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Everything posted by Todd#43

  1. Thanks fucker, I just blew coffee all over my laptop. What does discretion have to do with spelling?
  2. Somebody buy my bike, and I'd have the cash
  3. It was very cool back then. Actually, I almost bought one this summer. Same color and everything, but I couldn't put the deal together for what I was willing to pay. BTW, what else would you call those wheels?
  4. Mine was Canyon Red, with T-Tops, gray interior, Phone dial wheels, and a 5 speed. Way more car than my young ass needed at the time.
  5. But did you have it in 86? Yeah.
  6. Thats cool. I had a 1986 5.0 GT back in the day. Hard to believe that was 25 years ago.
  7. It wouldn't be till after 5 on Saturday, but could be any time on Sunday. I'll throw a post up when I go. Riverside is only 10 minutes from the house, so you fuckers will have to be quick if you wanna catch me there
  8. I'll be heading to Riverside late in the day Saturday, or some time Sunday. If anyone's heading that way, let me know.
  9. I may be at Riverside tomorrow - let me know when you guys are going.
  10. If you think its a stupid question, move on. I didnt ask YOU anyway. There you go, being someone else's mouthpiece again. So, let me see if I have this right... YOUR assumption of what he is thinking trumps my QUESTION regarding his statement? See, there you go assuming something again. You think you know what I'm thinking, as well as what Jayson was thinking. Care to take a stab at what I'm thinking right now?
  11. Why do you feel the need to answer a question that wasn't asked of you? At any rate, lets take a look at what Jayson said: So, Jayson is a Christian. He believes in the separation of Church and State. Because of this, he's not crazy about the painting. That would indicate to me that he believes the painting violates this in some manner. Obviously, you have a different opinion of what his statement says. There you go with your assumptions again. I think I've noticed a pattern here. Of course I don't have any idea what your opinion is. You, on the other hand, seem to know what EVERYONE is thinking
  12. No, you're the one with the assumption. I asked a question. Maybe you'd care to answer it? My guess is you won't because the answer doesnt match your opinion. Maybe you could try another smart-assed retort?
  13. Sure did. Tell me what this painting has to do with the separation of church and state.
  14. How does this go against separation of church and state? Do you even have any idea what that means?
  15. But you're going anyway, why can't you haul me and my shit for free?
  16. So, in summation, we have a drunk retarded liar?
  17. I've probably said something to you before too, like I dunno..."fuck off"? Seriously, dont flatter yourself thinking you've got me figured out.
  18. At least you got that going for you. Likwid, Gump - see what I mean?
  19. Try Matt. He seems to have anger issues.
  20. Everyone's gotta be good at something...
  21. Nah, but I'll argue the point all day long that you're a dick. Prove me wrong on that one.
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