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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. You, my friend, are on a wicked roll!
  2. Dude...the album of RC pics is like porn to me. Mad props!

  3. :lol:Would have repped ya, but wasn't allowed.
  4. Voodoo Chile - Stevie Ray Vaughn miss you SRV
  5. Hey sexy GIIIIIIRRRRLLLLLLLfrieennnndd! Godspeed, John!
  6. Oh she ain't got nearly the "upfront impressionables" you gots girlie. Don't shame yourself down to that.
  7. I should so be working right now, but this is more interesting.
  8. $40k for a Taurus?! My dyin' ass! Ain't no way I'd pay that kind of cash for that.
  9. I am the opposite of JRMMiii. If I go, it would be later.
  10. QFT. Money may not be the only thing, but it's the controlling factor, rather than a mitigating one.
  11. Sounds like a plan, knicks! I will be good to jump about 6:30 if you wanna meet there Monday.
  12. RVTPilot


    okay I just puked in my mouth a little bit:puke:
  13. OcotMom needs drug around by her overused ovarian tubes.
  14. When you figure this out, you will have the oracle to all childhood understanding. I can tell you that having raised two children to the ages of 8 and 5 currently, that the time spent playing with the stupid box is directly proportionate to how much I spent on the toy inside. I think they do that on purpose to aggravate me after having spent $60 or $70 on something for a toddler.
  15. +1 for SOA 'rrrider Most of the stuff on Adult Swim The Cleaner House Family Guy Modern Marvels Dirty Jobs
  16. Woot! Geeks unite! We're all meeting in my parents' basement for Sunny D and Axis and Allies!
  17. Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Hell of a hat
  18. Welcome fellow Ridgetuckian! Listen for a offensively loud RC51, and that's where you'll find me.
  19. Excellent write up, Lizard! It's reads like this that make me want to hurry to a point where all my time is spent on the track. Funds and the desire to ride whenever I want inhibit that now, but hopefully I can change that soon. As far as the 1125, thanks for the detailed info. It is a bike that I have been curious about, being a big V Twin guy myself. I hope to throw a leg over one sometime soon. And riding with Nick had to be the shiznit! My first trackday instructor was Dave Aldana, and for me it was like Christmas times 10. I couldn't shut up about it for weeks.
  20. bump for an incredible machine. simply stunning.
  21. I have a friend that I was in the Corps with who is one of the IT security managers down there.
  22. You are a bunch of undesireables, hence me tossing myself in with the lot. And some OR luv couldn't hurt my boys league.
  23. I have to work our town's summer festival that weekend for my son's football league, but I am not sure which day. If I can make it I will. But I may not know until the Thursday or Friday before.
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