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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. :thread revival: New article on torture and it's ineffectiveness... http://www.physorg.com/news175785587.html
  2. Disclaimer


    Be sure to test ride it first. It's def. no ZX-10.
  3. Disclaimer


    Right. If Boeing can manage to get an overweight underpowered machine in the air by just adding some wings... I don't see why Harley couldn't do the same thing. Good call.
  4. Disclaimer


    You'll need to try HDBikeTown.
  5. There's gotta be another white one in there warehouse somewhere... there better be. Congrats.
  6. That must be another rule enacted to curb 'abuse'....
  7. Disclaimer


    He needs wifey approval - and I think that'll be an uphill battle for him, even at that price. He's got the funds, but his wife is a pretty adamant 'no' so far.
  8. People were abusing the system!? You don't say... The Casptatorship reigns supreme...and it definitely works out better in this case. If there was or will be any "value" to the experience point system then people need to use it properly. Otherwise, I can see Caspers point. It's not a 'value-add' feature to the forum if certain people abuse it and therefore doesn't need to be active.
  9. Disclaimer


    Not an option to get rid of either of my Suzukis... they are my copper set. Only option is what to add... @Inya: A coworker and I went out to LEHD on Friday, they're running some of the best deals on the XB bikes that I can find. My coworker was looking at the XB as a first bike...
  10. Disclaimer


    I'm hating Garrett and Tod right now. 1125R or CBR1000RR (for an extra $1k)??? I've always wanted a liter bike to diversify the stable, but the Buell is an end-of-an-era bike (and I do <3 my SV, I crush hard for v-twin sportbikes, but do I need another?) Insurance is about $60/yr cheaper on the CBR - true story. Methinks my brain is stuck on an infinite decision loop and I'll probably end up with nothing because of it.
  11. Money in the bank Gas in the tank Cheap things to drank More time to spank
  12. How much experience do we get for banging a mod?
  13. Your shits weak son. I lean harder dropping a deuce than you're leaning on that cart. :D
  14. I think I found Inya's new ringtone....
  15. So I assume they still have the white one. That's the one I was looking at...
  16. They could call in a police sketch artist and have her describe the tallywhacker to them. In detail. Then they could put up signs "Have you seen this prick?" <great movie>
  17. If you don't want to look at my cock. Don't look. End of story.
  18. Disclaimer


    How many more CBRs do they have? The Buell is nice, but if I can get an I4 Liter bike for the same price, I might just have to bite... that would be a little easier to swallow since I don't have an I4 liter bike already.
  19. Disclaimer


    Niiiice... when you bringing it by so Avenger and I can check it out?
  20. You'd be able to sell it for more if you took those neon orange GSXR squid stickers off. GLWS
  21. It's obvious we don't share the same sense of humor. That cartoon is as funny as your avatar. Yes, I do have more than one degree, but that wasn't the point. Please list these reasons. You can't figure it out? Your experience and real worldly-ness can't answer that question? Not impressed, I did that fresh out of college. We don't need to go over my accolades, but once again, I'm not impressed. I had product responsibility fresh out of college for a $30M product line in a $900M company. Now, I have responsibility for $100M+ product... So, again, I don't think you have anything on me there. Considering I deal with a product > your whole business. What'd you say earlier? Oh yea, "Keep in mind that its a dangerous thing to make assumptions about someone you know nothing about." I don't get it... can you put it in cartoon-form?
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