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Everything posted by Gump

  1. I don't think it's bed bugs. Seems around every 3 years something like this happens. It's hives but not really sure why. More aggressive than the last time which was after a surgery and not really the same except for being able to predict were it would pop out next. Time before that was from a lot of Cayenne pepper I believe and more like this time. It went from back, to knees, to elbows, to shoulders, to hands and feet, forearms, thighs, day by day lessoning in intensity as it did before till been everywhere, then it's gone. Last night I could actually sleep. I'm guessing these hives were a result of combined stressors on the body, cough thing in the throat was first, international jet lag stress, and pepper again in salsa and spaghetti. Although I eat the same spices and peppers regularly. If a doctor ever gives you vistaril to treat hives and allow you to sleep, use caution, also used as a pet sedative, I think I was in a sleep coma, makes you all jittery feeling, crazy weird chest pains, shortness of breath, and dry mouth, once you actually wake up. It also could have been midichlorians figthing space herpies or a map of a distant planet. Thigh
  2. Space herpies are back.
  3. If Todd doesn't take the laptop and it has windows 7 on it. I'll take it.
  4. second, for CC and pay off weekly.
  5. Were any speed limits broke? Kinda silly to be fired, if not.
  6. I "might" make Amishburg sat. If this is still happening. Gotta say I'm slower on the VFR. Not use to the keeping the rpm's above the vtec power band on the curves yet.
  7. Gump

    What would OR do.

    Freight on that pretty probably costs what the bike does.
  8. How did 22 police officers arrest 170 so called gang members? They just stand around and wait to be arrested?
  9. Whole thing is fishy. What's up with telling bikers to stay off the public roads because it's too hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys.
  10. Congrats. Is the ride smoother with the shocks than the last one?
  11. Good cleaning for the season with dish soap then Honda spray and Honda spray again, dried then buffed. The more that stuffs on there, the easier it is to get bugs and gunk off later.
  12. Drove a 1939 MG TB midget thru Nice and a bunch of other places I can't pronounce today. Cool car. Terrible turning radius. I think the massively rich pretty much do the same things tourists do here. The famous come here because papparotzi is illegal in Monaco so the famous can have a normal, unbothered day.
  13. It's a workcation. Not unhappy or ungrateful, I don't value most man made things is all. Its all the same in many places. All the buildings and crowding is really sad. No wildlife to speak of. It's all designed to entice and empty your pockets, why people like it, I don't know.
  14. Dang. Good reminder to not get a 700.
  15. I think the GP race starts next week. They have all the gaurd rails up, et cetera. Some of these yachts are friggin huge. Helicopters on the back deck. Russians pfft. Race would be cool to watch though.
  16. Thats a greAt story! It's really crowded here and nothing to do but drink, eat and gamble, walk around and look at stuff. Which I hate.
  17. I just got kicked out of a bowling alley trying to use their bathroom. This is a fancy pants place.
  18. Monaco isn't my kind of place. Really sucks here but I'm weird. I'll post pics once I'm home.
  19. slow double posting laptop.
  20. Sorry, just saw this. Not that I ever noticed. When it gets really low it will start cycling thru the bars up and down really fast. You have so much fuel left at that point. It should tell you in the book how much is left when that starts happening. I only got that low a few times and the one time I know I went about another 25 miles when it was flashing.
  21. But did something specifically linked to obama's actions, increase in costs?
  22. This threads full of red herrings....
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