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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. LOL ya bastid! I did check out the site, and I will be looking for some routers on slickdeals I think.
  2. I was looking into doing this, only to find that my model isn't supported. So I am looking for a cheapy that is and gonna try hacking away. One of my co-workers at our satellite division in Holliston, MA has done this to a couple and says it was a night and day difference in signal strength and speed. Just wanted to see if anyone else has done this.
  3. Good show Hob! You will get into biker heaven doing those kinds of things.
  4. I has a copy. PM me a shipping addy and I will drop it in the mail tomorrow.
  5. True to you and Tonik. Even if you get 90% if the shit has hacked the registry, until you fdisk it, it will keep popping up. Cleave...stop with the midget goatse stuff. Just look at titties and be done.
  6. That is mechanized home-made sin right there.
  7. I was forced to get them when I was in the Corps and every year I was down for 2-3 days sick. Since I have gotten out, I have had the flu maybe 3 times in the 10 years since. No thanka you. And they can keep that damn swine flu shot.
  8. This is just sad and f'ed. One more reason to tell HD to sod off. Fuckers. The 1125 was something I was thinking about too, to go along side the RC. The onyl silver lining to this is how this might F things up for DMG since they have hitched their wagon to Buell and alienated all the other manufacturers in the process.
  9. chicks love cocksnot all over their faces. srsly.
  10. West 'til ya smell it, north 'til ya step in it.
  11. Boot up your machine in Safe Mode with Netowrking and see if you can get to the internet and go to Malwarebytes.org. If you can get there, download the free tool, install and run the full scan. Upon reboot re-enter Windows normally. From there see where you can get on the 'net and go get AVG or something free and run its scan. Let me know what you find.
  12. Chick on chick motorboating! And to think I only dug you for the hawt orange rims on your Gixxer.
  13. Female....80 minutes under ice...revived three hours later by a heart/lung machine? Fuckin'-A she's a zombie!
  14. We need to establish Joe's ranking on the mayonnaise scale.
  15. I have had to give CPR once and have seen more bones exposed through the skin than I care to have seen, but we had some quality training in the Corps that prepared me for all of that. I know that I should go back and get re-certified on CPR, just becuase. Most of all to everyone here that has made a life and living out of being there for others when they are hurt or need help, you have my deepest gratitude.
  16. RVTPilot


    Then it absolutely needs to be said.
  17. Thank you unc! Trust me, I know how tight things are on Uncle Sam's payroll. Not that the Corps didn't or wouldn't have taken care of me if I needed it, but the times and economy now are much different than when I was in, though I know the pay still does not commensurate with what folks make in the private sector, or with what risk all our uniformed men and women face.
  18. I am here to tell you now I have patent rights to that doll's likeness and namesake.
  19. This, while a worthwhile gesture, is a reflection of just how poorly out service men and women are compensated for the job they perform. If a state which still taxes their native servicemembers while active, regardless of their deployment environment, feels it necessary to provide a bonus to them, then you have evidence of a vastly underpaid colletion of constituents. The military payscale is incredibly disproportionate to the risks they take and the sacrafices the voluntarily make. And before some one says "well, they know that going in", you're right, and they go in anyway. Which makes it all the more shameful that our FEDERAL government along with the states see fit to misappropriate defense and tax funds to where they have to even the ledger with a bonus contingent on the popular vote. And while I think that Likwid's heart and mind is in the right place saying th funds would be better allocated to armour and other necessary provisions, therein lies another conundrum, and one that shouldn't have to be voted on either. Basic operational preparedness is amazingly insufficient in this conflict. Still (back to the matter at hand) in today's economy, those servicemembers' families can most likely use every extra penny they can get, with moms and dads deployed to combat and essentially single parents left behind. Truth is, 99.9% of them are too proud to ask for help they more than likely need and more than deserve. And Lord knows this wonderful state that we live in has been so financially mismanaged that $200 million would he a huge help to schools and infastructure that someone is really wrestling with this idea for the vets, both fiscally and emotionally. And it shouldn't have had to come to that, or a vote. (Dismounting soapbox now.)
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