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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Trust him! What harm is it to give personal information out over the interwebz? VNC is a nice tool. I use it all day long, though not into servers, however some of our other network types do. VPN is a pretty safe means to get in. Inya and Tonik hit is right really. So I'll shutup.
  2. The fine men and women of our armed forces are, by and large, a cross-section of our country, and our culture. Just because someone has been trained on how a weapon works doesn't mean they should all be toting one around freely. And I can tell you personally there are folks in the military that probalbly shouldn't be. Plain and simple. So yeah, there's no need to have them all armed, all the time, same as life outside the fortress walls.
  3. Man, see, I'm jealous. My old '03 doesn't have hotkey functionality with the current OS. But if I run the updates, it adds other things like Windows does...like auto adjust the rear suspension for fat chicks.
  4. No, the k7 750 requires Fn+F7. Then choose wheelie from the hooligan dropdown menu, and click OK.
  5. Nope. Just one of us! And to the author of this fine thread that we have hijacked so successfuly, just be careful out there. Have fun, but keep your head. Gixxer surfing is not fun. Though, as mi amigo 1000rrrider said, we love to watch!
  6. +1. We won't need them for the track.
  7. Fuck. We're gonna end up with some little guy in the group bitching the back end is too stiff and chattering down the back straight. I mean, sure wrillo....you can come out and play!
  8. Props to the Moonenites! In your face!!!
  9. This is why you are the head honcho around here. Someone has to exercise a modocum of common sense. We sure as hell aren't gonna!
  10. True JRM. Maybe Kev and I will finally get off our asses and get that track bike next year and go get our licenses. wrillo, if you can handle us being slow noobs on the track, and have thick skin when it comes to digging on eachother, you can suit up in our paddock as far as I am concerned.
  11. With ya wrillo. It's been a year full of Sundays since I was active duty and that was long before 9/11. But even on base, someone toting a weapon that shouldn't be was fairly conspicuous. RIP to the victims and thoughts and prayers to the families.
  12. Like an Iraqi AK...never fired and only dropped once. Count me in JRMM, and Kev for that matter too. You know we're good for it. I see an endurance team in our future.
  13. Ya know, if these kids would buy twins, they would just wheelie on their own.
  14. Ah, a sheep pimp. Entreprenurism at its best.
  15. Britten was beyond ahead of his time. He forgot more about motorcycle innovation than Erik Buell could learn, and that's not intended to be a dig on Buell.
  16. Dammit. I was looking for a molested one.
  17. The MK19 is explosive hottness. Only time I got ot handle one was MCT, but gawdamn it was sweet. This was me (on the right) and a buddy while deployed to Nyuta Air Base on the island of Nyurtaburu, which is off the southeast coast of mainlaind Japan. The small detachment from our squadron were the only round eyes on the island. We lived in the Japanese Air Force's barracks, ate their cuisine in their chowhall, and drank lots and lots of their liquor. They were incredible hosts, and one of the fondest memories I have of my time overseas. [ATTACH]1452[/ATTACH]
  18. FTW!!! It's twuu! It's twuu! OH, IT'S TWUUUUU!
  19. I was just about to say..what, first you wanna take our women, now our babies? Next thing you know, you'll wanna vote and drink from the same water fountain as us.
  20. Justin.....man, I just don't know about you sometimes. Care to tell me how you came across bat daisy chaining while researching new garbage truck engineering technologies?
  21. I will not have my fwiends widiculed by the common soldiewy. - - Anybody else feel like a little... giggle... when I mention my fwiend... Biggus...Dickus?
  22. No one expects the Spanish Iquisition!!
  23. Just when you think people are done scrounging around in the most obscure ways to prompte themeselves, the Anti Defamation League pulls this stunt. I have always beena closet Penn State fan, but now I am looking to buy one of these shirts myself and wear the fucker out. Not becuase I think it IS what the ADL is saying it is, but simply because it pisses them off. And before anyone thinks this is an anti-semetic rant, its anything but. I have a great respect and fondness for the Jewish community. But they apparently have their own Pat Robertsons and Jesse Jacksons. http://www.cleveland.com/ohio-sports-blog/index.ssf/2009/10/penn_state.html
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