" since he got the office? Talk about a major whore....
  12. Quitting is quitting. You can't possibly compare quitting to murder.
  13. I'm sure I dont need to remind you that you said BHO wasn't as much of a quitter as Palin, right? Based on the number of times they've both "quit" I'd say they're even. The "reason" they've quit is secondary to your argument and has no bearing whatsoever on the outcome.
  14. 2008 Barack Obama, resigned as U.S. Senator from Illinois to become president of the United States. 2009 Sarah Palin, resigned as Governor of Alaska (July 3) Say what?
  15. Didn't figure I should post it in the "funny pictures" thread because it was political. If you didn't get it, YOU are the one with the shitty sense of humor. Based on the other posts, it seems some people "got it". Maybe I could have included some gay-ass emoticons to help those of you that are humor impaired. Or is it not appropriate to make fun of your boy?
  16. I didn't think cowboys ever really "left". If you shit dicks REALLY think that I believe the photo I posted was truly a time cover, we're in worse shape than I thought.
  17. Next time I need an echo chamber, I'll use the space between your ears.
  18. Wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... Guess we get to see how dumb Biden REALLY is now.
  19. Todd#43

    What shop?

    Reuben's a good guy, so if you're down that way 35motorsports is probably your best bet. I know Doug @ MPH is a bit of a dick, I've known him and raced with him for a LONG time, but the guy knows his shit. More expensive than the dealership? Not surprised there either. That being said, I wouldn't take my bike to either of the two places you mentioned. Period.
  20. I got it so it wouldn't snow, not raise the temperature. Guess you cant please everyone.
  21. I'm sure that internally the gas and propane motors are the same. All of the "different" stuff could be easily removed and installed on a gas engine. I don't have a giant propane tank to fill from, so I'd have to have to use my big lift truck bottles. Doing it that way there isn't much price advantage to using propane. The only advantage would be not having to worry about old gas.
  22. If I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand. One is propane, the other gasoline. They're Wisconsin VH4D's and supposedly both of them run. I'll probably sell at least one of them.
  23. I didn't even have the patience to watch the first video in its entirety. But that's just me.
  24. I've never used a Ford either, but I'm not gonna let that stop me. I'm also not too worried about precision. For now, I've got some room in the shop for it. Things get any tighter, and I'll have to put it outside in the 40' shipping container I bought before Christmas. Some people are never happy. I took care of the snow, you deal with the cold. Ever heard of long underwear?
  25. I was going to keep my parking lot and dock snow free with it. Since it wont snow again this year, I'm gonna use it to build a dirt bike track at the shop. Anyone have any dirt laying around that they aren't using?
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