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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. I'll check this out when I get home in case someone yanks out a funky marble bag on my external monitor while the boss is here.
  2. Welcome! Glad to have another aboard!
  3. :plus1:Cleveland to us native 'landers is like our kid brother. The only ones allowed to pick on it are us. So fuck off! Welcome to the northcoast, MM! I relocated back home about 9 years ago from sunny Jacksonville, FL (you know, ATL's most distant suburb) and do miss riding every day. But then again, having indoor plumbing and school text books that don't refer to the Civil War as "Current Events" is nice. Plus, snowball fights are a good way to relieve winter stress. Nice choice of bike, BTW! Kind of a fan of twins.
  4. RIP, young Kev, and thoughts and prayers for the family and friends. td, I'll be thinking about you, man.
  5. I plan on getting out Sunday. have a few hours in the early part of the day to burn off some fun.
  6. Where's QwikZX9R dude, or whatever the hell his name was? He could kill two birds with one stone here and teach the young lad how to ride so well he won't need full gear. Young master Jayson will be dragging a knee in cargo shorts by Memorial Day! AGATMFT!
  7. I would tell you to not get hung up on the looks of the SV. As you can see by the kinds of bikes owned by those recommending it, the people around you who know bikes know its a smart bike. And looking smart is 1000 times better than looking cool. Not that you are in it simply for looks, but I think you get my meaning. (Though you were looking at a Can-a-tuna, and those are ugly as home made sin.) Anyway, The SV would be a solid mount to begin with (as has been stated ad nauseum) and cheap to maintain. As far as insurance, that's like asking what one's favorite condom is. We all hate having it around, but you need to find one that fits you best. (JRMMiii uses a diaphragm for his mangina, just so you know.) I have State Farm, and though I am twice your age, I pay ~$20 a month for full coverage, $250 deductable on my RC. State Farm classes bikes (at the moment) simply by displacement. Other companies, such as Progressive, will pigeon hole you based on the style. Not that its bad, but its the busienss. (Ask Likwid.) Regardless of who you chose to insure yourself with, go take the MSF. You will never regret doing so.
  8. :plus1:I would have said Camaro up until GM screwed the pooch last year. But get a twin, Matthew!
  9. Oh c'mon! You can't be off your game that bad this morning. You've been on a roll this whole week!
  10. Welcome aboard! Good on ya for stepping up and asking for some help. Believe me, I don't think anyone here thinks they are done learning aspects of riding, so we all learn from one another. Keep working hard and when riding season gets here, we'll bring ya along on some of our little jaunts around here. There are some great guys and gals on this board, but I'm sure you'll see that soon enough. A 600 is a good place to start, and something that is common. That way if(when) gravity takes over, replacment parts are easy and cheap to find.
  11. Tell him, KK. Fuckin' skirt.
  12. if you are worried about your size on a sportbike, go dig through the pics forum and find a pic where some dude has a chick on the back who weighs a metric ton. Whatever kind of bike that is, go get that one. Then, with whatever you have left, buy the nicest car you can put snow tires on so you can drive that bitch next winter. I'm not saying you're that big, but if it can handle Wynona riding bitch, you are in like flynn.
  13. 'cause you haven't seen me since my last parole violation. You never call, you never write....see if I ride behind you anymore to save your ears.
  14. You pussy! On that thing you should be able to rock a knack-knack standing in the saddle. Good think you're not tied up at work so you can really practice this tonight. Wheelie lessons by moonlight is romantic.
  15. I wish I could. Those of us in general pop have to share one 'puter, and its usually covered in jism. I can't wait to bump down to a min security joint.
  16. Showoff.... Gawdamn the pinstripes is secksie! Just sick, Bri.
  17. +1. Also, if the forks are different colors, you might wanna find out why.
  18. SWAT may have been called out too if there was fear of a breach of the base perimieter to protect private citizens on the other side of the wall.
  19. I hear with Kawis, its a lot like having an Mac. You just need to suck it up and trade it in. Hence the development of the ZX-14.
  20. True. Its the dark side of multifunctionality. Some days, I like my older bike.
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