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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. I had no idea you're a Jew. This changes everything about our relationship.
  2. Never heard of this until you made this post, so I read the NY Times article. This looks awesome! Too short of notice to get out there this year, but let me wish you guys luck and lost of fun! Next year I plan to check this out for sure.
  3. :plus1:for leaving "Creature From the Black Lagoon" alone. GREAT classic movie just the way that it is. There is no originality left in Hollywood anymore. If we are remaking movies that stand alone on their own for over 20, 30 years...WTF?
  4. It coudl be worse. He could have gone to the hospital and recieved government managed healthcare.
  5. You should have pissed on the guy's truck tires, or crawled up on the hood and dropped a deuce. Good job not freaking out and going off road.
  6. No vision plan at work, huh? Can't get mama some glasses?
  7. 4? Only 4?! That's half of Octomom! And hers were store bought! Slacker. You're one of those lesbians who has sex with men only just to cover it up. I know yourr type, missy!
  8. We are some non-working motherfuckers around here.
  9. If I had my druthers, i would ride a Big Wheel. Since they don't make one load rated for me, I likes my sporty V-Twin. Though I do think either a sport/tourer (i.e. Interceptor) or cruiser is in my relatively near future as a compliment to the RC. I am just afraid I would fall asleep on it. I have damn near fallen asleep on my old GSXR.
  10. Brian, you are in my thoughts and on the prayler list on my fridge. I am in awe of your strength and resolve. Keep that attitude up and you will no doubt overcome this.
  11. :plus1:for the nurse! My incident was uninterrupted, thankfully, but I will be sure to give it another go the next time I am in the hosp.
  12. DJ JRMMiii spinnin' the luv soundtraXXX! Oh! Another one you can try is lying ont he couch with your bad leg buried in the back between the back and bottom cushions, and have her sit on ya sideways, just like she was sitting on the couch and grind away. Just trying to help!
  13. Set us up with a webcam and we'll hook you up with a whole soundtrack. Bow-chica wow-wow
  14. Hospital sex rocks! Getting a hummer while hooked up to heart rate monitors in the cardiac unit of the local hospital was a nice way to test the equipment.
  15. the only time our bones are close to one another is when yer girl's south entrance and exit ramps clogged with blue veined traffic. HA!
  16. When I had my knee surgery, the only two positions I could do it in for months were spooning, laying on the side that wasn't injured, and the other was on the couch with me lying on the bottom with my bad leg hangning off the couch and my foot resting on the floor. I wasn't allowed to put any weight on it for 6-8 weeks, so my leg was mostly supported by pillows. But by having it out of the way a little bit it helped. Have you seent he doctor yet? Because if your knee hurts worse than the pleasure you get from scroggin' with the little lady, something is very much wrong. trust me. Trust me. Torn ligaments, cartilage, bone on bone knee joint and I still had to get my freak on. Good luck amigo!
  17. I have the DVR set to record the whole season. Watched all of season one and am a big fan.
  18. I remember that day with the same vividness of the days my children were born. Like Nick, I saw the second tower hit live on TV in my office. I remember (and still often feel) the cocktail of emotions that swelled within me, from anger and rage to sadness and horror. It was a horrifying awakening for some as to how unsafe the world it, and exactly what kind of price is paid to be free. May the souls of those lost that day and those since to avenge that loss rest eternally with their maker, and heaven watch kindly over those continuting to protect our freedom both in distant lands in within our back yards. If you wear any uniform in support of the freedoms of this great nation or ones that protect and care for us here at home, know that not just today, but everyday, you are loved, appreciated, and respected. Semper Fidelis.
  19. Now you know what us non-Kawi mounted riders thing about the number of Ninjas still on the road. :grin:
  20. No, that is a completely different correctional program all together. The way they act, it's more like a juvenile group home. (Here comes the back hand from JRP.) GO BROWNS!
  21. I did see where NBC is showing a reality show this evening about the Allegheny County work release program where inmates are allowed to play sports with civilians, who in this case will be brought in from Tennessee. Fascinating!
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