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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. QFT...Good show. Now....
  2. Are you implying it's safer to ask the man if it's okay to see his Missus titties rather than her herself? They are hers. But I do understand we have protocol. And now I find myself discussing in an open forum another man's wife and her blessings, when I am not interested in doing so. Once again, Uncle Punk has foiled even the most educated thinkers in myself. It's not like I am JRMMiii or r1crusher, spewing forth what escapes my mouth before my brain can organize it. To boot, we have started to hijack CBR_BRI's welcome thread! What bastards we be! CBR_BRI...welcome to our group! I do not, nor do I advocate anything illicit having to do with Mrs. CBR_BRI. I will leave that to others, whom I am sure will be happy to oblige. Or you. You are her hubby. Go on with your bad self!
  3. RVTPilot

    nice shirts

    old bewbies need jizz too
  4. Welcome indeed! I be in North Ridgetucky.
  5. Gald to hear you were geared up. The bike can and will be replaced, as should your gear. Some lessons in humilty are expensive, but at least yours only cost you an insurance claim. I think we've all been there, or at least close at some point.
  6. Just got home to find this. Thanks for the update Fonz, and I'll continue to pray for him and your family.
  7. We get the point. Now can someone give chachi MJ's aforementioned hug so this can go back to being a thread about one of us being a bra and hot chicks riding bikes?
  8. Nice pick up! Will the bike be doing dual duty, or strictly track?
  9. When I lived in a townhouse w/out a garage, mine resided in the house. And while the smell of new tires and fuel is usually intoxicating, over the winter months in the house proved nauseating. So house hunting I went, and only a garage would do.
  10. But what if I prefer to be like my favorite bra and be black and lacey as well as supportive? Actually, my favorite bra is a warm one on the floor.
  11. Mr. A., I probably don't have anything to offer that hasn't been offered up here, however it won't stop me from extending a hand or an ear. I would say from my experience with people that you aren't quite emotionally ready yet to have an unxepected answer cast your direction. That said, perhaps it's the answer to some questions you do have that will give your soul that solace. I can empathize with wanting to find the roots of your bloodline. Yet as others have said, family is made not merely from DNA, but from the meshing of souls between loved ones. I have family that I share no blood with, yet have family I would find hard to invest emotionally into. Your adoptive parents have a love not often found in most being so willing to bring you here, and mold you into (from what all I can see through here) a fine and decent young man. And one day, when you are a parent, you will find out how much more rewarding and what it feels to love someone as they love you. All I can say is it's different, and you will never understand until you are there. With the chaotic situation in which you entered this world physically, try to withold judgement on any players at that time. Emotions exercised on partial information robs us of the integrity of our soul. As you embark on this journey, keep an even keel as much as possible and keep your mind open. And regardless what you find, you appear in a good place now. Don't allow what you find to adversely affect that. And Godspeed to you.
  12. You tell her we all say to f*ck right straight off. Chicks who ride their own bike are most certainly hawt, so long as you can still see the lowers around their thighs. If they look like a hippo on a bicycle, then the hotness ends. You haven't that problem, so she can pound salt.
  13. This is sad to hear, as always. That is one of the reasons I don't ride down back country roads at night anymore. He was down in Ashland, which is good bit from here, but still, we have plenty in our area like that. And while you're all probably right that a helpemt wouldn't have saved him, it's still not an excuse (though used frequently from the knuckleheads that don't gear up) to have something on your head. Thoughts and prayers to the family and loved ones, whomever they may be.
  14. Welcome! You are right in my backyard (along with JRMMiii, r1crusher and a couple others)! And nice choice of machine!
  15. Glad to see someone stopped. Props to them. Unfortuantely, the last time I stopped to help someone, they hit me a mile later. Fucker!
  16. QFT. Likwid, i can tell you that on the RC, unless I am up on the slab and crusing, I am hardly ever in 6th, or even 5th when buzzing around town. I like to keep it where I am moving along comfortably just at the bottom of where my powerband picks up. That way I am a wrist twitch from being in the middle of where my power is, for those unforseen occasions. As everyone here ha said, you will just get used to it and find a place with the engine that works. It's a lot like masturbating, only more expensive when things blow. But I think there are a couple guys around here that can fix a bike.
  17. Boobies. Please move to NWS forum.
  18. @MJ - bring your enginerd ass northward. There's plenty. If not, there will be other ride & grills from RVT's hangar. @Inya - You are free to show up as is. Hoping it's nice enough to ride too. If it is and the PC doesn't land like it should (nothing to say it won't) Me, you, and Kev can go hit it for a while. If it's shitty, there's a pool table in the basement and grey goose in the bar.
  19. Touching poo is quite the deterrant.
  20. I will be home and have the grill warming up by 6. Come hungry. I have some burgers to cook up.
  21. QFT - Hey, you comin' out tomorrow to help Kev and I with the PC?
  22. Trust me. I am a newly single dad with a whole mortgage and the lot that goes with it. So I am collecting all the OT I can when I don't have my kids. But when I do, or the time to ride, I is out doin' it.
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