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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. RVTPilot


    Take good care of yourself while you're over there. Come home in one piece. Please.
  2. RVTPilot


    Couldn't have said it any better. Semper Fi!
  3. There is no Christmas Ale in Georgia. You might want to try a little closer to home and check out a Giant Eagle.
  4. Maybe she's just trying to shoplift a metric ton of cottage cheese out of the store in her pantyhose.
  5. Entirely possible. If that's the case, that's gotta be one helluva worm hole at the center of that.
  6. I am not sure that he's so much grabbing it out of love, but probably to keep it from slapping down against her thigh and stop the loose mudflap sound from echoing throughout the store.
  7. No AYCE anything, but had me some cocnut jumbo shrimp in the pina collada sauce with a side of shrimp linguini alfredo. Zzzzzzzzzzz:coffee:
  8. Oh I just got back from Red Lobster myself. Commencing food coma now.
  9. Oh no....you're not tricking me into clickin on that link! No no no!
  10. This post is full of win! Mad props to you, my friend! And the vom is one reason I hate banging drunk chicks. You jostle them around so much scrogging the hell out of them, and next thing you know, they are going supermodel all over the floor. They almost deserve the purple helmet brown-eye glaucoma check.
  11. That's some good shit! Then I went snooping around and found this: http://www.womenwithmustaches.com/ I was going to go to Red Lobster for lunch. I am now no longer hungry.
  12. Whad do you do for said sucky company?
  13. QFT. Then there are the ones that scream PIIMB while drunk, then scream at you the next morning for doing so. Then scream louder when you tell them their sister never yells at you for doing that.
  14. That's not a problem. I have the same alcohol related condition. And the vaginal affect on a female's hearing has a directly proportionate value to the size of it relaitve to her ears. If she has a cavernous mantrap, sounds taken in will resonate much louder. Hence us sounding more into it when we are shagging a maiden with whiskey dick and sounding like we are really into her, even though its like tossing a hot dog down the hallway.
  15. I have room if you and some of the C-bus folks wanna crash up here. So long as the RVT Haus stays intact as Christmas weekend is also the weekend I have my kids next. But I think this is a grand idea. Glad we thought of it!
  16. My only other weekend it looks like here then is the 19th of Dec. How's that look for ya? I know it's the weekend before Christmas, but that's still hear heart of the holidays. Thoughts??
  17. Then bring your drinking shoes, sunshine! Yota, if we can get a 1/4 barrel or something for around the price you're talking, a handfull of us going in at $30 or so a pop would be a deal! I am looking at me kid weekend schedule, and Saturday, December 5th is looking good up here.
  18. I have room up here, especially now that I am "single". I will make a call. Its a long shot, but my cousin's youngets boy is a driver for House of LaRose, a distributor up here. Wonder if he can gets us a deal or something. And JRMMiiii, you can come, and drink Sprite you uncultured dweeb.
  19. Yota...that's it! We need to throw a Christmas Ale Virgins Orgy! Anyone who has not had the stuff needs to sign up and we'll have a shindig to bust all of their cherries at one festive yuletide event. If more folks are in C-Bus, you host it, if more are in NEO, I will. WHO'S COMIN' WITH ME?!?!
  20. I am sure we can "find' some OR event this holiday season to embibe together in some Christmas Crack.
  21. Christmas Ale is nectar of the gods, Yota! I will be stocking the fridge this weekend with it and having a very merry holiday season!
  22. Right back at ya, Devildog, and to all our Marine brothers and sisters! Lord only knows what gutter I'd be living in were it not for the Corps. Semper Fi!
  23. A good friend and fellow season ticket holder and I firmly believe it's a long day at work Monday after a Browns loss, and a lot easier to get out of bed and go in Mondays after a win.
  24. The Browns will go two Sundays in a row without losing. Then Monday will come and the losing will continue.
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