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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. RVTPilot


    I sit on our committee for the Unitedd Way here at work, and donate toys to the Toys for Tots (run by my beloved Marines) and am proud of Casper and our board for doing something each year. It's tight for all of us, I know. This is my first Christmas as a single dad. But so many have it so much worse than I do.
  2. Hell yes. Everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. There is a ton of taxable revenue that is lost each year over our borders or potential income that won't be realized until this happens.
  3. My bro-in-law did pizza delivery and made pretty good money. 20 deliveries a night at $2-4 in tips each stop was enough to help out, even doing it a mere 2-3 nights a week.
  4. Addition by subtraction. I don't care what we got for him.
  5. Wonder how soon it will take Micahel Moore to make an absurd documentary about this 3rd world country's malaise.
  6. You've TAKEN it Mezzican style, amigo! Who wants a Dirty Sanchez?! JRMMiii wants a Dirty Sanchez.
  7. Maybe he's realted to your landlord?
  8. Yeah, Mitch died of a heroine OD. (Well, a heart attack due to more heroine in one's system than it was designed to carry.) He was funny as hell. Not the greatest jokes, but once of the best delieveries in all of comedy.
  9. Want some more of this home made Sprite?
  10. We had the gay games when Greg Louganis was a diver for the US team.
  11. ...you can be saved by the buoyency of citrus! (with apologies to the late Mitch Hedberg)
  12. As the old saying goes, "a friend will help you move, a true friend will help you move a body." I would suspect there are some corps toting MF'ers around here.
  13. Nah, that'd be too good for him. Let him hang out and watch our dramatic azzes. :roll:
  14. The rest is a hodge podge of French, German, some Native American, and Irish. Mostly a mutt, but as you can see, always drunk.
  15. Mangoomba is an idiot. Not that I thought Quinn was or wasn't he guy, or that Anderson is or isn't either. But this team looks so much worse than the squad they rolled out in '99 it's almost funny. The difference here is that a lot of those guys hadn't started more than a handful of games in their respective careers. Some of these guys have been in the league 5-6 years and started for almost as many seasons somewhere. Sad
  16. Hush junior. We adults are talking.
  17. That was the joke. I have noticed it, along with your smiley guy and his sign. It was just funny that you made light of your heritage and faith in that opening post. And since I am a knucklehead, I spoofed on it. Because I am a dick. r1crusher and JRMMiii will tell you that. But you should know this already anyway. And methinks you and I share a trait in our appreciation and exercise of self-depricating humor. So unless the Jews have something against 1/4 Mezzicans, I would guess we're all good.
  18. No, 1/4th Mezzican. I just like to bust on my buds with feighned evil intentions. Matt knows I'm a knucklehead.
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