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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Did you try explaining it in English?
  2. Some moderator might want to look into why all crb's posts keep being edited. I think someone is messing with him.
  3. I'd ask why, but I already know. I'm that good, and I'm not for hire.
  4. All uploaded photos have to be PM'd to Casper with a description of what the photo is and why you want it uploaded. If he approves, then he gives you his personal email and he uploads them for you. That's his entire job on here.
  5. Can we still have orange rims, bikinis, jackets, heels and life flights?
  6. Check the stator wires and regulator/rectifier.
  7. Question/Survey for the day... Should governments be allowed to ban drop-outs from getting licensed? http://www.autoblog.com/2011/06/09/should-governments-be-allowed-to-ban-drop-outs-from-getting-lice/
  8. He probably didn't understand your Hispanic accent.
  9. I don't think the originator of the pic meant for it to be funny... other than it being funny to troll people to see how gullible they are -- at least enough to where McDonalds PR had to come out and tell everyone it was a hoax, twice! On one hand, I'm disappointed the few jumped on and called shenanigans almost immediately, on the other I'm relieved those few aren't gullible and are right away skeptical of something that outlandish.
  10. Ringo's on Xbox. Everytime I get on, Ringo's XBL status says he's playing this: But he's only on for like 10 mins at a time, I think he should sell the game to some little girl that would actually appreciate it and give it the time it deserves.
  11. Dammit! Can't let the troll go for even a half hour... Here's the article I got it from: http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110613/us_yblog_thelookout/racial-hoax-causes-pr-headache-for-mcdonalds Or, you guys could've just read the CAPITAL letters in my first post.
  12. Regarding McDonalds...


    Also, just read the capital letters in my post. :D

    I'm disappointed (and relieved at the same time) at the level of gullibility -- or shoudl I say, lack of. I dunno if it's because I'm known to do sh*t like that so they're just skeptical of ME, or really were skeptical of the image.

  13. THis IS pretty ridIculouSly bAd press. How many Other races do you think An insurance company can discriminate against? freaking Xenophobes. #Seriously McDonald's
  14. Cool link. Best of 10, I went 4-4-2 against the "veteran" computer, without cheating. Apparently, my choices aren't statistically normal. For those that don't click the link -- it only goes back to the last four throws as a 'predictor' of your next throw.
  15. Matt is NEVER sarcastic, that's one thing I've learned about him.
  16. Why is this being a slave driver? If you're about only stopping every 80 miles, you should probably just stay in a cage.
  17. No, only 'drugs' as the gov't defines them. You can abuse prescription meds, alcohol, and cigs all you want.
  18. Don't tell me Cleave is 'Wheezle'-ing his way to hooking that up...
  19. "I hope I never have a daughter" ~Custom
  20. Don't worry, the raincheck for that reach around he promised you doesn't expire.
  21. I'm cheap, that's true... but it's more of a convienience thing -- I don't need to keep a physical DVD, I can access/share it from anywhere, I don't have to wait for it to get here, etc. I don't want your video editing talents to be limited to just us...share it with the world, or selective people without having to burn new DVDs for each person. One upload would save burning multiple copies of physical media. The 'sampled' music isnt a big deal if you don't make the video public, and even if it is public, as long as no one complains, it'd be fine unless you plan on it going viral with 3M hits in three weeks Facebook is another sharing option... I'd be more than happy to teach you how to convert it and upload it so it's a 'one and done' thing, instead of burning 8 DVDs.
  22. News report I heard on the TV said she was totally geared up with all the proper equipment.
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