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Everything posted by Sully

  1. http://i.ebayimg.com/02/!BeJ4R4w!Wk~$(KGrHqQH-DYErf3crCHnBK8Gug2NPw~~_12.JPG
  2. http://www.imagehut.net/images/ywpsp2os8vufuxx475f.png
  3. http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/semencake.jpg
  4. Sully

    Water use...?

    Not unless there is a leak in the hose or at one of the connections.
  5. I go to casinos and gamble the way a real man should.
  6. Evidently, it's closed. I have also been reading that it wasn't that good anyway. So, are there any other Brazillian Steak Houses around? I just went to one last night here in Charlotte. Was hoping there would be one in Columbus or surrounding area.
  7. He lives right around the corner from me.
  8. Shit dude, I'm in Charlotte right now for work. I was here 2 weeks ago for a week and just came back down here this past Saturday. I head back home first thing tomorrow morning.
  9. I have not heard from the lady who got the dog from me and I'm still traveling for work.
  10. For Paws Grooming & Boarding on Bethel Road.
  11. Here you go. Took me all of a minute to find. http://www.postchronicle.com/news/strange/article_212312370.shtml
  12. I would need some notice, but would like to join in on the fun.
  13. Don't know. The lady said she'd call me on Sunday (yesterday) to let me know if she found him a home or not. Haven't heard from her.
  14. Never. Just picked up my quad in November, i think. I just ride around my house and the ditches mainly. I want to make it out to Perry this year, but not sure if I'll be able to. Work owns me right now.
  15. Oh, really? I've just always heard that you need the pass at both locations, which is why I haven't gone to either. I don't feel like going up to IP for a pass.
  16. you have to get a sticker to ride in wayne, perry, etc. You can get it at Iron Pony for like $80 for the year or something like that.
  17. Post-its would cost more than the meal.
  18. Sully

    the heat is on

    I hope the Cavs win the championship next year. Karma.
  19. Yes, For Paws Grooming and Boarding. Let me know when you want to go. I'll talk to my g/f about getting you a discount. I can't say for sure if she will, but I'll ask. LJ, that's my girlfriend's shop. If you have any concerns or questions, hit me up and I'll talk to her. Actually, they texted me yesterday and said that they need to find the dog a new home. She said that he was on the couch, she was trying to get him off the couch and he growled at her. She said that with having a baby, that scares her, so they can't keep him. As I stated above, they need to find a new home. Could I put her in contact with either you or your friend? PM me info please!
  20. If so, I'm out. I don't want to drive that distance.
  21. Sully

    Goodguys show

    Didn't go last year because of the rain and will be in Charlotte this year for work.
  22. I'm not sure if it's still available, but here it is: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:K8qNN6ThDosJ:pr0nwear.com/index.php%3F_a%3DviewProd%26productId%3D7%26review%3Dwrite+t+shirt+street+racing+is+not+a+crime,+well+it+is&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us It won't let you checkout from that link, btw.
  23. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/6/19/0211c1d8-a124-472c-8cbe-4d719a7b1f42.jpg
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